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Platinum Edition Using HTML 4, XML, and Java 1.2
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Eric Ladd
ISBN: 078971759x
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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The <IFRAME> tag can take the following attributes:

  ALIGN—Controls how the floating frame is aligned, and can be set to TOP, MIDDLE, BOTTOM, LEFT, or RIGHT.TOP, MIDDLE, and BOTTOM alignments make text appear next to the frame, starting at the top, middle, or bottom of the frame. Setting ALIGN to LEFT or RIGHT floats the frame in the left or right margin and enables text to wrap around it.
  FRAMEBORDER—Setting FRAMEBORDER to 1 turns on the floating frame’s borders; setting it to 0 turns them off.
  HEIGHT—Specifies the height of the floating frame in pixels.
  LONGDESC—Set equal to the URL of a resource that contains more detail about the contents of the floating frame.
  MARGINHEIGHT—Specifies the size (in pixels) of the top margin of the floating frame.
  MARGINWIDTH—Specifies the size (in pixels) of the left margin of the floating frame.
  NAME—Gives the floating frame a unique name so it can be targeted by other tags (such as <A>, <FORM>, and <AREA>).
  SCROLLING—Controls the presence of scrollbars on the floating frame. Setting SCROLLING to YES makes the browser always put scrollbars on the floating frame, setting it to NO suppresses the scrollbars, and setting it to the default of AUTO enables the browser to decide whether the scrollbars are needed.
  SRC—Tells the browser the URL of the HTML file to load into the floating frame. SRC is a required attribute of the <IFRAME> tag.
  WIDTH—Specifies the width of the floating frame in pixels.


<IFRAME SRC= “float_content.html “ WIDTH= “50% “ HEIGHT= “50% “ ALIGN=”RIGHT”
Your browser does not support floating frames. :(

Executable Content Tags

One of the ways in which Web pages have become more dynamic is through their support of executable content, such as Java applets and ActiveX controls. These page elements are downloaded to the browser and run in its memory space to produce dynamic content on the browser screen.

HTML 4.0 supports two ways for placing executable content: the <APPLET> tag for Java applets and the <OBJECT> tag for other executable objects. These tags, along with the supporting <PARAM> tag, are profiled in this section.





Places a Java applet on a page. The <APPLET> tag has been deprecated in favor of using the more generic <OBJECT> tag to place applets.


<APPLET WIDTH= “width_in_pixels “ HEIGHT= “height_in_pixels “
  CODEBASE= “base_URL_for_applet “ CODE= “applet_class file “
  OBJECT= “serialized_applet_file “ NAME= “applet_name “
  ARCHIVE= “archive_list “ ALT= “text_alternative “
  HSPACE= “pixels “ VSPACE= “pixels “>


As the following list demonstrates, many of the <APPLET> tag’s attributes are the same as those for the <IMG> tag:

  ALIGN—Positions adjacent text at the TOP, MIDDLE, or BOTTOM of the applet window, or you can float the window in the LEFT or RIGHT margin.
  ALT—Provides a text-based alternative to the applet.
  ARCHIVE—Set equal to a comma-delimited list of archive locations.
  CODE—Specifies the class file.
  CODEBASE—Set equal to the URL of the code.
  HEIGHT—Specifies the height of the applet window in pixels. HEIGHT is a required attribute of the <APPLET> tag.
  HSPACE—Controls the amount of whitespace (in pixels) to the left and right of the applet window.
  NAME—Gives the applet a unique name so that it can be referenced by other Java applets.
  OBJECT—Provides the name of a serialized applet file.
  VSPACE—Controls the amount of whitespace (in pixels) above and below the applet window.
  WIDTH—Specifies the width of the applet window in pixels. WIDTH is a required attribute of the <APPLET> tag.

NOTE:  Either the CODE or the OBJECT attribute must be used in an <APPLET> tag. If they are both used and they each specify a different class name, the browser should return an error message.


<APPLET WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=200 CODE= “marquee.class “ NAME= “marquee “
  ALT= “Scrolling text marquee applet “ ALIGN= “RIGHT “
  <PARAM NAME= “message “ VALUE= “Hello World! “>

Related Tags:

Parameters are passed to a Java applet using the <PARAM> tag.





Passes a parameter to a Java applet (<APPLET>) or other executable object (<OBJECT>).


<PARAM ID= “unique_identifier “ NAME= “parameter_name “
 VALUE= “parameter_value “ VALUETYPE= “DATA|REF|OBJECT “
 TYPE= “expected_content_type “>

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