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.chopxx Chop the last character off macro, string, or diversion xx. This is useful for removing the newline from the end of diversions that are to be interpolated as strings.
.closestream Close the stream named stream; stream will no longer be an acceptable argument to the write request. See the open request.
.continue Finish the current iteration of a while loop. See also the while and break requests.
.cpn If n is nonzero or missing, enable compatibility mode; otherwise, disable it. In compatibility mode, long names are not recognized, and the incompatibilities caused by long names do not arise.
.doxxx Interpret .xxx with compatibility mode disabled. For example, .do fam T would have the same effect as .fam T except that it would work even if compatibility mode had been enabled. Note that the previous compatibility mode is restored before any files sourced by xxx are interpreted.
.famxx Set the current font family to xx. The current font family is part of the current environment. See the description of the sty request for more information on font families.
.fspecialfs1s2 ... When the current font is f, fonts s1, s2, ... will be special; that is, they will searched for characters not in the current font. Any fonts specified in the special request will be searched after fonts specified in the fspecial request.
.ftrfg Translate font f to g. Whenever a font named f is referred to in \f escape sequence, or in the ft, ul, bd, cs, tkf, special, fspecial, fp, or sty requests, font g will be used. If g is missing, or equal to f, then font f will not be translated.
.hcodec1code1c2code2... Set the hyphenation code of character c1 to code1 and that of c2 to code2. A hyphenation code must be a single input character (not a special character) other than a digit or a space. Initially, each lowercase letter has a hyphenation code, which is itself, and each uppercase letter has a hyphenation code which is the lowercase version of itself. See also the hpf request.
.hlalang Set the current hyphenation language to lang. Hyphenation exceptions specified with the hw request and hyphenation patterns specified with the hpf request are both associated with the current hyphenation language. The hla request is usually invoked by the troffrc file.
.hlmn Set the maximum number of consecutive hyphenated lines to n. If n is negative, there is no maximum. The default value is _1. This value is associated with the current environment. Only lines output from an environment count towards the maximum associated with that environment. Hyphens resulting from \% are counted; explicit hyphens are not.
.hpffile Read hyphenation patterns from file; this will be searched for in the same way that tmac.name is searched for when the _mname option is specified. It should have the same format as the argument to the \patterns primitive in TeX; the letters appearing in this file are interpreted as hyphenation codes. A % character in the patterns file introduces a comment that continues to the end of the line. The set of hyphenation patterns is associated with the current language set by the hla request. The hpf request is usually invoked by the troffrc file.
.hymn Set the hyphenation margin to n: when the current adjustment mode is not b, the line will not be hyphenated if the line is no more than n short. The default hyphenation margin is 0. The default scaling indicator for this request is m. The hyphenation margin is associated with the current environment. The current hyphenation margin is available in the \n[.hym] register.
.hysn Set the hyphenation space to n: when the current adjustment mode is b, don't hyphenate the line if the line can be justified by adding no more than n extra space to each word space. The default hyphenation space is 0. The default scaling indicator for this request is m. The hyphenation space is associated with the current environment. The current hyphenation space is available in the \n[.hys] register.
.kernn If n is nonzero or missing, enable pairwise kerning; otherwise, disable it.
.msofile The same as the so request except that file is searched for in the same way that tmac.name is searched for when the _mname option is specified.
.nroff Make the n built-in condition true and the t built-in condition false. This can be reversed using the troff request.
.openstreamfilename Open filename for writing and associate the stream named stream with it. See also the close and write requests.

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