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Page 305


-R Recursively list attributes of directories and their contents.
-a List all FILES in directories, including FILES that start with period (.).
-d List directories like other FILES, rather than listing their contents.
-v List the FILES version.


lsattr has been written by Remy Card (card@masi.ibp.fr), the developer and maintainer of the ext2 fs.


There are none :-).


lsattr is available for anonymous FTP from

ftp.ibp.fr and tsx-11.mit.edu in




Version 0.5b, November 1994


lsmod—show the loaded modules




lsmod shows information about all loaded modules. The format is

name size [list of referring modules]

size is in 4Kb pages.

This information is a copy of the contents of /proc/modules.


insmod(1), modprobe(1), depmod(1), rmmod(1),

ksyms(1), modules(2)


The module support was first conceived by Anonymous (as far as I know…). Linux version by Bas Laarhoven (bas@vimec.nl), 0.99.14 version by Jon Tombs (jon@gtex02.us.es), extended by Bjorn Ekwall (bj0rn@blox.se).


lsmod might have some, but they are well hidden.…

Linux, 14 May 1995

Page 306


lynx—A general-purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web


lynx [OPTIONS] [path or URL]

Use lynx -help to display a complete list of current OPTIONS.


lynx is a fully-featured World Wide Web (WWW) client for users running cursor-addressable, character-cell display devices (for example, vt100 terminals, vt100 emulators running on PCs or Macs, or any other "curses-oriented" display). It will display Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documents containing links to FILES residing on the local system, as well as FILES residing on remote systems running Gopher, HTTP, FTP, WAIS, and NNTP servers. Current versions of lynx run on UNIX and VMS.

lynx can be used to access information on the World Wide Web, or to build information systems intended primarily for local access. For example, lynx has been used to build several Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS). In addition, lynx can be used to build systems isolated within a single LAN.


At startup, lynx will load any local file or remote URL specified at the command line. For help with URLs, press ? or h while running lynx. Then follow the link titled "Help on URLs."

- If the only argument is -, then lynx expects to receive the arguments from stdin. This is to allow for the potentially very long command line that can be associated with the -get_data or -post_data arguments. (See entries for each later in this list.)
-anonymous Used to specify the anonymous account.
-ascii Disable kanji code translation when Japanese mode is on.
-auth=ID:PASSWD Set AUTHORization ID and password for protected documents at startup.
-book Use the bookmark page as the startfile. The default or command line startfile is still set for the Main screen command, and will be used if the bookmark page is unavailable or blank.
-buried_news Toggles scanning of news articles for buried references, and converts them to news links. Not recommended because e-mail addresses enclosed in angle brackets will be converted to false news links, and uuencoded messages can be trashed.
-cache=NUMBER Set the NUMBER of documents cached in memory. The default is 10.
-case Enable case-sensitive string searching.
-cfg=FILENAME Specifies a lynx configuration file other than the default lynx.cfg.
-child Exit on left-arrow in startfile, and disable save to disk.
-crawl With -traversal, output each page to a file. With -dump, format output as with -traversal, but to stdout.
-display=DISPLAY Set the display variable for X rexeced programs.
-dump Dumps the formatted output of the default document or one specified on the command line to standard out. This can be used in the following way: lynx -dump http://www.w3.org/default.html.
-editor=EDITOR Enable Edit mode using the specified EDITOR (vi, ed, emacs, and so on).
-emacskeys Enable Emacs-like key movement.
-enable_scrollback Toggle compatibility with comm programs' scrollback keys (may be incompatible with some packages).
-error_file=FILE Define a file where lynx will report HTTP access codes.
-euc Set kanji code to EUC when Japanese mode is on.
-fileversions Include all versions of FILES in local VMS directory listings.
-force_html Forces the first document to be interpreted as HTML.

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-ftp Disable FTP access.
-get_data Send form data from stdin using GET method and dump results.
-head Send a HEAD request for the mime headers.
-help Print this lynx command syntax usage message.
-historical Toggles use of > or _> as a terminator for comments.
-homepage=URL Set home page separate from start page.
-image_links Toggles inclusion of links for all images.
-index=URL Set the default index file to the specified URL.
-jpn Toggles Japanese character translations on or off.
-link=UMBER Starting count for lnk#.dat FILES produced by -crawl.
-localhost Disable URLs that point to remote hosts.
-locexec Enable local program execution from local FILES only (if lynx was compiled with local execution enabled).
-mime_header Prints the MIME header of a fetched document along with its source.
-minimal Toggles minimal versus valid comment parsing.
-nobrowse Disable directory browsing.
-noexec Disable local program execution (default).
-nolist Disable the link list feature in dumps.
-nolog Disable mailing of error messages to document owners.
-noprint Disable print functions.
-noredir Prevents automatic redirection and prints a message with a link to the new URL.
-nostatus Disable the retrieval status messages.
-number_links Force numbering of links.
-post_data Send form data from stdin using POST method and dump results.
-print Enable print functions (default).
-pseudo_inlines Toggles pseudo-ALTs for inlines with no ALT string.
-realm Restricts access to URLs in the starting realm.
-reload Flushes the cache on a proxy server (only the first document affected).
-restrictions=[option] Allows a list of services to be disabled selectively. The following list is printed if no OPTIONS are
[,option][,option]... specified.
all—Restricts all OPTIONS.
bookmark--Disallow changing the location of the bookmark file.
bookmark_exec--Disallow execution links via the bookmark file.
Change_exec_perms—Disallow changing the execute permission on FILES (but still allow it for directories) when local file management is enabled.
default--Same as command-line option -anonymous. Disables default services for anonymous users. Currently set to all restricted except for the following: inside_telnet, outside_telnet, inside_news, inside_ftp, outside_ftp, inside_rlogin, outside_rlogin, jump, mail, and goto. Defaults are settable within userdefs.h.
dired_support—Disallow local file management.
disk_save—Disallow saving binary FILES to disk in the download menu.
download--Disallow downloaders in the download menu.
editor—Disallow editing.
exec--Disable execution scripts.
exec_frozen--Disallow the user from changing the local execution option.
file_url--Disallow using goto to go to file: URLs.
goto—Disable the g (goto) command.

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