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Page 68

mkdir B cp D/c[io] B chmod go_w,u+s B/c[io]

PATH=B:$PATH; export PATH # ordinary shell

set path=(B $path) # C shell

mkdir R chmod go_w R

chgrp G Rchmod g_w,o_rwx R


RCSINIT Options prepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. A backslash escapes spaces within an option. The RCSINIT options are prepended to the argument lists of most RCS commands. Useful RCSINIT options include _q, _V, _x, and _z.
TMPDIR Name of the temporary directory. If not set, the environment variables TMP and TEMPs0 are inspected instead and the first value found is taken; if none of them are set, a host-dependent default is used, typically /tmp.


For each revision, ci prints the RCS file, the working file, and the number of both the deposited and the preceding revision. The exit status is zero if and only if all operations were successful.


Author: Walter F. Tichy.

Manual page revision: 5.17; Release date 16 June 1995

Copyright " 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy

Copyright " 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert

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