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One should specify BusMouse for the Logitech bus mouse. Also, many newer Logitech serial mice use either the Microsoft or MouseMan protocol. Xqueue should be specified here if it was used in the Keyboard section. OSMouse refers to the event-driver mouse interface available on SCO's SVR3. This may optionally be followed by a number specifying the number of buttons the mouse has.

Device "pointer-dev" Specifies the device the server should open for pointer input (such as /dev/tty00 or /dev/mouse). A device should not be specified when using the Xqueue or OSMouse protocols.
BaudRate rate Sets the baud rate of the serial mouse to rate. For mice that allow dynamic speed adjustments (such as Logitech), the baud rate is changed in the mouse. Otherwise, the rate is simply set on the computer's side to allow mice with non-standard rates (the standard rate is 1200).
Emulate3Buttons Enables the emulation of the third mouse button for mice that only have two physical buttons. The third button is emulated by pressing both buttons simultaneously.
Emulate3Timeout timeout Sets the time (in milliseconds) that the server waits before deciding if two buttons were pressed "simultaneously" when three-button emulation is enabled. The default time-out is 50ms.
ChordMiddle Handles mice that send left+right events when the middle button is used (such as some Logitech Mouseman mice).
SampleRate rate Sets the number of motion/button-events the mouse sends per second. This is currently only supported for some Logitech mice.
ClearDTR This option clears the DTR line on the serial port used by the mouse. This option is only valid for a mouse using the MouseSystems protocol. Some dual-protocol mice require DTR to be cleared to operate in MouseSystems mode. Note, in versions of XFree86 prior to 2.1, this option also cleared the RTS line. A separate ClearRTS option has since been added for mice that require this.
ClearRTS This option clears the RTS line on the serial port used by the mouse. This option is only valid for a mouse using the MouseSystems protocol. Some dual-protocol mice require both DTR and RTS to be cleared to operate in MouseSystems mode. Both the ClearDTR and ClearRTS options should be used for such mice.

The Monitor sections are used to define the specifications of a monitor and a list of video modes suitable for use with a monitor. More than one Monitor section may be present in an XF86Config file. The entries available for this section are

Identifier "ID string" This specifies a string by which the monitor can be referred to in a later Screen section. Each Monitor section should have a unique ID string.
VendorName "vendor" This optional entry specifies the monitor's manufacturer.
ModelName "model" This optional entry specifies the monitor's model.
HorizSync horizsync-range Gives the ranges of horizontal sync frequencies supported by the monitor. horizsync-range may be a comma-separated list of either discrete values or ranges of values. A range of values is two values separated by a dash. By default, the values are in units of kHz. They may be specified in MHz or Hz if MHz or Hz is added to the end of the line. The data given here is used by the X server to determine if video modes are within the specifications of the monitor. This information should be available in the monitor's handbook.

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VertRefresh vertrefresh-range Gives the ranges of vertical refresh frequencies supported by the monitor. vertrefresh-range may be a comma-separated list of either discrete values or ranges of values. A range of values is two values separated by a dash. By default, the values are in units of Hz. They may be specified in MHz or kHz if MHz or kHz is added to the end of the line. The data given here is used by the X server to determine if video modes are within the specifications of the monitor. This information should be available in the monitor's handbook.
Gamma gamma-values This is an optional entry that can be used to specify the gamma correction for the monitor. It may be specified as either a single value or as three separate RGB values. Not all X servers are capable of using this information.
Mode "name" Indicates the start of a multi-line video mode description. The mode description is terminated with an End-Mode line. The mode description consists of the following entries:
DotClock clock The dot clock rate to be used for the mode.
HTimings hdisp hsyncstart hsyncend htotal Specifies the horizontal timings for the mode.
VTimings vdisp vsyncstart vsyncend vtotal Specifies the vertical timings for the mode.
Flags "flag" ... Specifies an optional set of mode flags. Interlace indicates that the mode is interlaced. DoubleScan indicates a mode where each scanline is doubled. +HSync and -HSync can be used to select the polarity of the HSync signal. +VSync and -VSync can be used to select the polarity of the VSync signal. Composite can be used to specify composite sync on hardware where this is supported. Additionally, on some hardware, +CSync and -CSync may be used to select the composite sync polarity.
Modeline "name" mode-description A single line format for specifying video modes. The mode-description is in four sections, the first three of which are mandatory. The first is the pixel clock. This is a single number specifying the pixel clock rate for the mode. The second section is a list of four numbers specifying the horizontal timings. These numbers are the hdisp, hsyncstart, hsyncend, htotal. The third section is a list of four numbers specifying the vertical timings. These numbers are vdisp, vsyncstart, vsyncend, vtotal. The final section is a list of flags specifying other characteristics of the mode. Interlace indicates that the mode is interlaced. DoubleScan indicates a mode where each scanline is doubled. +HSync and _HSync can be used to select the polarity of the HSync signal. +VSync and _VSync can be used to select the polarity of the VSync signal. Composite can be used to specify composite sync on hardware where this is supported. Additionally, on some hardware, +CSync and -CSync may be used to select the composite sync polarity.

The Device sections are used to define a graphics device (video board). More than one Device section may be present in an XF86Config file. The entries available for this section are

Identifier "ID string" This specifies a string by which the graphics device can be referred to in a later Screen section. Each Device section should have a unique ID string.
VendorName "vendor" This optional entry specifies the graphics device's manufacturer.
BoardName "model" This optional entry specifies the name of the graphics device.
Chipset "chipset-type" This optional entry specifies the chipset used on the graphics board. In most cases, this entry is not required because the X servers will probe the hardware to determine the chipset type.

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