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Page 69


co(1), emacs(1), ident(1), make(1), rcs(1), rcsclean(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsintro(1), rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), setuid(2), rcsfile(5)

Walter F. Tichy, "RCS—A System for Version Control," Software Practice & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), 637_654.

GNU, 16 June 1995


cidentd—identd server


cidentd [_usqvnah] [_f file] [_l file] [_t seconds]


cidentd gives authentication information.

cidentd is an RFC 1314- and 931-compliant identd daemon. It accepts connections on a port (113 default) and answers queries for port owner of a connection. command;

cidentd normally terminates when the remote command does. The options are as follows:

_u Turns on the use of the .authlie file in the user's home directory to give the requesting system whatever information the user provides. This file is overridden by the -a option and the system file the format is as follows:
mynameis name-to-be-given # give this userid
hideme # hide user id
host-ip name-to-be-given # userid for them
host-ip no-info # hide you to them

host-ip can be an ip in dot notation or a name. The file is set so that whatever comes last is what they get.
_s Closes the connection after a single query.
_q Quits the daemon after 1 connection (default in 1.0b).
_v Turns on verbose logging to the syslogs.
_n Makes cident act like the old school identd with nothing special.
_a Enables the /etc/cident.users file for options, which overrides the user files if -u is specified. The format is as follows:
username name-to-send # send this for username
username # must send there username
all name-to-send # send for every query
all no-info # send nothing every query
host-ip name-to-send # send to that host
host-ip no-info # send nothing to them

host-ip can be an ip in dot notation or a name. The file is set so that whatever comes last is what they get.

_h Displays the help list to the screen you might not want to do this from some terminal types.

_f Sets the file to find the ports and ids of connections. Use this to specify a file other than /proc/net/tcp.
_l Used to specify a file other than /etc/cident.users must be used with the -a option unless you like redundancy.
_t Sets the time out of a connection in seconds. This does not work in this version to cidentd.

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If no arguments are specified, the program just runs as normal, almost like the _n.

cidentd _t 30 _a sets timer to 30 seconds and tells it to look at .authlie files.







None that I know of.

Linux/FreeBSD, May 1996


cksum—Checksum and count the bytes in a file


cksum [—help] [—version] [file...]


This manual page documents the GNU version of cksum. cksum computes a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for each named file, or the standard input if none are given or when a file named _ is given. It prints the CRC for each file along with the number of bytes in the file, and the filename unless no arguments were given.

cksum is typically used to make sure that files transferred by unreliable means (such as netnews) have not been corrupted. This is accomplished by comparing the cksum output for the received files with the cksum output for the original files. The CRC algorithm is specified by the POSIX.2 standard. It is not compatible with the BSD or System V sum programs; it is more robust.

Available options are

—help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
—version Print version information on standard output then exit.

GNU Text Utilities


clear—Clear terminal screen




clear calls tput(1) with the clear argument. This causes tput to attempt to clear the screen, checking the data in /etc/termcap (for the GNU or BSD tput) or in the terminfo database (for the ncurses tput) and sending the appropriate sequence to the terminal. This command can be redirected to clear the screen of some other terminal.

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reset(1), stty(1), tput(1)


Rik Faith (faith@cs.unc.edu)

Linux 0.99, 10 October 1993


cmuwmtopbm—Convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a portable bitmap


cmuwmtopbm [cmuwmfile]


Reads a CMU window manager bitmap as input. Produces a portable bitmap as output.


pbmtocmuwm(1), pbm(5)


Copyright " 1989 by Jef Poskanzer

15 April 1989


co—Check out RCS revisions


co [options] file ...


co retrieves a revision from each RCS file and stores it into the corresponding working file.

Pathnames matching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all others denote working files. Names are paired as explained in ci(1).

Revisions of an RCS file can be checked out locked or unlocked. Locking a revision prevents overlapping updates. A revision checked out for reading or processing (for example, compiling) need not be locked. A revision checked out for editing and later checkin must normally be locked. Checkout with locking fails if the revision to be checked out is currently locked by another user. (A lock can be broken with rcs(1).) Checkout with locking also requires the caller to be on the access list of the RCS file, unless he is the owner of the file or the superuser, or the access list is empty. Checkout without locking is not subject to access list restrictions, and is not affected by the presence of locks.

A revision is selected by options for revision or branch number, checkin date/time, author, or state. When the selection options are applied in combination, co retrieves the latest revision that satisfies all of them. If none of the selection options is specified, co retrieves the latest revision on the default branch, normally the trunk; see the _b option of rcs(1). A revision or branch number can be attached to any of the options _f, _I, _l, _M, _p, _q, -r, or _u. The options _d (date), _s (state), and _w (author) retrieve from a single branch, the selected branch (which is specified by _f or _u), or the default branch.

A co command applied to an RCS file with no revisions creates a zero-length working file. co always performs keyword substitution.

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