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Grid This command controls the grid in the editing area. If the grid spacing is below the value specified by gridTolerance resource (8 by default), the grid will be automatically turned off. It can be enforced by explicitly activating this command.
Dashed This command controls the stipple for drawing the grid lines. The stipple specified by dashes resource can be turned on or off by activating this command.
Axes This command controls the highlighting of the main axes of the image being edited. The actual lines are not part of the image. They are provided to aid user when constructing symmetrical images, or whenever having the main axes highlighted helps your editing.
Stippled This command controls the stippling of the highlighted areas of the bitmap image. The stipple specified by stipple resource can be turned on or off by activating this command.
Proportional This command controls the proportional mode. If the proportional mode is on, width and height of all image squares are forced to be equal, regardless of the proportions of the bitmap window.
Zoom This command controls the zoom mode. If there is a marked area of the image already displayed, bitmap will automatically zoom into it. Otherwise, the user will have to highlight an area to be edited in the zoom mode and bitmap will automatically switch into it. You can use all the editing commands and other utilities in the zoom mode. When you zoom out, undo command will undo the whole zoom session.
Cut This commands cuts the contents of the highlighted image area into the internal cut and paste buffer.
Copy This command copies the contents of the highlighted image area into the internal cut and paste buffer.
Paste This command will check if there are any other bitmap applications with a highlighted image area, or if there is something in the internal cut and paste buffer and copy it to the image. To place the copied image, click in the editing window and drag the outlined image to the position where you want to place i, and then release the button.


Bitmap supports two cut and paste mechanisms; the internal cut and paste and the global X selection cut and paste. The internal cut and paste is used when executing copy and move drawing commands and also cut and copy commands from the Edit menu. The global X selection cut and paste is used whenever there is a highlighted area of a bitmap image displayed anywhere on the screen. To copy a part of image from another bitmap editor, simply highlight the desired area by using the Mark command or pressing the shift key and dragging the area with the left mouse button. When the selected area becomes highlighted, any other applications (such as xterm) that use primary selection will discard their selection values and unhighlight the appropriate information. Now, use the Paste command from the Edit menu or control mouse button to copy the selected part of image into another (or the same) bitmap application. If you attempt to do this without a visible highlighted image area, the bitmap will fall back to the internal cut and paste buffer and paste whatever was stored there at the moment.


Following is the widget structure of the bitmap application. The widget class name is given first, followed by the widget instance name. All widgets except the bitmap widget are from the standard Athena widget set.

Bitmap bitmap

TransientShell image

Box box

Label normalImage

Label invertedImage

TransientShell input

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