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-headerskip If the file has a header, you can use this flag to skip over it.
-rowskip If there is padding at the ends of the rows, you can skip it with this flag.
-rgb -rbg -grb -gbr -brg -bgr These flags let you specify alternate color orders. The default is -rgb.
-interpixel -interrow These flags let you specify how the colors are interleaved. The default is -interpixel, meaning interleaved by pixel. A byte of red, a byte of green, and a byte of blue, or whatever color order you specified. -interrow means interleaved by row—a row of red, a row of green, a row of blue, assuming standard RGB color order. An -interplane flag—all the red pixels, then all the green, then all the blue—would be an obvious extension, but is not implemented. You could get the same effect by splitting the file into three parts (perhaps using dd), turning each part into a PGM file with rawtopgm, and then combining them with rgb3toppm.


ppm(5), rawtopgm(1), rgb3toppm(1), pnmflip(1)


Copyright" 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

6 February 1991


rcp—Remote file copy


rcp [-px] [-k realm] file1 file2

rcp [-px] [-r] [-k Ar realm] file ... directory


rcp copies files between machines. Each file or directory argument is either a remote filename of the form rname@rhost:path, or a local filename (containing no : characters, or a / before any : characters).

-r If any of the source files are directories, rcp copies each subtree rooted at that name; in this case the destination must be a directory.
-p Causes rcp to attempt to preserve (duplicate) in its copies the modification times and modes of the source files, ignoring the umask . By default, the mode and owner of file2 are preserved if it already existed; otherwise, the mode of the source file modified by the umask 2 on the destination host is used.
-k Requests rcp to obtain tickets for the remote host in realm realm instead of the remote host's realm as determined by krb_realmofhost 3.
-x Turns on DES encryption for all data passed by rcp. This may impact response time and CPU utilization, but provides increased security.

If path is not a full pathname, it is interpreted relative to the login directory of the specified user ruser on rhost, or your current username if no other remote username is specified. A path on a remote host may be quoted (using \, ", or `) so that the meta characters are interpreted remotely.

rcp does not prompt for passwords; it performs remote execution via rsh(1), and requires the same authorization.

rcp handles third-party copies, where neither source nor target files are on the current machine.

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cp(1), ftp(1), rsh(1), rlogin(1)


The rcp command appeared in BSD 4.2 . The version of rcp described here has been reimplemented with Kerberos in BSD 4.3 Reno.


Doesn't detect all cases in which the target of a copy might be a file when only a directory should be legal.

Is confused by any output generated by commands in a or file on the remote host.

The destination username and hostname may have to be specified as rhost.rname when the destination machine is running the BSD 4.2 version of rcp.

BSD 4.3r, 27 July 1991


rcs—Change RCS file attributes


rcs options file ...


rcs creates new RCS files or changes attributes of existing ones. An RCS file contains multiple revisions of text, an access list, a change log, descriptive text, and some control attributes. For rcs to work, the caller's login name must be on the access list—unless the access list is empty, the caller is the owner of the file or the superuser, or the _i option is present.

Pathnames matching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all others denote working files. Names are paired as explained in ci(1). Revision numbers use the syntax described in ci(1).


_i Create and initialize a new RCS file, but do not deposit any revision. If the RCS file has no path prefix, try to place it first into the subdirectory ./RCS, and then into the current directory. If the RCS file already exists, print an error message.
_alogins Append the login names appearing in the comma-separated list logins to the access list of the RCS file.
_Aoldfile Append the access list of oldfile to the access list of the RCS file.
_e[logins] Erase the login names appearing in the comma-separated list logins from the access list of the RCS file. If logins is omitted, erase the entire access list.
_b[rev] Set the default branch to rev.If rev is omitted, the default branch is reset to the (dynamically) highest branch on the trunk.
_cstring Set the comment leader to string. An initial ci,or an rcs _i without _c, guesses the comment leader from the suffix of the working filename.

This option is obsolescent, since RCS normally uses the preceding $Log$ line's prefix when inserting log lines during checkout (see co(1)). However, older versions of RCS use the comment leader instead of the $Log$ line's prefix, so if you plan to access a file with both old and new versions of RCS, make sure its comment leader matches its $Log$ line prefix.

_ksubst Set the default keyword substitution to subst. The effect of keyword substitution is described in co(1). Giving an explicit _k option to co, rcsdiff, and rcsmerge overrides this default. Beware rcs _kv, because
_kv is incompatible with co _l. Use rcs _kkv to restore the normal default keyword substitution.

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