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Page 1152

Here is a sample file:





Using this file, postings to the moderated newsgroup in the left column will be sent to the address shown in the right column:

foo.important announce-request@foo.com

foo.x.announce foo-x-announce@mailer.foo.com

gnu.emacs.sources gnu-emacs-sources@prep.ai.mit.edu

comp.sources.unix comp-sources-unix@uunet.uu.net


Written by Rich $alz (rsalz@uunet.uu.net) for InterNetNews.


inews(1), inn.conf(5), libinn(3), wildmat(3)


/etc/modules—Kernel modules to load at boot time.


The /etc/modules file contains the names of kernel modules that are to be loaded at boot time, one per line. Comments begin with a #, and everything on the line after them are ignored.

Debian GNU/Linux version 0.93


motd—Message of the day.


The contents of /etc/motd are displayed by login(1) after a successful login but just before it executes the login shell.

The motd stands for "message of the day," and this file has been traditionally been used for exactly that. (It requires much less disk space than mail to all users.)




login(1) issue(5)

Linux, 29 December 1992


mtools—Table of DOS devices.

Page 1153


/etc/mtools.conf and ~/.mtoolsrc are the configuration files for mtools. These configuration files describe the following items:

Global configuration flags and variables

Per-drive flags and variables

Character translation tables

/etc/mtools.conf is the system-wide configuration file, and ~/.mtoolsrc is the user's private configuration file.


The configuration files is made up of sections. Each section starts with a keyword identifying the section followed by a colon. Then follow variable assignments and flags. Variable assignments take the following form:


Flags are lone keywords without an equal sign and value following them. A section either ends at the end of the file or where the next section begins.

Lines starting with a hash (#) are comments. Newline characters are equivalent to whitespace (except where ending a comment). The configuration file is case insensitive, except for items enclosed in quotes (such as filenames).


For most platforms, mtools contains reasonable compiled-in defaults. You usually don't need to bother with the configuration file, if all you want to do with mtools is access your floppy drives. On the other hand, the configuration file is needed if you also want to use mtools to access your hard disk partitions and dosemu image files.


Global variables may be set to 1 or to 0.

The following global flags are recognized:

MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK If this is set to 1, mtools skips most of its sanity checks. This is needed to read some Atari disks that have been made with the earlier ROMs and that would not be recognized otherwise.
MTOOLS_FAT_COMPATIBILITY If this is set to 1, mtools skips the FAT size checks. Some disks have a bigger FAT than they really need. These are rejected if this option is not set.
MTOOLS_LOWER_CASE If this is set to 1, mtools displays all-uppercase short filenames as lowercase. This has been done to allow a behavior that is consistent with older versions of mtools, which didn't know about the case bits.

For example, inserting the following line into your configuration file instructs mtools to skip the sanity checks: MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK=1.

Global variables may also be set via the environment: export MTOOLS_SKIP_CHECK=1.


Per-drive flags and values may be described in a drive section. A drive section starts with drive driveletter:.

Then follow variable-value pairs and flags.


The following variables are available:

file The name of the file or device holding the disk image. This is mandatory. The filename should be enclosed in quotes.

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use_xdf If this is set to a nonzero value, mtools also tries to access this disk as an Xdf disk. Xdf is a high-capacity format used by OS/2. This is off by default.
partition Tells mtools to treat the drive as a partitioned device and to use the given partition. Only primary partitions are accessible using this method, and they are numbered from 1 to 4. For logical partitions, use the more general offset variable. The partition variable is intended for Syquests, ZIP drives, and DOSEMU hdimages. It is not recommended for hard disks to which direct access to partitions is available.
offset Describes where in the file the MS-DOS filesystem starts. This is useful for logical partitions in DOSEMU hdimages and for ATARI RAM disks. By default, this is zero, meaning that the filesystem starts right at the beginning of the device or file.
fat_bits The number of FAT bits. This can be 12 or 16. This is very rarely needed because it can almost always be deduced from information in the boot sector. On the contrary, describing the number of fat bits can actually be harmful if you get it wrong. You should only use it if mtools gets the autodetected number of fat bits wrong or if you want to mformat a disk with a weird number of fat bits.

Only the file option is mandatory. The other parameters may be left out. In that case, a default value or an autodetected value is used.


Geometry information describes the physical characteristics about the disk. Its has three purposes:

mformat The geometry information is written into the boot sector of the newly made disk. However, you may also describe the geometry information on the command line. See mformat(1) for details.
filtering On some Unices, device nodes only support one physical geometry. The geometry is compared to the actual geometry stored on the boot sector to make sure that this device node is able to correctly read the disk. If the geometry doesn't match, this drive entry fails, and the next drive entry bearing the same drive letter is tried. See the next section "Supplying Multiple Descriptions for a Drive" for more details on supplying several descriptions for a drive letter.
If no geometry information is supplied in the configuration file, all disks are accepted. On Linux (and on Sparc), there exist device nodes with configurable geometry (/dev/fd0, /dev/fd1 etc), so filtering is not needed (and ignored) for disk drives. (mtools still does do filtering on plain files (disk images) in Linux: This is mainly intended for test purposes because I don't have access to a UNIX that would actually need filtering.)
initial geometry The geometry information (if available) is also used to set the initial geometry on configurable device nodes. This initial geometry is used to read the boot sector, which contains the real geometry. If no geometry information is supplied in the configuration file, no initial configuration is done. On Linux, this is not really needed either because the configurable devices are able to autodetect the disk type accurately enough (for most common formats) to read the boot sector.

Wrong geometry information may lead to very bizarre errors. That's why I strongly recommend that you don't use geometry configuration unless you really need it.

The following geometry related variables are available:

cylinders The number of cylinders.
heads The number of heads (sides).
sectors The number of sectors per track.

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