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Map Installer Configuration File Options

Configuration options for the map installer can be stored in the file /etc/lilo/config. The file consists of sets of parameter-value pairs, although some options do not need a value. Whitespace can be used between parameters, the equal sign, and the value. Comments can be included by starting the line with a pound sign. A newline character terminates the comment.

As a rule, variable names are not case sensitive, whereas values usually are. It is good practice, though, to keep all entries lowercase (as is UNIX convention).

The options shown in Table 4.3 can be put into the map installer configuration file /etc/lilo/config.

Table 4.3.Map installation options.

Option Meaning

alias=name Allows an image to be called by the string name as well as its normal filename.
append=string Appends string to the command line passed to the kernel. Mostly used to pass boot parameters about hardware devices that are not automatically detected by the kernel.
backup=file Copies the original boot sector to file instead of /etc/lilo/ boot.hex_num. Can also be a device (like /dev/null).
boot=dev Specifies the device that contains the boot sector. If no name is specified, the currently mounted root partition is used.
compact Merges read requests for adjacent sectors into a single read request, reducing the load time and file size. This is commonly used with floppy disks.
delay=secs Gives the delay in tenths of a second to wait before booting the image. If no delay is given, boot is immediate.
disktab=file Gives the name of the disk parameter table. If no filename is given, /etc/lilo/disktab is used.
fix-table Lets LILO adjust sector/head/cylinder addresses. Usually used with operating systems that may change these addresses. LILO will readjust incorrect entries if fix-table is specified.
force-backup=file Similar to backup, but overwrites any existing file. If force-backup is used in the configuration options, any backup option is ignored.
install=sector Installs the image in the specified boot sector. If no value is given, /etc/lilo/boot.b is used.
label=name Renames an image to the alternate string name.
linear Generates linear sectors instead of sector/head/cylinder addresses. Linear addresses are independent of disk geometry and are translated in real time. Linear boot disks may not be portable.
literal=string Similar to the append variable but removes any other options, using only those specified in string.
map=file File is the map file location. If no value is given, /etc/lilo/map is used.
message=file Uses the file contents as a message displayed before the boot: prompt. The message cannot be larger than 64Kb. If the message is changed or moved, the map file must be rebuilt.
optional Makes an image optional. If the image’s file can’t be located, it is not booted. This is useful for testing new kernels.
password=password Sets a password for all images. If the option that is restricted exists, a password is required only to boot the image the configuration file refers to.
prompt Forces the boot: prompt without checking for any keypresses. Usually combined with timeout to force unattended reboots.
ramdisk=size Sets the optional RAM disk to size. Setting equal to zero suppresses the RAM disk.
read-only Mounts the root file system as read-only.
read-write Mounts the root file system as read-write.
restricted Relaxes password protection.
root=dev Specifies the device to be mounted as the root file system. If the value current is used, the root device is the device on which the root file system is currently mounted (unless changed with the -r command-line option).
serial=parms Sets a serial line for control, initializing the line and accepting input from it (as well as the console). The format of the parameters is port, baud_rate, parity, bits. When serial is set, the delay value is set to 20 automatically, unless overridden.
timeout=secs Sets the number of tenths of seconds to wait for keyboard input before loading the image. Also used to specify password input timeouts. Default value is infinite.
verbose=level Displays progress messages. The higher the level, the more messages. If the -v command line option is also included, the higher level is used.
vga=mode Sets the VGA text mode for use during booting. Valid values are normal (80×25 text mode); extended or ext (80×50 text mode); ask (prompt for the mode during boot); and any valid text mode value. To obtain a list of available modes, boot with the parameter vga=ask and press Enter when asked for a value. Case is not important in the values of the vga option.

If any parameter is not specified either on the command line or in the configuration file, default values are used. Some values are also maintained within the kernel image (such as ramdisk, root, and vga).

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