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_c Ignored; for compatibility with old UNIX versions of install.
_d, --directory Create each given directory and its leading directories, if they do not already exist. Set the owner, group, and mode as given on the command line or to the defaults. Also gives any leading directories that are created those attributes. This is different from the SunOS 4.x install, which gives directories that it creates the default attributes.
_g, --group group Set the group ownership of the installed file or directory to the group ID of group (default is process's current group). group may also be a numeric group ID.
_m, --mode mode Set the permission mode for the installed file or directory to mode, which can be either an octal number, or a symbolic mode as in chmod, with 0 as the point of departure. The default mode is 0755.
_o, --owner owner If run as root, set the ownership of the installed file to the user ID of owner (default is root). owner may also be a numeric user ID.
_s, --strip Strip the symbol tables from installed programs.
--help Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
--version Print version information on standard output and exit successfully.

GNU File Utilities


installit—File/directory installation tool


installit [ _o owner ][_g group ][_O owner ][_G group ][_m mode ][_b backup ]

[_s ][_t ] source destination


installit puts a copy of source into the specified destination.

If source is a period, then destination is taken to be the name of a directory that should be created. Otherwise, source is taken to name an existing file and destination may be either a file or directory; it is interpreted according to the same rules
as cp(1).

If destination names a preexisting file, it will be removed before the copy is done. To make a backup copy, use the _b flag; the existing file will be renamed to have the specified extension. If source and destination are the same string, or if the two FILES are identical, then no copying is done, and only the _o, _g, _m, and _s flags are processed. In this case, the modification time on the destination will be updated using touch(1) unless the _n (don't touch) flag is used.

After the destination has been created, it is possible to set the owner, group, and mode that it should have. This is done by using the _o, _g, and _m flags, respectively. The _O and _G flags set the owner and group only if installit is being run by root, as determined by whoami(1). To strip(1) an installed executable, use the _s flag.

Note that installit uses no special privileges to copy FILES from one place to another.

BUGS and Limitations

Flags cannot be combined.

The chown(8) command must exist in either the /etc or /usr/etc directory or the user's PATH.

The whoami command must exist in the /usr/ucb directory or the user's PATH.

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Written by Rich $alz (rsalz@uunet.uu.net) for InterNetNews.

ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin

ispell, buildhash, munchlist, findaffix, tryaffix, icombine, ijoin--Interactive spelling checking


ispell [common-flags][_M|_N][_Lcontext] [_V] FILES

ispell [common-flags] _l

ispell [common-flags][_f file] [_s]_a| _A

ispell [_d file][_w chars] _c

ispell [_d file][_w chars] _e[e]

ispell [_d file] _D

ispell _v[v]

common-flags:[_t][_n][_b][_x][_B][_C][_P][_m][_S][_d file][_p file][_w chars]

[_W n][_T type]

buildhash [_s] dict-file affix-file hash-file

buildhash _s count affix-file munchlist [_l aff-file][_c conv-file]

[_T suffix][_s hash-file] [_D][_v][_w chars][FILES] findaffix [_p|_s][_f][_c]

[_m min][_M max][_e elim][_t tabchar][_l low][FILES]

tryaffix [_p|_s] [_c] expanded-file affix[+addition]

icombine [_T type][aff-file]

ijoin [_s|_u] join-OPTIONS file1 file2


ispell is fashioned after the spell program from ITS (called ispell on Twenex systems.) The most common usage is ispell filename. In this case, ispell will display each word which does not appear in the dictionary at the top of the screen and allow you to change it. If there are "near misses" in the dictionary (words that differ by only a single letter, a missing or extra letter, a pair of transposed letters, or a missing space or hyphen), then they are also displayed on following lines. As well as near misses, ispell may display other guesses at ways to make the word from a known root, with each guess preceded by question marks. Finally, the line containing the word and the previous line are printed at the bottom of the screen. If your terminal can display in reverse video, the word itself is highlighted. You have the option of replacing the word completely or choosing one of the suggested words. Commands are single characters as follows (case is ignored):

R Replace the misspelled word completely.
Space Accept the word this time only.
A Accept the word for the rest of this ispell session.
I Accept the word, capitalized as it is in the file, and update private dictionary.
U Accept the word, and add an uncapitalized (actually, all lowercase) version to the private dictionary.
0-n Replace with one of the suggested words.
L Look up words in system dictionary (controlled by the WORDS compilation option).
X Write the rest of this file, ignoring misspellings, and start next file.
Q Exit immediately and leave the file unchanged.
! Shell escape.

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^L Redraw screen.
^Z Suspend ispell.
? Give help screen.

If the _M switch is specified, a one-line mini-menu at the bottom of the screen will summarize these OPTIONS. Conversely, the _N switch may be used to suppress the mini-menu. (The mini-menu is displayed by default if ispell was compiled with the MINIMENU option, but these two switches will always override the default.)

If the _L flag is given, the specified number is used as the number of lines of context to be shown at the bottom of the screen. (The default is to calculate the amount of context as a certain percentage of the screen size.) The amount of context is subject to a system-imposed limit.

If the _V flag is given, characters that are not in the 7-bit ANSI printable character set will always be displayed in the style of cat -v, even if ispell thinks that these characters are legal ISO Latin-1 on your system. This is useful when working with older terminals. Without this switch, ispell will display 8-bit characters as is if they have been defined as string characters for the chosen file type.

Besides the _l, _a, and _A OPTIONS, Normal mode accepts the following common flags on the command line:

_t The input file is in TeX or LaTeX format.
_n The input file is in nroff/troff format.
_b Create a backup file by appending .bak to the name of the input file.
_x Don't create a backup file.
_B Report run-together words with missing blanks as spelling errors.
_C Consider run-together words as legal compounds.
_P Don't generate extra root/affix combinations.
_m Make possible root/affix combinations that aren't in the dictionary.
_S Sort the list of guesses by probable correctness.
_d file Specify an alternate dictionary file. For example, use _d deutsch to choose a German dictionary in a German installation.
_p file Specify an alternate personal dictionary.
_w chars Specify additional characters that can be part of a word.
_W n Specify length of words that are always legal.
-T type Assume a given formatter type for all FILES.

The _n and _t OPTIONS select whether ispell runs in nroff/troff (_n) or TeX/LaTeX (_t) input mode. (The default is controlled by the DEFTEXFLAG installation option.) TeX/LaTeX mode is also automatically selected if an input file has the extension .tex, unless overridden by the _n switch. In TeX/LaTeX mode, whenever a backslash (\) is found, ispell skips to the next whitespace or TeX/LaTeX delimiter. Certain commands contain arguments that should not be checked, such as labels and reference keys found in the \cite command, because they contain arbitrary, nonword arguments. Spell checking is also suppressed when in math mode. Thus, for example, given

\chapter {This is a Ckapter} \cite{SCH86}

ispell will find "Ckapter" but not "SCH." The _t option does not recognize the TeX comment character %, so comments are also spell checked. It also assumes correct LaTeX syntax. Arguments to infrequently used commands and some optional arguments are sometimes checked unnecessarily. The bibliography will not be checked if ispell was compiled with IGNOREBIB defined. Otherwise, the bibliography will be checked but the reference key will not.

References for the tib(1) bibliography system (text between a [. or <. and .] or .>) will always be ignored in TeX/LaTeX mode.

The _b and _x OPTIONS control whether ispell leaves a backup (.bak) file for each input file.

The .bak file contains the precorrected text. If there are file opening/writing errors, the .bak file may be left for recovery purposes even with the _x option. The default for this option is controlled by the DEFNOBACKUPFLAG installation option.

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