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Sams Teach Yourself Visual J++ 6 in 21 Days
(Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing)
Author(s): Rick Leinecker
ISBN: 0672313510
Publication Date: 11/01/98

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Resources on the Web

Information about Java and Visual J++ changes often. For that reason, it’s a good idea to keep a list of references to Web sites that will keep you up on the latest information. This section gives you some recommended sites that have Java and Visual J++ information. Because Visual J++ is relatively new, there are many more sites that are generic Java sites. It’s rare that you’ll find a site dedicated 100% to Visual J++.


This is the most authoritative site for Visual J++. It covers Visual J++ features and what’s coming up in future versions of Visual J++. There’s even a section that shows you how to get started by creating the basic project types.

One thing I found especially interesting here is Microsoft’s explanation of its Visual J++ strategy. Microsoft talks about unifying the programming model for applications and the Web using WFC. It talks about Dynamic HTML with Visual J++. In short, the background information found at this site is well worth the time it takes to read through.


Sun is the original developer of Java. This site offers a wealth of information about the Java language. You can find out about Java hardware, Java software solutions, Java services, and embedded products. You’ll find the Java Developers section especially useful. It caters to Java developers and offers insight into and information about Java classes.

An extensive set of white papers is available on the site. They cover everything from nitty-gritty Java information to design considerations from the user viewpoint. These white papers provide an unbelievable resource for Java developers.


This is the site that replaces the site that was formerly www.gamelan.com. It’s a repository of thousands of Java applications, applets, and controls. This is where I come to get ideas. You’ll see just about everything imaginable—everything from games to financial calculators.

For many of the programs, source code is available. This is an invaluable resource. You can use the source code to learn how to do some more advanced things in Java that aren’t covered in books or references.


This site is arguably the most authoritative site for Java technology. Besides the usual Java API reference and Java documentation, there’s a wealth of valuable information. One section pertains to business and licensing. This is very informative if you want to take your Java programs to market. You’ll learn about the legalities of the software business.

From time to time, JavaSoft sponsors contests. If you have a hot Java program, it’s probably worth checking out. You might end up the winner.


The Java Lobby consists of a group of people who share a common interest in Java software development and the advancement of Java standards and software. The main purpose of the Java Lobby is to represent the needs and concerns of the Java developer and user community to the companies and organizations that have influence in the evolution of Java. This site encourages all people who care about Java to stand together.


JavaWorld magazine is dedicated to fueling innovation for its readers. Among those who frequent the site are technology developers and enterprise managers who are planning, developing, and delivering real-world apps that are changing the way their companies do business daily. JavaWorld’s content helps readers understand and effectively use Java and related technologies.


This site, as well as all the others mentioned, contains a ton of useful information for Java developers. This site differs, though, in that its major emphasis is rating Java applets on the Web. You might have visited sites that displayed a Jars top 10% logo. This is the site responsible for those awards.

After you’ve gotten good at Java development, you’ll want to come back and have Jars rate your applets. You might turn out to be one of the top Java programmers and get a Jars top 1% rating!

Macmillan Computer Publishing’s Java Resource Center

Here you’ll find information about Java and Visual J++ books in print, links to interesting Java sites on the Web, and other useful information. You can get to the Java Resource Center by first visiting the main Resource Center page at http://www.mcp.com/ resources. From there, choose the link titled Programming. From the Programming Resource Center page, follow the Java Resource Center link, and you’re in.


In this chapter, you’ve learned about Java and Visual J++. You’ve gotten an introduction to Java and learned how Visual J++ makes developing Java easier. You learned how to create a Java applet and a Java application.

Right now is a good time to do some experimenting on your own. Go ahead and try some things. You’ll learn far more by doing than by reading.

The review questions that follow will help you solidify your understanding of the material we’ve covered. Spend the time necessary to work through the questions.

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