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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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Table 26.1 shows a listing of the different filters included with Dynamic HTML and supported by Internet Explorer 4, along with a description of their effects.

Table 26.1 Dynamic HTML Filters in Internet Explorer 4

Filter Description

Alpha Used to make an object more or less opaque.
Blur Used to blur an object in a specified direction; this can be used to make it appear as if the object is moving very quickly in that direction.
Chroma Used to make a specific color in an object transparent.
Drop Shadow Used to give an object a solid silhouette in a specified direction.
Flip Horizontal Used to flip an object horizontally.
Flip Vertical Used to flip an object vertically.
Glow Used to add a radiance effect to an object.
Grayscale Used to display an object in shades of gray.
Invert Used to invert the colors of an object.
Light Used to add simulated light sources to an object.
Mask Used to take a visual object, make the transparent pixels a specific color, and make a transparent mask from the nontransparent pixels.
Shadow Used to give an object a solid silhouette in a specific direction. This filter is similar to the Drop Shadow filter, but is more configurable.
Wave Used to give a sine wave distortion to an object along its vertical axis.
XRay Used to change an object’s color depth and display it in black and white, making it look somewhat like a black-and-white x-ray.

Placing graphic Objects

Before you see how the filters are applied, it is first helpful to see how the graphic object is created. Listing 26.8 shows an excerpt from the example shown, showing how the graphic object is included and configured in the HTML document.

Listing 26.8 Embedding graphic Objects

        STYLE=“HEIGHT:150; WIDTH:150”
   <PARAM NAME=“Line0001” VALUE=“SetFillStyle(1)”>
   <PARAM NAME=“Line0002” VALUE=“SetFillColor(255,255,255)”>
   <PARAM NAME=“Line0003” VALUE=“Pie(-75,-75,150,150,0,10,0)”>
   <PARAM NAME=“Line0004” VALUE=“SetFillColor(0,90,200)”>
   <PARAM NAME=“Line0005” VALUE=“Pie(-75,-75,150,150,0,10,18)”>
   <PARAM NAME=“Line0042” VALUE=“SetFillColor(255,255,255)”>
   <PARAM NAME=“Line0043” VALUE=“Pie(-75,-75,150,150,0,10,360)”>

This HTML <OBJECT> tag and parameters use the following information:

  The ID attribute of the <OBJECT> tag defines the name of the object that will be used by scripts and other objects.
  The STYLE attribute of the <OBJECT> tag defines, in this case, the desired height and width of the object.
  The CLASSID attribute of the <OBJECT> tag is its most important attribute because it is what uniquely identifies this ActiveX Control that the <OBJECT> tag is attempting to include in the HTML document.
  The <PARAM> tags given inside the <OBJECT> container are used to configure the object. The NAME, VALUE attribute pairs used are unique to any given object and are used to configure it appropriately. In this case, they define a series of pie wedges used to make up the graphic object.

Applying Dynamic HTML Filters

Dynamic HTML filters are implemented by Microsoft as style sheet attributes. To apply them to all or part of an HTML document, therefore, a region needs to be defined and (optionally) named. You can then write scripts that reference the style property of the region to apply different filters.

Listing 26.9 shows the outline of the region defined in the example shown in Figure 26.13. Notice that HTML text, an image, and a graphic object are all included within the bounds of a <DIV> container tag. The NAME attribute of the <DIV> tag enables the entire region to be treated as one and to be referred to by name within the object hierarchy.

Listing 26.9 Use the <DIV> Tag to Group HTML Elements

<DIV ID=theImg style parameters…>
   HTML text…
   <IMG image parameters…>
   <OBJECT graphic object parameters…>
      <PARAM graphic object parameters…>

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