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.openastreamfilename Like open, but if filename exists, append to it instead of truncating it.
.pnr Print the names and contents of all currently defined number registers on stderr.
.psocommand This behaves like the so request except that input comes from the standard output of command.
.ptr Print the names and positions of all traps (not including input line traps and diversion traps) on stderr. Empty slots in the page trap list are printed as well, because they can affect the priority of subsequently planted traps.
.rcharc1c2... Remove the definitions of characters c1, c2, ... This undoes the effect of a char request.
.rj, .rjn Right justify the next n input lines. Without an argument, right justify the next input line. The number of lines to be right justified is available in the \n[.rj] register. This implicitly does .ce0. The ce request implicitly does .rj0.
.rnnxxyy Rename number register xx to yy.
.shcc Set the soft hyphen character to c. If c is omitted, the soft hyphen character will be set to the default \(hy. The soft hyphen character is the character that will be inserted when a word is hyphenated at a line break. If the soft hyphen character does not exist in the font of the character immediately preceding a potential break point, then the line will not be broken at that point. Neither definitions (specified with the char request) nor translations (specified with the tr request) are considered when finding the soft hyphen character.
.shiftn In a macro, shift the arguments by n positions: argument i becomes argument i_n; arguments 1 to n will no longer be available. If n is missing, arguments will be shifted by 1. Shifting by negative amounts is currently undefined.
.specials1s2... Fonts s1, s2 are special and will be searched for characters not in the current font.
.stynf Associate style f with font position n. A font position can be associated either with a font or with a style. The current font is the index of a font position and so is also either a font or a style. When it is a style, the font that is actually used is the font the name of which is the concatenation of the name of the current family and the name of the current style. For example, if the current font is 1 and font position 1 is associated with style R and the current font family is T, then font TR will be used. If the current font is not a style, then the current family is ignored. When the requests cs, bd, tkf, uf, or fspecial are applied to a style, then they will instead be applied to the member of the current family corresponding to that style. The default family can be set with the _f option. The styles command in the DESC file controls which font positions (if any) are initially associated with styles rather than fonts.
.tkffs1n1s2n2 Enable track kerning for font f. When the current font is f, the width of every character will be increased by an amount between n1 and n2; when the current point size is less than or equal to s1, the width will be increased by n1; when it is greater than or equal to s2, the width will be increased by n2; when the point size is greater than or equal to s1 and less than or equal to s2, the increase in width is a linear function of the point size.
.trffilename Transparently output the contents of file filename. Each line is output as it would be were it preceded by \!; however, the lines are not subject to copy-mode interpretation. If the file does not end with a newline, then a newline will be added. For example, you can define a macro x containing the contents of file f, using




Unlike with the cf request, the file cannot contain characters such as NUL that are not legal troff input characters.
.trnt abcd This is the same as the tr request except that the translations do not apply to text that is transparently throughput into a diversion with \!. For example,

.tr ab

.di x

\!.tm a



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will print b; if trnt is used instead of tr, it will print a.
.troff Make the n built-in condition false, and the t built-in condition true. This undoes the effect of the nroff request.
.vptn Enable vertical position traps if n is nonzero, disable them otherwise. Vertical position traps are traps set by the wh or dt requests. Traps set by the it request are not vertical position traps. The parameter that controls whether vertical position traps are enabled is global. Initially, vertical position traps are enabled.
.warnn Control warnings. n is the sum of the numbers associated with each warning that is to be enabled; all other warnings will be disabled. The number associated with each warning is listed in the "Warnings" subsection. For example, .warn 0 will disable all warnings, and .warn 1 will disable all warnings except that about missing characters. If n is not given, all warnings will be enabled.
.whilecanything While condition c is true, accept anything as input; c can be any condition acceptable to an if request; anything can comprise multiple lines if the first line starts with \{ and the last line ends with \}. See also the break and continue requests.
.writestreamanything Write anything to the stream named stream. stream must previously have been the subject of an open request. anything is read in copy mode; a leading will be stripped.


.cffilename When used in a diversion, this will embed in the diversion an object which, when reread, will cause the contents of filename to be transparently copied through to the output. In UNIX troff, the contents of filename are immediately copied through to the output regardless of whether there is a current diversion; this behavior is so anomalous that it must be considered a bug.
.evxx If xx is not a number, this will switch to a named environment called xx. The environment should be popped with a matching ev request without any arguments, just as for numbered environments. There is no limit on the number of named environments; they will be created the first time that they are referenced.
.fpnf1f2 The fp request has an optional third argument. This argument gives the external name of the font, which is used for finding the font description file. The second argument gives the internal name of the font, which is used to refer to the font in troff after it has been mounted. If there is no third argument, then the internal name will be used as the external name. This feature allows you to use fonts with long names in compatibility mode.
.ssmn When two arguments are given to the ss request, the second argument gives the sentence space size. If the second argument is not given, the sentence space size will be the same as the word space size. Like the word space size, the sentence space is in units of one twelfth of the spacewidth parameter for the current font. Initially, both the word space size and the sentence space size are 12. The sentence space size is used in two circumstances: If the end of a sentence occurs at the end of a line in fill mode, then both an interword space and a sentence space will be added; if two spaces follow the end of a sentence in the middle of a line, then the second space will be a sentence space. Note that the behavior of UNIX troff will be exactly that exhibited by GNU troff if a second argument is never given to the ss request. In GNU troff, as in UNIX troff, you should always follow a sentence with either a newline or two spaces.
.tan1n2...nnTr1r2...rn Set tabs at positions n1, n2,...,nn and then set tabs at nn+r1, nn+r2,...., nn+rn and then at nn+rn+r1, nn+rn+r2,..., nn+rn+rn, and so on. For example, .ta T .5i will set tabs every half an inch.

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