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XF86Config—Configuration file for XFree86.


XFree86 uses a configuration file called XF86Config for its initial setup. This configuration file is searched for in the following places:




<XRoot> refers to the root of the X11 install tree.

This file is composed of a number of sections. Each section has the form:

Section "SectionName"

SectionEntry ...


The section names are

Files File pathnames
ServerFlags Server flags
Keyboard Keyboard configuration
Pointer Pointer configuration
Monitor Monitor description
Device Graphics device description
Screen Screen configuration

The Files section is used to specify the default font path and the path to the RGB database. These paths can also be set from the command line (see Xserver(1)). The entries available for this section are

FontPath "path" Sets the search path for fonts. This path is a comma-separated list of directories that the X server searches for font databases. Multiple FontPath entries may be specified, and they will be concatenated to build up the fontpath used by the server.
X11R6 allows the X server to request fonts from a font server. A font server is specified by placing a "<trans>/<hostname>:<port_number >" entry into the fontpath. For example, the fontpath


tells the X server to first try to locate the font in the local directory /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc. If that fails, then request the font from the font server running on machine zok listening for connections on TCP port number 7100.
RGBPath "path" Sets the path name for the RGB color database.

The ServerFlags section is used to specify some miscellaneous X server options. The entries available for this section are

NoTrapSignals This prevents the X server from trapping a range of unexpected fatal signals and exiting cleanly. Instead, the X server will die and drop core where the fault occurred. The default behavior is for the X server exit cleanly but still drop a core file. In general, you never want to use this option unless you are debugging an X server problem.
DontZap This disallows the use of the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace sequence. This sequence allows you to terminate the X server. Setting DontZap allows this key sequence to be passed to clients.
DontZoom This disallows the use of the Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Plus and Ctrl+Alt+Keypad-Minus sequences. These sequences allow you to switch between video modes. Setting DontZoom allows these key sequences to be passed to clients.

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The Keyboard section is used to specify the keyboard input device, parameters, and some default keyboard mapping options. The entries available for this section are

Protocol "kbd-protocol" kbd-protocol may be either Standard or Xqueue. Xqueue is specified when using the event queue driver on SVR3 or SVR4.
AutoRepeat delay rate Changes the behavior of the autorepeat of the keyboard. This does not work on all platforms.
ServerNumLock Forces the X server to handle the numlock key internally. The X server sends a different set of keycodes for the numpad when the numlock key is active. This enables applications to make use of the numpad.

LeftAlt mapping RightAlt mapping AltGr mapping

ScrollLock mapping RightCtl mapping

Allows a default mapping to be set for the preceding keys (note that AltGr is a synonym for RightAlt). The values that may be specified for mapping are







The default mapping when none of these options are specified is

LeftAlt Meta

RightAlt Meta

ScrollLock Compose

RightCtl Control

XLeds led ... Makes led available for clients instead of using the traditional function (Scroll Lock, Caps Lock, and Num Lock). led is a list of numbers in the range 1 to 3.
VTSysReq Enables the SYSV-style VT switch sequence for non-SYSV systems that support VT switching. This sequence is Alt-SysRq followed by a function key (Fn). This prevents the X server trapping the keys used for the default VT switch sequence.
VTInit "command" Runs command after the VT used by the server has been opened. The command string is passed to /bin/sh -c and is run with the real user's ID with stdin and stdout set to the VT. The purpose of this option is to allow system-dependent VT initialization commands to be run. One example is a command to disable the two-key VT switching sequence that is the default on some systems.

The Pointer section is used to specify the pointer device and parameters. The entries available for this section are

Protocol "protocol-type" Specifies the pointer device protocol type. The protocol types available are








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