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Application 3: PayrollThe file you have just created contains a good deal of information about employees and can be used for more than one purpose. You can use some or all of the information in this file to create different reports or other data files. In the following application, the file EMPFILE.TXT is read but only three fields from each record are used: ID, Name, and HourlyRate. The program first displays an employees information on the screen, then the user is prompted to enter HoursWorked for this employee. The Wages are then calculated by multiplying HourlyRate and HoursWorked. After processing each record the ID, Name, and Wages are stored in a new file PAYFILE.TXT. The new file is used to produce a payroll report for this pay period. { ------------------------------- figure 9-7 ----------------------------- } PROGRAM PayRoll(INPUT,OUTPUT,MasterFile,PayFile); TYPE AddressRecord = RECORD Street :STRING[18]; City :STRING[15]; State :STRING[2]; Zip :String[5]; END; EmployeeRecord = RECORD ID :INTEGER; Name :STRING[20]; AddressRec :AddressRecord; Phone :STRING[12]; Rate :REAL; MaritalStatus :CHAR; END; PayRecord = RECORD ID :INTEGER; Name :STRING[20]; Wages :REAL; END; VAR MasterFile, PayFile :TEXT; EmployeeRec :EmployeeRecord; PayRec :PayRecord; HoursWorked, Wages :REAL; { --------------- Procedure GetInfo ------------------ } { This procedure reads the employee file "EMPFILE.TXT" and displays the ID, Name, and Hourly Rate. } PROCEDURE GetInfo(VAR F:TEXT); BEGIN WITH EmployeeRec DO WITH AddressRec DO BEGIN READLN(F,ID); WRITELN('ID: ',ID); READLN(F,Name); WRITELN('Name: ',Name); READLN(F,Street); READLN(F,City); READLN(F,State); READLN(F,Zip); READLN(F,Phone); READLN(F,Rate); WRITELN('Hourly rate: $', Rate:0:2); READLN(F,MaritalStatus); END; END; { --------------- Procedure CalcWages ---------------- } { This procedure is used to calculate wages. The result is returned to the main program } PROCEDURE CalcWages(HoursWorked:REAL; VAR Wages:REAL); BEGIN WITH EmployeeRec DO Wages:= Hoursworked * Rate; Wages:= ROUND(100 * Wages) / 100 { rounding cents } END; { -------------- Procedure FilePayRoll --------------- } { This procedure is used to write one record to the output file PAYFILE.TXT } PROCEDURE FilePayRoll(VAR F:TEXT; VAR P:TEXT; Wages:REAL); BEGIN WITH EmployeeRec DO BEGIN PayRec.ID:= ID; PayRec.Name:= Name; PayRec.Wages:= Wages END; WITH PayRec DO WRITELN(P, ID:3, Name:20, Wages:10:2) END; { --------------- Main Program ------------------ } BEGIN ASSIGN(MasterFile, 'EMPFILE.TXT'); RESET(MasterFile); ASSIGN(PayFile, 'PAYFILE.TXT'); REWRITE(PayFile); WHILE NOT EOF(MasterFile) DO BEGIN GetInfo(MasterFile); WRITE('Please enter hours worked for this pay period: '); READLN(HoursWorked); CalcWages(HoursWorked, Wages); FilePayRoll(MasterFile, PayFile, Wages) END; CLOSE(MasterFile); CLOSE(PayFile) END. Sample run: Assume that the file EMPFILE.TXT contains three records. The program will use these records as follows: ID: 122 ----> Information from file Name: Tammy M. Ockman ----> Information from file Hourly rate: $22.45 ----> Information from file Please enter hours worked for this pay period: 160 ----> Entered by user ID: 123 Name: Tara S. Strahan Hourly rate: $15.24 Please enter hours worked for this pay period: 160 ID: 125 Name: John G. Trainer Hourly rate: $28.55 Please enter hours worked for this pay period: 140.5 The program creates the file PAYFILE.TXT containing the following records: 122 Tammy M. Ockman 3592.00 123 Tara S. Strahan 2438.40 125 John G. Trainer 4011.28 The program consists of three procedures:
These are some important points of the program:
The first two statements copy the values of the fields ID and Name from EmployeeRec to the corresponding fields in PayRec. The WITH statement modifies only the variables which belong to the record EmployeeRec (ID and Name). A variable such as PayRec.ID is not affected by the WITH statement because it is explicitly modified by PayRec. In the last statement, no variables at all are affected by the WITH statement.
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