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inside_ftp—Disallow FTPs for people coming from inside your domain. (utmp required for selectivity.)
inside_news—Disallow Usenet news posting for people coming from inside your domain. (utmp required for selectivity.)
inside_rlogin—Disallow rlogins for people coming from inside your domain. (utmp required for selectivity.)
inside_telnet--Disallow Telnets for people coming from inside your domain. (utmp required for selectivity.)
jump—Disable the j (jump) command.
mail--Disable mailing feature.
news_post--Disable Usenet news posting.
OPTIONS_save--Disallow saving OPTIONS in .lynxrc.
outside_ftp—Disallow FTPs for people coming from outside your domain. (utmp required for selectivity.)
outside_news—Disallow Usenet news posting for people coming from outside your domain. (utmp required for selectivity.)
outside_rlogin—Disallow rlogins for people coming from outside your domain. (utmp required for selectivity.)
outside_telnet—Disallow Telnets for people coming from outside your domain. (utmp required for selectivity.)
print—Disallow most print OPTIONS.
shell—Disallow shell escapes and lynxexec or lynxprog goto's.
suspend--Disallow UNIX Ctrl+Z suspends with escape to shell.
telnet_port—Disallow specifying a port in Telnet goto's.
-rlogin Disable recognition of rlogin commands.
-selective Require .www browsable FILES to browse directories.
-show_cursor If enabled, the cursor will not be hidden in the right-hand corner but will instead be positioned at the start of the currently selected link. show_cursor is the default for systems without FANCY_CURSES capabilities, and the default configuration can be changed in userdefs.h.
-sjis Set kanji code to Shift JIS when Japanese mode is on.
-source Works the same as dump but outputs HTML source instead of formatted text.
-telnet Disable recognition of Telnet commands.
-term=TERM Tell lynx what terminal type to assume it's talking to. (This may be useful for remote execution when, for example, lynx connects to a remote TCP/IP port that starts a script that, in turn, starts another lynx process.)
-trace Turns on WWW trace mode.
-traversal Traverse all HTTP links derived from startfile. When used with -crawl, each link that begins with the same string as startfile is output to a file, intended for indexing. See CRAWL.announce for more information.
-underscore Toggles use of _underline_format in dumps.
-validate Accept only HTTP URLs (for validation). Complete security restrictions also are implemented.
-version Print version information.
-vikeys Enable vi-like key movement.


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This is the Lynx 2.5 Release for UN*X/VMS.

If you wish to contribute to the further development of lynx, subscribe to our mailing list. Send e-mail to majordomo@sig.net with "subscribe lynx-dev" as the only line in the body of your message.

Send bug reports, comments, and suggestions to lynx-dev@sig.net after subscribing.

Unsubscribe by sending e-mail to majordomo@sig.net with unsubscribe lynx-dev as the only line in the body of your message. Do not send the unsubscribe message to the lynx-dev list itself.


lynx has incorporated code from a variety of sources along the way. The earliest versions of lynx included code from Earl Fogel of Computing Services at the University of Saskatchewan, who implemented HYPERREZ in the UN*X ENVIRONMENT. HYPERREZ was developed by Niel Larson of Think.com and served as the model for the early versions of lynx. Those versions also incorporated libraries from the UN*X Gopher clients developed at the University of Minnesota, and the later versions of lynx rely on the WWW client library code developed by Tim Berners-Lee and the WWW community. Also a special thanks to Foteos Macrides, who ported much of lynx to VMS and to everyone on the Net who has contributed to lynx's development either directly (through comments or bug reports) or indirectly (through inspiration and development of other systems).


Lou Montulli, Garrett Blythe, Craig Lavender, Michael Grobe, Charles Rezac
Academic Computing Services
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas 66047

Foteos Macrides
Worcester Foundation
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 01545



macptopbm—Convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap


macptopbm [-extraskip N][macpfile]


macptopbm reads a MacPaint file as input and produces a portable bitmap as output.


-extraskip This flag is to get around a problem with some methods of transferring FILES from the Mac world to the UNIX world. Most of these methods leave the Mac FILES alone, but a few of them add the find-erinfo data onto the front of the UNIX file. This means an extra 128 bytes to skip over when reading the file. The symptom to watch for is that the resulting PBM file looks shifted to one side. If you get this, try -extraskip 128, and if that still doesn't look right, try another value.

All flags can be abbreviated to their shortest unique prefix.

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