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Direct Connection Through a Gateway

A direct connection (often called a dedicated connection) is one in which you attach into the Internet backbone through a dedicated machine called a gateway or IP router. The connection is over a dedicated telephone line capable of high-speed transfers (usually at 1.44Mb per second or faster). The gateway becomes part of the Internet architecture and must remain online at all times. You can then use any other computer on the gateway’s network to access the Internet services.

Typically, dedicated connections mean high volumes of traffic and require systems with an absolute minimum line speed of 9,600 baud, although high-speed fiber-optic lines with speed capabilities of 45Mbps are not unusual. It is very unlikely an individual or small company would have direct gateway access, primarily because of the high cost of installation and maintenance requirements.

To create a direct access system, you must work with the Internet Network Information Center (NIC) to set up the proper gateways on the Internet backbone for your domain. The capital expense of such a system is high, both for the initial hardware and software and for continuing support. High costs may also be involved with a dedicated telephone line capable of supporting high-speed data transfer. Common high-speed connections are T1 (1.544Mbps), T3 (4Mbps) and the much more affordable ISDN (128kbps).

Connecting Through Another Gateway

An alternative method of connecting to the Internet through a gateway relies on using a “friendly” machine or network. In such a system, a corporation or educational institution that has an Internet gateway may allow you to access the Internet through their system. Because this type of access gives you freedom on their networks, many organizations now refuse this type of piggy-back access.

If you are lucky enough to find a company or school that will let you use their network, you simply call into a communications port on the network or gateway, then route through the gateway to the Internet. In many ways, it’s as though you are a machine on the provider’s network. Typically, you have unlimited access to the Internet’s services, although some companies do set restrictions.

Using a Service Provider

Service providers are companies that have an Internet gateway that they share, although the gateway is often transparent to the users. This type of connection is often called “dialup” and uses SLIP (serial line interface protocol) or PPP (point-to-point protocol). Some service providers offer UUCP connections for email.

Service providers usually charge a flat fee for membership with an additional charge based on the amount of time or the number of characters transferred. Joining one of these services is quite easy. Domain names can be registered through many service providers, too, allowing you to use your own domain name even though you use a provider.

The primary advantage of direct service providers is that effectively you are directly connected to the Internet. All of the interworking with the service provider’s gateway is hidden inside your operating system’s setup, making it transparent. A disadvantage is that you cannot always arrange full access to the Internet. Some services do not allow you to FTP through their gateway to another Internet site, for example.

If you are considering using a direct service provider, you should ask the providers in your area about the services they offer, whether special hardware or software is needed, what the fees are, and whether they are based on a flat monthly rate or based on usage, and the kind of technical support available in case you have trouble.

An alternative to using a commercial service provider is to rely on one of the command-line access systems that are springing up in major cities. Such systems provide Internet access through their own gateways as a free service (subsidized by a corporation or government) or at a minimal cost. One popular access provider of this type is FreeNet, an international organization that gives users a unique username through the FreeNet domain. FreeNet is currently only available in some cities, but it does provide an extremely inexpensive and easy access method to the Internet. All you need is an account (which is usually just a telephone call away), a modem, and communications software.


Choosing the method with which you connect to the Internet is up to you, but most individuals find a direct service provider the best balance between cost and features, as long as you plan to keep your system running most of the time. Once you have a connection to the Internet, you can set up your server, as explained in the next four chapters. From here, you can learn how to:

Set up your machine to act as an FTP server in Chapter 48, “Setting up an FTP and Anonymous FTP Site.”
Set up and use Gopher in Chapter 50, “Setting up a Gopher Service.”
Set up your own Web server and home page in Chapter 51, “Configuring a WWW Site.”
Program your Web pages in Chapter 53, “HTML Programming Basics.”

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