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MemBase baseaddress This optional entry specifies the memory base address of a graphics board's linear frame buffer. This entry is only used by a few X servers, and the interpretation of this base address may be different for different X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
IOBase baseaddress This optional entry specifies the IO base address. This entry is only used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
DACBase baseaddress This optional entry specifies the DAC base address. This entry is only used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
POSBase baseaddress This optional entry specifies the POS base address. This entry is only used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
COPBase baseaddress This optional entry specifies the coprocessor base address. This entry is only used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
VGABase baseaddress This optional entry specifies the VGA memory base address. This entry is only used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
Instance number This optional entry specifies the instance (which indicates if the chip is integrated on the motherboard or on an expansion card). This entry is only used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
Speedup selection This optional entry specifies the selection of speedups to be enabled. This entry is only used for a few X servers. Refer to the appropriate X server manual page for details.
S3MNAdjust MN This optional entry is specific to the S3 X server. For details, refer to the XF86_S3(1) manual page.
S3MClk clock This optional entry is specific to the S3 X server. For details, refer to the XF86_S3(1) manual page.
S3RefClock clock This optional entry is specific to the S3 X server. For details, refer to the XF86_S3(1) manual page.

The Screen sections are used to specify which graphics boards and monitors are used with a particular X server and the configuration in which they are to be used. The entries available for this section are

Driver driver-name Each Screen section must begin with a Driver entry, and the driver-name given in each Screen section must be unique. The driver-name determines which X server (or driver type within an X server when an X server supports more than one head) reads and uses a particular Screen section. The driver names available are






Accel is used by all the accelerated X servers (see XF86_Accel(1)). Mono is used by the non-VGA mono drivers in the 2-bit and 4-bit X servers (see XF86_Mono(1) and XF86_VGA16(1)). VGA2 and VGA16 are used by the VGA drivers in the 2-bit and 4-bit X servers. SVGA is used by the XF86_SVGA X server.
Device device-id Specifies which graphics device description is to be used.
Monitor monitor-id Specifies which monitor description is to be used.
ScreenNo scrnum This optional entry overrides the default screen numbering in a multi-headed configuration. The default numbering is determined by the ordering of the Screen sections in the XF86Config file. To override this, all relevant Screen sections must have this entry specified.

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BlankTime time Sets the inactivity time-out for the blanking phase of the screensaver. time is in minutes, and the default is 10. This is equivalent to the X server's -s flag, and the value can be changed at runtime with xset(1).
SuspendTime time Sets the inactivity time-out for the "suspend" phase of the screensaver. time is in minutes, the default is 15, and it can be changed at runtime with xvidtune(1). This is only suitable for VESA DPMS compatible monitors and is only supported currently by some X servers. The "power_saver" Option must be set for this to be enabled.
OffTime time Sets the inactivity time-out for the "off" phase of the screensaver. time is in minutes, the default is 30, and it can be changed at runtime with xvidtune(1). This is only suitable for VESA DPMS compatible monitors and is only supported currently by some X servers. The "power_saver" Option must be set for this to be enabled.
SubSection Display This entry is a subsection that is used to specify some display specific parameters. This subsection is terminated by an EndSubSection entry. For some X servers and drivers (those requiring a list of video modes), this subsection is mandatory. For X servers that support multiple display depths, more than one Display subsec-tion can be present. When multiple Display subsections are present, each must have a unique Depth entry. The entries available for the Display subsection are
Depth bpp This entry is mandatory when more than one Display subsection is present in a Screen section. When only one Display subsection is present, it specifies the default depth where the X server will run. When more than one Display subsection is present, the depth determines which gets used by the X server. The subsection used is the one matching the depth at which the X server is run. Not all X servers (or drivers) support more than one depth. Permitted values for bpp are 8, 15, 16, 24, and 32. Not all X servers (or drivers) support all these values. bpp values of 24 and 32 are treated equivalently by those X servers that support them.
Weight RGB This optional entry specifies the relative RGB weighting to be used for an X server running at 16bpp. This may also be specified from the command line (see XFree86(1)). Values supported by most 16bpp X servers are 555 and 565. For further details, refer to the appropriate X server manual page.
Virtual xdim ydim This optional entry specifies the virtual screen resolution to be used. xdim must be a multiple of either 8 or 16 for most color X servers and a multiple of 32 for the monochrome X server. The given value is rounded down if this is not the case. For most X servers, video modes that are too large for the specified virtual size are rejected. If this entry is not present, the virtual screen resolution is set to accommodate all the valid video modes given in the Modes entry. Some X servers do not support this entry. Refer to the appropriate X server manual pages for details.
ViewPort x0 y0 This optional entry sets the upper-left corner of the initial display. This is only relevant when the virtual screen resolution is different from the resolution of the initial video mode. If this entry is not given, then the initial display is centered in the virtual display area.
Modes modename ... This entry is mandatory for most X servers, and it specifies the list of video modes to use. The video mode names must correspond to those specified in the appropriate Monitor section. Most X servers delete modes from this list that don't satisfy various requirements. The first valid mode in this list is the default display mode for startup. The list of valid modes is converted internally into a circular list. It is possible to switch to the next mode with Ctrl+Alt+Keypad Plus and to the previous mode with Ctrl+Alt+Keypad Minus.
InvertVCLK modename 0|1 This optional entry is specific to the S3 server only. It can be used to change the default VCLK invert/non-invert state for individual modes. If "modename" is "", the setting applies to all modes unless overridden by later entries.

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