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Adding Modems

The next step is to add modems to HylaFAX. These are added with the faxaddmodem script, which guides you through each step in configuring the modems. HylaFAX works with most Class 1 and Class 2 fax modems, which means the majority of modems that support fax capabilities available today. When you run faxaddmodem, you are asked a series of questions, most of which you should leave with the default settings (again, this routine should be run as root):

# faxaddmodem

Verifying your system is set up properly for fax service…

There is no entry for the fax user in the password file.

The fax software needs a name to work properly; add it [yes]?

  Added user “fax” to /etc/passwd.

  Added fax user to “/etc/passwd.sgi”.

There does not appear to be an entry for the fax service in

either the yellow pages database or the /etc/services file;

should an entry be added to /etc/services [yes]?

There is no entry for the fax service in “/usr/etc/inetd.conf”;

should one be added [yes]?

Poking inetd so that it rereads the configuration file.

There does not appear to be an entry for the FaxMaster in

either the yellow pages database or the /usr/lib/aliases file;

should an entry be added to /usr/lib/aliases [yes]?

Users to receive fax-related mail [root]?

Rebuilding /usr/lib/aliases database.

46 aliases, longest 81 bytes, 923 bytes total

Done verifying system setup.

Serial port that modem is connected to []? cua1

Ok, time to set up a configuration file for the modem. The manual

page config(4F) may be useful during this process. Also be aware

that at any time you can safely interrupt this procedure.

No existing configuration. Let’s do this from scratch.

Phone number of fax modem []? +1.613.838.1234

This is the phone number associated with the modem being configured.

It is passed as an “identity”’ to peer fax machines and it may

also appear on tag lines created by the fax server.

The phone number should be a complete international dialing specification

in the form +<country code> <area code> <local part>.

Any other characters included for readability are automatically

removed if they might cause problems.

Area code []? 613

Country code [1]?

Long distance dialing prefix [1]?

International dialing prefix [011]?

Tracing during normal server operation [1]?

Tracing during send and receive sessions [11]?

Protection mode for received fax [0600]?

Rings to wait before answering [1]?

Modem speaker volume [off]?

The server configuration parameters are

  FAXNumber:              +1.613.838.1234

  AreaCode                613

  CountryCode             1

  LongDistancePrefix:     1

  InternationalPrefix:    011

  ServerTracing:          1

  SessionTracing:         11

  RecvFileMode:           0600

  RingsBeforeAnswer:      1

  SpeakerVolume:          off

   Are these ok [yes]?

Now we are going to probe the tty port to figure out the type

of modem that is attached. This takes a few seconds, so be patient.

Note that if you do not have the modem cabled to the port, or the

modem is turned off, this may hang (just go and cable up the modem

or turn it on, or whatever).

Hmm, this looks like a Class 1 modem.

Product code is “1444”.

Modem manufacturer is “USRobotics”.

Modem model is “Courier”.

Using prototype configuration file config.usr-courier…

The modem configuration parameters are:

ModemRate:              19200

ModemFlowControl:       xonxoff

ModemFlowControlCmd:    &H2

ModemSetupDTRCmd:       S13=1&D2

ModemSetupDCDCmd:       &C1

ModemDialCmd:           DT%s@

ModemResultCodesCmd     X4

Are these ok [yes]?

Startup a fax server for this modem [yes]

/usr/etc/faxd -m /dev/cua1

The only prompts that need your attention are the port the modem is attached to (/dev/cua1 used above is the second serial port, since a mouse usually resides on the first) and the phone number and area code of your fax line. You will notice that HylaFAX creates a user in the /etc/passwd file called “fax” which has the same User ID number (UID) as the uucp user since the modems are often shared between these two programs. HylaFAX allows multiple modems to be configured and managed if you have several incoming lines.

The HylaFAX program uses the application called faxd.recv to allow client applications to communicate with the HylaFAX server. The faxd.recv program is usually started from inetd when the system boots into multiuser mode. The HylaFAX configuration routine will likely add the proper entries to the inetd files. If not, you can add the following line to the inetd file:

fax stream tcp nowait fax /usr/libexec/fax.d/faxd.recv faxd.recv

To start the HylaFAX daemon you need to issue the following command with the proper port that you are using for your fax modem:

/usr/etc/faxd -m /dev/cua1

If you want to start the fax daemon every time you boot your system, place this command in the /etc/rc.d file.

The same daemon, faxd, is used by HylaFAX for both sending and receiving faxes. When you are receiving a fax, there is no way to abort other than turning off the modem.

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