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Page 1208

EarlySC modename 0|1 This optional entry is specific to the S3 server only. It can be used to change the default EarlySC setting for individual modes. This setting can affect screen wrapping. If "modename" is "", the setting applies to all modes unless overridden by later entries.
BlankDelay modename value1 value2 This optional entry is specific to the S3 server only. It can be used to change the default blank delay settings for individual modes. This can affect screen wrapping. value1 and value2 must be integers in the range 0_7. If "modename" is "", the setting applies to all modes unless overridden by later entries.
Visual visual-name This optional entry sets the default root visual type. This can also be specified from the command line (see Xserver(1)). The visual types available for 8bpp X servers are (default is PseudoColor):







The visual type available for the 16bpp and 32bpp X servers is TrueColor.
The visual type available for the 1bpp X server is StaticGray.
The visual types available for the 4bpp X server are (default is PseudoColor):





Option optionstring This optional entry allows the user to select certain options provided by the drivers. Multiple Option entries can be given. The supported values for option-string are given in the appropriate X server manual pages.
Black red green blue This optional entry allows the "black" color to be specified. This is only supported with the VGA2 driver in the XF86_Mono server (for details, see XF86_Mono(1)).
White red green blue This optional entry allows the "white" color to be specified. This is only supported with the VGA2 driver in the XF86_Mono server (for details, see XF86_Mono(1)).

For an example of an XF86Config file, see the file installed as <XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config.eg.



<XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config. hostname <XRoot>/lib/X11/XF86Config

Note that <XRoot> refers to the root of the X11 install tree.


X(1), Xserver(1), XFree86(1), XF86_SVGA(1), XF86_VGA16(1), XF86_Mono(1), XF86_S3(1), XF86_8514(1), XF86_Mach8(1),

XF86_Mach32(1), XF86_P9000(1), XF86_AGX(1), XF86_W32(1)


Refer to the XFree86(1) manual page.

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