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Page 55

Dialog dialog

Command okay

Command cancel

TransientShell error

Dialog dialog

Command abort

Command retry

TransientShell qsave

Dialog dialog

Command yes

Command no

Command cancel

Paned parent

Form formy

MenuButton fileButton

SimpleMenu fileMenu

SmeBSB new

SmeBSB load

SmeBSB insert

SmeBSB save

SmeBSB saveAs

SmeBSB resize

SmeBSB rescale

SmeBSB filename

SmeBSB basename

SmeLine line

SmeBSB quit

MenuButton editButton

SimpleMenu editMenu

SmeBSB image

SmeBSB grid

SmeBSB dashed

SmeBSB axes

SmeBSB stippled

SmeBSB proportional

SmeBSB zoom

SmeLine line

SmeBSB cut

SmeBSB copy

SmeBSB paste

Label status

Pane pane

Bitmap bitmap

Form form

Command clear

Command set

Command invert

Toggle mark

Command unmark

Toggle copy

Toggle move

Command flipHoriz

Command up

Command flipVert

Command left

Command fold

Command right

Command rotateLeft

Command down

Command rotateRight

Page 56

Toggle point

Toggle curve

Toggle line

Toggle rectangle

Toggle filledRectangle

Toggle circle

Toggle filledCircle

Toggle floodFill

Toggle setHotSpot

Command clearHotSpot

Command undo


If you would like bitmap to be viewable in color, include the following in the #ifdef COLOR section of the file you read with xrdb:

*customization: _color

This will cause bitmap to pick up the colors in the app-defaults color customization file:


where <XRoot> refers to the root of the X11 install tree.


Bitmap widget is a standalone widget for editing raster images. It is not designed to edit large images, although it may be used in that purpose as well. It can be freely incorporated with other applications and used as a standard editing tool. The following are the resources provided by the bitmap widget:

Header file Bitmap.h
Class bitmapWidgetClass
Class Name Bitmap
Superclass Bitmap

All the Simple Widget resources plus…

Name Class Type Default Value
foreground Foreground Pixel XtDefaultForeground
highlight Highlight Pixel XtDefaultForeground
framing Framing Pixel XtDefaultForeground
gridTolerance GridTolerance Dimension 8
size Size String 32x32
dashed Dashed Boolean True
grid Grid Boolean True
stippled Stippled Boolean True
proportional Proportional Boolean True
axes Axes Boolean False
squareWidth SquareWidth Dimension 16
squareHeight SquareHeight Dimension 16
margin Margin Dimension 16
xHot XHot Position NotSet (_1)
yHot YHot Position NotSet (_1)
button1Function Button1Function DrawingFunction Set

Page 57

Name Class Type Default Value
button2Function Button2Function DrawingFunction Invert
button3Function Button3Function DrawingFunction Clear
button4Function Button4Function DrawingFunction Invert
button5Function Button5Function DrawingFunction Invert
filename Filename String None ("")
basename Basename String None ("")


Davor Matic (MIT X Consortium)

X Version 11 Release 6


bmptoppm—Convert a BMP file into a portable pixmap


bmptoppm [bmpfile]


bmptoppm reads a Microsoft Windows or OS/2 BMP file as input and produces a portable pixmap as output.


ppmtobmp(1), ppm(5)


Copyright " 1992 by David W. Sanderson 26 October 1992


brushtopbm—Convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap


brushtopbm    [brushfile]


brushtopbm reads a Xerox doodle brush file as input and produces a portable bitmap as output. Note that there is currently no pbmtobrush tool.




Copyright " 1988 by Jef Poskanzer

28 August 1988

Page 58


cal—Displays a calendar


cal [_jy] [month [year]]


cal displays a simple calendar. If arguments are not specified, the current month is displayed. The options are as follows:

_j Display Julian dates (days one-based, numbered from January 1)
_y Display a calendar for the current year

A single parameter specifies the year (1_9999) to be displayed; note the year must be fully specified:

cal 89

will not display a calendar for 1989. Two parameters denote the month (1_12) and year. If no parameters are specified, the current month's calendar is displayed.

A year starts on Jan 1.

The Gregorian Reformation is assumed to have occurred in 1752 on the 3rd of September. By this time, most countries had recognized the reformation (although a few did not recognize it until the early 1900s.) Ten days following that date were eliminated by the reformation, so the calendar for that month is a bit unusual.


A cal command appeared in version 6 AT&T UNIX

6 June 1993


cat—Concatenate files and print on the standard output


cat [_benstuvAET] [—number] [—number-nonblank] [—squeeze-blank]

[—show-nonprinting] [—show-ends] [—show-tabs] [—show-all]

[—help] [—version] [file...]


This manual page documents the GNU version of cat. cat writes the contents of each given file, or the standard input if none are given or when a file named _ is given, to the standard output.


_b, —number-nonblank Number all nonblank output lines, starting with 1.
_e Equivalent to _vE.
_n, —number Number all output lines, starting with 1.
_s, —squeeze-blank Replace multiple adjacent blank lines with a single blank line.
_t Equivalent to _vT.
_u Ignored; for UNIX compatibility.

Page 59

_v, —show-nonprinting Display control characters except for LFD and TAB using ^ notation and precede characters that have the high bit set with M-.
_A, —show-all Equivalent to _vET.
_E, —show-ends Display a $ after the end of each line.
_T, —show-tabs Display tab characters as ^I.
—help Print a usage message and exit with a nonzero status.
—version Print version information on standard output then exit.

GNU Text Utilities


chattr—Change file attributes on a Linux second extended file system


chattr [ _RV ][-v version ] [ mode ] files...


chattr changes the files attributes on an second extended file system. The format of a symbolic mode is +-=[Sacdisu].

The operator + causes the selected attributes to be added to the existing attributes of the files; - causes them to be removed; and = causes them to be the only attributes that the files have. The letters Sacdisu select the new attributes for the files: synchronous updates (S), append only (a), compressed (c), immutable(i), nodump (d), securedeletion (s), and undeletable (u).


-R Recursively change attributes of directories and their contents.
-V Verbosely describe changed attributes.
-v version Set the file's version.


A file with the a attribute set can only be open in append mode for writing.

A file with the c attribute set is automatically compressed on the disk by the kernel. A read from this file returns uncompressed data. A write to this file compresses data before storing them on the disk.

A file with the d attribute set is not candidate for backup when the dump(8) program is run.

A file with the i attribute cannot be modified: it cannot be deleted or renamed, no link can be created to this file and no data can be written to the file. Only the superuser can set or clear this attribute.

When a file with the s attribute set is deleted, its blocks are zeroed and written back to the disk.

When a file with the u attribute set is modified, the changes are written synchronously on the disk; this is equivalent to the syn' mount option applied to a subset of the files.

When a file with the u attribute set is deleted, its contents is saved. This allows the user to ask for its undeletion.


chattr has been written by Remy Card, <card@masi.ibp.fr>, the developer and maintainer of the ext2 fs.


As of ext2 fs 0.5a, the c and u attributes are not honored by the kernel code.

These attributes will be implemented in a future ext2 fs version.

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