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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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Listing 26.6 Position.htmWith Dynamic HTML, You Can Change the Position of any HTML Element

basex  = 0;
basey  = 0;
deltax = 0;
deltay = 0;
moving = false;
function toggleMove() {
   moving = !moving;
   document.MyForm.Moving.value = moving;
   if (moving) { = “xray(enabled=1)”
      deltax += window.event.x - basex;
      deltay += window.event.y - basey;
   } else = “xray(enabled=0)”
function moveAuthor() {
   if (moving) {
      basex = window.event.x;
      basey = window.event.y; = basex - deltax;  = basey - deltay;
      document.MyForm.PicX.value = basex;
      document.MyForm.PicY.value = basey;
<TITLE>Positioning Elements with Dynamic HTML</TITLE>
<BODY onMouseMove=“moveAuthor()”>
<H1>Positioning Elements with Dynamic HTML</H1>
Click the mouse on the picture to move it around; this is achieved by
setting picture’s <EM></EM> and <EM>style.left</EM>
<SPAN ID=Author STYLE=“position:relative;width:132” onClick=“toggleMove()”>
       <TD><IMG SRC=“rbflag_ls.gif” WIDTH=50  HEIGHT=47  BORDER=0></TD>
       <TD><IMG SRC=“Author.jpg”    WIDTH=132 HEIGHT=198 BORDER=0><TD>
       <TD><IMG SRC=“rbflag_rs.gif” WIDTH=50  HEIGHT=47  BORDER=0></TD></TR>
<FORM NAME=“MyForm”>
    <TD>Mouse Y</TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=“TEXT” SIZE=5 NAME=“PicY”>  </TD>
    <TD>Moving </TD><TD><INPUT TYPE=“TEXT” SIZE=5 NAME=“Moving”></TD></TR>
Jim O’Donnell, <A HREF=“”></A>

Changing HTML Documents On-the-Fly

The last example shows the use of Dynamic HTML to create dynamic content—HTML elements that are changed within the Web browser on-the-fly. Listing 26.7 is an example of two ways HTML elements can be changed on-the-fly. The digital clock (see Figure 26.11) is an HTML element, but it changes automatically each second to reflect the local time. The paragraph following it, on the other hand, is changed in response to user input—when the user clicks the Change HTML button, the contents of the text box above the button are substituted for the paragraph. As you can see in Figure 26.12, this substitution can also include any HTML elements, as shown with the <MARQUEE> and hypertext link in this example.

Listing 26.7 DynCon2.htmDynamic HTML Can Change HTML Documents Without Going Back to the Web Server

<TITLE>Dynamic Content</TITLE>
<H1>Dynamic Content</H1>
<DIV ID=digitalClock STYLE=“font-size: 60”>
<DIV ID=dynContent>
   This example shows how HTML content can be dynamically
   changed. The clock shown above is updated with the local
   time on your system once a second. This text will be
   replaced by any HTML elements that are entered in the
   text box below when the <EM>Change HTML</EM> button is
<INPUT ID=newContent TYPE=TEXT STYLE=“width: 100%”><BR>
       onclick=“dynContent.innerHTML = newContent.value”>
Jim O’Donnell, <A HREF=“”></A>
function runClock() {
   var d,h,m,s;
   d = new Date();
   h = d.getHours();
   m = d.getMinutes();
   s = d.getSeconds();
   if (h < 10) h = “0” + h;
   if (m < 10) m = “0” + m;
   if (s < 10) s = “0” + s;
   digitalClock.innerHTML = h + “:” + m + “:” + s;
window.onload = runClock;

FIGURE 26.11  Real-time clocks appearing in Web pages are common; with Dynamic HTML, however, you can make them appear using only HTML elements.

FIGURE 26.12  Dynamic HTML can dynamically change the contents of a displayed HTML document, which is automatically redisplayed by Internet Explorer.

Dynamic HTML Filters

Microsoft has included some new capabilities in its newer Internet Explorer Web browsers through a series of ActiveX Controls and Web browser objects as part of its implementation of Dynamic HTML. You have already seen one of them in action: the Data Source Object that works along with Dynamic HTML data binding to enable HTML elements to import data from external sources. In addition to this component, Microsoft has included a series of controls used to create and manipulate graphic objects and the appearance of an HTML document as a whole.

Microsoft has included a series of filters you can add to Web pages to achieve a number of interesting visual effects that were previously possible only by creating large graphic images in a program such as Adobe Photoshop. These filters are accessed through style sheet attributes and can be applied to text, images, and graphic objects—in short, anything that can appear in an HTML document.

Microsoft has an excellent example of the possible effects users can achieve with the Dynamic HTML filters, along with the other Dynamic HTML demos. The demo Web site is at

The filter example is at

Figure 26.13 shows the default, unfiltered state of this demo page, and it has the following elements:

  HTML text
  GIF image
  Graphic object
  Buttons attached to Dynamic HTML filters

FIGURE 26.13  Dynamic HTML filters can apply visual effects to any HTML element—text, images, even other objects.

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