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table=device This specifies the device that contains the partition table. The boot loader will not pass partition information to the booted operating system if this variable is omitted. (Some operating systems have other means to determine from which partition they have been booted. For example, MS-DOS usually stores the geometry of the boot disk or partition in its boot sector.) Note that /sbin/lilo must be rerun if a partition table mapped referenced with table is modified.
unsafe Do not access the boot sector at map creation time. This disables some sanity checks, including a partition table check. If the boot sector is on a fixed-format floppy disk device, using UNSAFE avoids the need to put a readable disk into the drive when running the map installer. unsafe and table are mutually incompatible.

In both cases, the following options apply:

label=name The boot loader uses the main file name (without its path) of each image specification to identify that image. A different name can be used by setting the variable label.
alias=name A second name for the same entry can be used by specifying an alias.
lock (See previous description.)
optional Omit the image if it is not available at map creation time. This is useful to specify test kernels that are not always present.
password=password Protect the image by a password.
restricted A password is only required to boot the image if parameters are specified on the command line (such as single).


If the booted image is a Linux kernel, then one may pass command-line parameters to this kernel.

append=string Appends the options specified to the parameter line passed to the kernel. This is typically used to specify parameters of hardware that can't be entirely autodetected or for which probing may be dangerous. Example: append = "hd=64,32,202".
literal=string Like append but removes all other options (such as setting of the root device). Because vital options can be removed unintentionally with literal, this option cannot be set in the global options section.
ramdisk=size This specifies the size of the optional RAM disk. A value of zero indicates that no RAM disk should be created. If this variable is omitted, the RAM disk size configured into the boot image is used.
read-only This specifies that the root filesystem should be mounted read-only. Typically, the system startup procedure remounts the root filesystem read-write later (such as after fscking it).
read-write This specifies that the root filesystem should be mounted read-write.
root=root-device This specifies the device that should be mounted as root. If the special name current is used, the root device is set to the device on which the root filesystem is currently mounted. If the root has been changed with -r, the respective device is used. If the variable root is omitted, the root device setting contained in the kernel image is used. (That is set at compile time using the ROOT DEV variable in the kernel makefile and can later be changed with the rdev(8) program.)
vga=mode This specifies the VGA text mode that should be selected when booting. The following values are recognized (case is ignored):
normal: Select normal 80x25 text mode.
extended (or ext): Select 80x50 text mode.
ask: Stop and ask for user input (at boot time).
<number>: Use the corresponding text mode. A list of available modes can be obtained by booting with vga=ask and pressing Enter.

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If this variable is omitted, the VGA mode setting contained in the kernel image is used. (That is set at compile time using the SVGA MODE variable in the kernel makefile and can later be changed with the rdev(8) program.)


lilo(8), rdev(8). The LILO distribution comes with very extensive documentation of which the preceding information is an extract.

28 July 1995


MAKEDEV.cfg—Configuration for MAKEDEV(8).


MAKEDEV.cfg is a text file that tells MAKEDEV(8) what to do (and equally importantly, what not to do). Unlike DEVINFO(5), which is meant to be centrally maintained, it contains all local configuration for a particular site and all customization. There are basically two kinds of declaration in this file: a "class" declaration and an "omit" declaration.

A class declaration has the form

class name : owner group-owner permissions

This says that any devices placed in the specified class by DEVINFO should be created with this ownership and these permissions. A sample entry might be

class public: root system 0666

This says that devices marked public should be owned by root.system and have mode 666.

An omit declaration has the form

omit { device... }

This causes the specified devices to never be created, even if explicitly specified. Use caution when setting this up. The intent is to be able to run MAKEDEV update and not have it create all sorts of useless devices you'd never use.



Version 1.4, January 1995


moderators—Mail addresses for moderated Usenet newsgroups.


The GetModeratorAddress(3) routine reads the file /news/lib/moderators to determine how to reach the moderator of a newsgroup. This is used by inews(1) when an unapproved local posting is made to a moderated newsgroup.

The file is read until a match is found. Blank lines and lines starting with a number sign (#) are ignored. All other lines should consist of two fields separated by a colon.

The first field is a wildmat(3)-style pattern. If it matches the name of the newsgroup, then the second field is taken to be a format string for sprintf(3). This string should have at most one %s parameter, which will be given the name of the newsgroup with periods transliterated to dashes.

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