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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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The <PARAM> tag can take the following attributes:

  ID—Assigns a unique identifying name to the parameter.
  NAME—Provides the name of the parameter.
  TYPE—Tells the browser what the parameter’s Internet media (MIME) type is.
  VALUE—Specifies the value of the parameter.
  VALUETYPE—Provides more detail about the nature of the VALUE being passed and can be set to DATA, REF, or OBJECT.


<APPLET WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=224 CODE= “test.class ALT= “Test applet “
   ALIGN= “TOP “ NAME= “test “ >
   <PARAM ID= “P1 “ NAME= “tolerance “ VALUE= “0.001 “ VALUETYPE= “DATA “>
   <PARAM ID= “P2” NAME= “pi “ VALUE= “3.14159 “ VALUETYPE= “DATA “>

Related Tags:

<PARAM> tags can be used only between the <APPLET> and </APPLET> tags or between the <OBJECT> and </OBJECT> tags.





Places an executable object on a page.


<OBJECT CLASSID= “implementation_info “ CODEBASE= “URL_of_object “
  CODETYPE= “MIME_type “ DATA= “URL_to_data “ TYPE= “data_MIME_type “
  ARCHIVE= “list_of_archives “ USEMAP= “map_name “ TABINDEX= “tab_position “
  STANDBY= “message_while_loading “ DECLARE
  WIDTH= “width_in_pixels_or_percentage “ NAME= “object_name “
  HEIGHT= “height_in_pixels_or_percentage “
  HSPACE= “pixels “ VSPACE= “pixels “ BORDER= “pixels “>


The <OBJECT> tag has an exhausting list of attributes, but many of them are the same as those for the <IMG> tag, so they are fairly easy to understand:

  ALIGN—Controls how content adjacent to the object area is aligned. Note that this ALIGN attribute has many more possible values than ALIGN attributes for other tags.
  WIDTH and HEIGHT—Specifies the dimensions of the object area as a number of pixels or as a percentage of available space.
  BORDER—Set equal to the number of pixels that the border thickness should be.
  HSPACE and VSPACE—Controls the amount of whitespace around the object area.

Additionally, <OBJECT> can take these attributes:

  ARCHIVE—Set equal to a comma-delimited list of archive locations.
  CLASSID—Identifies which implementation or release of the object you’re using.
  CODEBASE—Set equal to the URL of the object.
  CODETYPE—Describes the code’s MIME type.
  DATA—Set equal to list of URLs where data for the object can be found.
  DECLARE—Instructs the browser to declare, but not instantiate, a flag for the object.
  STANDBY—Enables you to display a message to the user while the object is loading.
  TYPE—Specifies the MIME type of the data passed to the object.
  USEMAP—Points to client-side map data, if imagemaps are used.


<OBJECT WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=100 CODETYPE= “application/x-oleobject “
  CLASSID= “CLSID: 1A4DA620-6217-11CF-BE62-0080C72EDD2D “
  CODEBASE= “http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/iexplorer/marquee.ocx “
  <PARAM NAME= “image “ VALUE= “greeting.gif “>
  <PARAM NAME= “speed “ VALUE= “7 “>
  <PARAM NAME= “repeat “ VALUE= “1 “>

Related Tags:

Parameters passed to the object are given by the <PARAM> tag.

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