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Learn Pascal in a Three Days (2nd Ed.)
Accessing FieldsEach field in a record can be accessed using both the record identifier and the field identifier separated by a period. For example, you can assign values to the fields with statements like: EmployeeRec.Name:= 'Charles A. Dixon'; EmployeeRec.Rate:= 22.5; You can do the same thing with input and output operations: WRITELN('Employee Name: ', EmployeeRec.Name); This type of compound variable is called a fielded variable. Actually, the scope of the field identifier (such as Name) is the record in which it was declared, and it may be used elsewhere in the program as the name of another variable if desired. In the following example, the record EmployeeRec is filled and then displayed. {------------------------------- figure 8-2 -------------------------------} PROGRAM RecordExample1(OUTPUT); TYPE EmployeeRecord = RECORD Name :STRING[25]; Address :STRING[40]; Phone :STRING[12]; Rate :REAL; MaritalStatus :CHAR; END; VAR EmployeeRec:EmployeeRecord; BEGIN { Assign values to the fielded variables } EmployeeRec.Name:= 'Diane J. Bedford'; EmployeeRec.Address:= '20 Carmen Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70112'; EmployeeRec.Phone:= '504-666-5043'; EmployeeRec.Rate:= 28.5; EmployeeRec.MaritalStatus:= 'S'; { Display record information } WRITELN('Employee Name: ', EmployeeRec.Name); WRITELN('Address: ', EmployeeRec.Address); WRITELN('Telephone #: ', EmployeeRec.Phone); WRITELN('Hourly Rate: $', EmployeeRec.Rate:0:2); WRITELN('Marital Status: ', EmployeeRec.MaritalStatus) END. The output is: Employee Name: Diane J. Bedford Address: 20 Carmen Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70112 Telephone #: 504-666-5043 Hourly Rate: $28.50 Marital Status: S The WITH StatementThere is, however, a shorter way to do this by using the WITH statement. When you use the WITH statement, you do not have to use fielded variables. Look at this block of assignments using the WITH statement: WITH EmployeeRec DO BEGIN Name:= 'Charles A. Dixon'; Address:= '202 Greenwood, Gretna, LA 70088'; Phone:= '504-666-7574'; Rate:= 22.5; MaritalStatus:= 'M' END; The effect of using the WITH statement is to attach each field name to the record name. If one of the variables inside the block is not a field identifier, it will not be modified by the WITH statement. If WITH is followed by only one statement, there is of course no need for the BEGIN-END block. You can use the WITH statement to call a procedure to process the fields of a record, for example: WITH EmployeeRec DO DisplayResults(Name, Rate); This statement is equivalent to: DisplayResults(EmployeeRec.Name, EmployeeRec.Rate); The WITH statement takes the general form: WITH record-identifier DO statement; The following example demonstrates the same logic as that used in program 8-2, but the program is divided into three subprograms: GetData, DisplayInfo, and DrawLine (which you wrote before). The output of this program is displayed in the proper format, using a header for the record. { ------------------------------- figure 8-3 ------------------------------- } PROGRAM RecordExample2(OUTPUT); TYPE EmployeeRecord = RECORD Name :STRING[25]; Address :STRING[40]; Phone :STRING[12]; Rate :REAL; MaritalStatus :CHAR; END; VAR EmployeeRec :EmployeeRecord; { ------------ Procedure Drawline -------------- } PROCEDURE DrawLine(LineLength, TabLength:INTEGER); CONST Dash = '-'; VAR Counter:INTEGER; BEGIN FOR Counter:= 1 TO TabLength DO WRITE(' '); FOR Counter:= 1 TO LineLength DO WRITE(Dash); WRITELN END; { ------------- Procedure GetData -------------- } PROCEDURE GetData(VAR Employee:EmployeeRecord); {Name,Address,Phone,Rate,MaritalStatus);} { Assign values to fields } BEGIN WITH Employee DO BEGIN Name:= 'Diane J. Bedford'; Address:= '20 Carmen Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70112'; Phone:= '504-666-5043'; Rate:= 28.5; MaritalStatus:= 'S' END END; { ----------- Procedure DisplayInfo ------------ } PROCEDURE DisplayInfo(Employee:EmployeeRecord); { Display record information } CONST Header ='Record of '; VAR Len, Tab, Counter :INTEGER; HeaderText, Status:STRING; BEGIN WITH Employee DO BEGIN HeaderText:= CONCAT(Header,Name); Len:= LENGTH(HeaderText); Tab:= (80- Len) DIV 2; DrawLine(Len, Tab); FOR Counter:= 1 TO Tab DO WRITE(' '); WRITELN(HeaderText); DrawLine(Len, Tab); WRITELN('Address: ', Address); WRITELN('Telephone #: ', Phone); WRITELN('Hourly Rate: $', Rate:0:2); IF MaritalStatus = 'M' THEN Status:= 'Married' ELSE Status:= 'Single'; WRITELN('Marital Status: ', Status) END END; { --------------- Main Program ----------------- } BEGIN GetData(EmployeeRec); DisplayInfo(EmployeeRec) END The output is: --------------------- Record of Diane J. Bedford --------------------- Address: 20 Carmen Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70112 Telephone #: 504-666-5043 Hourly Rate: $28.50 Marital Status: Single The points which are worthy of your attention in the program are the use of the WITH statement and the passing of the record as a parameter to the subprograms. Notice also that the record is passed once as a variable parameter (using VAR), when it was to return values of the fields, and once as a value parameter, when it was only a receiver. The actual value of such a program comes when it reads the employee information from a data file, which will be discussed shortly.
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