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Page 435


The program will produce incorrect results with PostScript files that initialize the current transformation matrix. In these cases, page translation and rotation will not have any effect. To render these files, probably the best bet is to use the following flags:

pstopnm -xborder 0 -yborder 0 -portrait -nocrop file.ps

Additional flags may be needed if the document is supposed to be rendered on a medium different from letter-size paper.


gs(l), pstofits(l)


Copyright" 1992 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.


Alberto Accomazzi, WIPL, Center for Astrophysics

28 December 1992


pstree—Display a tree of processes


pstree [_a][_c][_h][_l][_p][_u][pid|user]


pstree shows running processes as a tree. The tree is rooted at either pid or init if pid is omitted. If a username is specified, all process trees rooted at processes owned by that user are shown.

pstree visually merges identical branches by putting them in square brackets and prefixing them with the repetition count; for example,








_a Show command-line arguments. If the command line of a process is swapped out, that process is shown in parentheses. _a implicitly disables compaction.
_c Disable compaction of identical subtrees. By default, subtrees are compacted whenever possible.
_h Highlight the current process and its ancestors. This is a no-op if the terminal doesn't support highlighting or if neither the current process nor any of its ancestors are in the subtree being shown.
_l Display long lines. By default, lines are truncated to the display width or 132 if output is sent to a non-tty or if the display width is unknown.
_p Show pids. pids are shown as decimal numbers in parentheses after each process name. _p implicitly disables compaction.
_u Show uid transitions. Whenever the uid of a process differs from the uid of its parent, the new uid is shown in parentheses after the process name.

Page 436


/proc Location of the proc filesystem


Werner Almesberger (almesber@di.epfl.ch)


ps(1), top(1)

Linux, 11 October 1994


psupdate—Update the ps database of kernel offsets


psupdate [system path]


psupdate updates the /boot/psdatabase file to correspond to the current kernel image system mapfile, /usr/src/linux/vmlinux by default.


If your system mapfile is not /usr/src/linux/vmlinux, you may give the name of an alternate mapfile on the command line.





ps(1), top(1), utmp(5)


Original code written by Branko Lankaster, horribly munged by Michael K. Johnson in a desperate effort to add /etc/psdatabase support to procps. Someday, it should be rewritten, and the support in ps for alternate namelists added. Anyone want to volunteer to be added to the "Authors" section?

Cohesive Systems, 15 September 1993


qrttoppm—Convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap


qrttoppm [qrtfile]


qrttoppm reads a QRT file as input and produces a portable pixmap as output.

Page 437




Copyright" 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.

25 August 1989


quota—Display disk usage and limits


quota [ -guv | q ]

quota [ -uv | q ] user

quota [ -gv | q ] group


quota displays users' disk usage and limits. By default, only the user quotas are printed.

_g Print group quotas for the group of which the user is a member. The optional _u flag is equivalent to the default.
_v Will display quotas on filesystems where no storage is allocated.
-q Print a more terse message, containing only information on filesystems where usage is over quota.

Specifying both _g and _u displays both the user quotas and the group quotas (for the user).

Only the superuser may use the _u flag and the optional user argument to view the limits of other users. Non-superusers can use the _g flag and optional group argument to view only the limits of groups of which they are members.

The _q flag takes precedence over the _v flag.

quota reports the quotas of all the filesystems listed in /etc/fstab. For filesystems that are NFS-mounted, a call to the rpc.rquotad on the server machine is performed to get the information. If quota exits with a nonzero status, one or more filesystems are over quota.


quota.user Located at the filesystem root with user quotas
quota.group Located at the filesystem root with group quotas
/etc/fstab To find filesystem names and locations


quotactl(2), fstab(5), edquota(8), quotacheck(8),

quotaon(8), repquota(8)

8 January 1993


ranlib—Generate index to archive


ranlib [ _v|_V] archive

Page 438


ranlib generates an index to the contents of an archive and stores it in the archive. The index lists each symbol defined by a member of an archive that is a relocatable object file.

You may use nm _s or nm --print-armap to list this index.

An archive with such an index speeds up linking to the library, and allows routines in the library to call each other without regard to their placement in the archive.

The GNU ranlib program is another form of GNU ar; running ranlib is completely equivalent to executing ar _s.


_v Print the version number of ranlib and exit


binutils entry in info; The GNU Binary Utilities, Roland H. Pesch (October 1991); ar(1); nm(1).


Copyright" 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be included in translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in the original English.

Cygnus support, 5 November 1991


rasttopnm—Convert a Sun raster file into a portable anymap


rasttopnm [rastfile]


rasttopnm reads a Sun raster file as input and produces a portable anymap as output. The type of the output file depends on the input file—if it's black and white, a pbm file is written; else if it's grayscale, a pgm file; else a ppm file. The program tells you which type it is writing.


pnmtorast(1), pnm(5)


Copyright " 1989, 1991 by Jef Poskanzer.

13 January 1991

Page 439


rawtopgm—Convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap


rawtopgm [-headerskip N][-rowskip N][-tb|-topbottom][width height][imagedata]


rawtopgm reads raw grayscale bytes as input and produces a portable graymap as output. The input file is just grayscale bytes. If you don't specify the width and height on the command line, the program will check the size of the image and try to make a quadratic image of it. It is an error to supply a non-quadratic image without specifying width and height. The maxval is assumed to be 255.


-headerskip If the file has a header, you can use this flag to skip over it.
-rowskip If there is padding at the ends of the rows, you can skip it with this flag. Note that rowskip can be a real number. Amazingly, I once had an image with 0.376 bytes of padding per row. This turned out to be due to a file transfer problem, but I was still able to read the image.
-tb -topbottom Flips the image upside down. The first pixel in a pgm file is in the lower-left corner of the image. For conversion from images with the first pixel in the upper-left corner (for example, the Molecular Dynamics and Leica confocal formats), this flips the image right. This is equivalent to rawtopgm [file] | pnmflip


If you don't specify the image width and height, the program will try to read the entire image to a memory buffer. If you get a message that states that you are out of memory, try to specify the width and height on the command line. Also, the -tb option consumes much memory.


pgm(5), rawtoppm(1), pnmflip(1)


Copyright" 1989 by Jef Poskanzer; modified June 1993 by Oliver Trepte (oliver@fysik4.kth.se).

15 June 1993


rawtoppm—Convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap


rawtoppm[-headerskip N][-rowskip N][-rgb|-rbg|-grb |-gbr|-brg|-bgr ]

[-interpixel|-interrow] width height [imagedata]


rawtoppm reads raw RGB bytes as input and produces a portable pixmap as output. The input file is just RGB bytes. You have to specify the width and height on the command line because the program obviously can't get them from the file. The maxval is assumed to be 255. If the resulting image is upside down, run it through pnmflip -tb.

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