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Learn Pascal in a Three Days (2nd Ed.)
(Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.)
ISBN: 1556225679
Publication Date: 07/01/97

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7-3 Global and Local Variables

Both the formal parameters and the variables declared in a procedure are called local variables because they are accessible only within their procedure; in other words, they are invisible to the main program or to any other subprogram. The variables declared in the main program, on the other hand, are called global variables because they are accessible from any program unit. In the program 7-2, for example, the variable “TestSentence” is a global variable and may be accessed from the procedure “DrawLine” without passing it as a parameter. Any assignment to this variable in the procedure will change its value in the main program. The local variable “Counter,” however, is not accessible from the main program.

Consider now the case if you declared two variables with the same name (such as “X”), one in the main program and one in a procedure. The redeclaration of the global variable “X” in a procedure will create a local variable with the same name and hide the global variable from the procedure. This means you will have two different variables that correspond to two different locations in memory. When the procedure exits, there will be one global variable with the name “X.” These restrictions help the programmer not to modify the value of a global variable from a subprogram by accident.

The variables in the main program can only be modified from other procedures if they are global (and not redeclared in the procedure) or are passed by reference as variable parameters to the procedure. Accessing global variables from a subprogram is not recommended, as it repeals the modularity of the program. Using parameters is safer, and it also keeps the subprogram independent and useful with different programs.

Example: Sorting Procedure

Go back to program 5-5, and let us split it into generic procedures. This program was used to read, sort, and display an array of six elements. What you need to do now is write three procedures that read, sort, and display an array of any size. By passing the array and the number of elements to the procedures, the same results will be achieved as before. The main body of the program will contain only three calls:

    ReadNumbers(ArraySize, Numbers);
    SortNumbers(ArraySize, Numbers);
    PrintNumbers(ArraySize, Numbers);

In this way, any one of the three procedures can be used in any program. One important point to mention here is that when you pass an array to a procedure or function, it must be declared in the TYPE section. The formal parameters in the procedure header will then look something like this:

    PROCEDURE ReadNumbers(L: INTEGER; VAR R:NumbersArray);

The parameter “L” corresponds to “ArraySize,” and the array “R” corresponds to the array “Numbers.” As you can see in the parameter declaration it is of the type “NumbersArray,” which is the same type as the array “Numbers.” Here is the complete program:

{ ----------------------- figure 7-4 --------------------------- }
 ArraySize = 6;
 Range = 1..ArraySize;
 NumbersArray = ARRAY[Range] OF INTEGER;
{ ----------------- Read procedure --------------- }
PROCEDURE ReadNumbers(L: INTEGER; VAR R:NumbersArray);
 FOR I:= 1 TO L DO
   WRITE('Enter element #', I,': ');
{ ----------------- Sort procedure --------------- }
PROCEDURE SortNumbers(M: INTEGER; VAR S:NumbersArray);
 FOR I:= 1 TO M-1 DO
  FOR J:= I+1 TO M DO
   IF S[I] > S[J] THEN
     BEGIN                               { swap contents }
      Pot:= S[J];
      S[J]:= S[I];
      S[I]:= Pot
{ ---------------- Print procedure --------------- }
PROCEDURE PrintNumbers(N: INTEGER; T:NumbersArray);
 WRITE('The sorted array is: ');
 FOR I:= 1 TO N DO
  WRITE(T[I],' ');
{ --------------- Main Program ------------------- }
 ReadNumbers(ArraySize, Numbers);
 SortNumbers(ArraySize, Numbers);
 PrintNumbers(ArraySize, Numbers);
 WRITELN('Press ENTER to continue..');

Sample run:

Enter element #1: 44
Enter element #2: 22
Enter element #3: 8
Enter element #4: 1
Enter element #5: 667
Enter element #6: 3
The sorted array is: 1 3 8 22 44 667
Press ENTER to continue..

Note that the array is passed as a variable parameter to the procedures which are expected to change the value of the array (e.g., “ReadNumbers” and “SortNumbers”), but there was no need to do that for the procedure “PrintNumbers,” which displays the array without returning any value to the main program. In the latter case the array was passed as a value parameter. Notice also the use of local variables in different procedures, which makes each an independent unit. If any of these procedures has to be used with a different type of array, you need only change the type “NumbersArray” or use the same type name for the new array in the main program. In this example it is possible to use procedures without any parameters at all and process the global variables directly, but in that case you would have to use the same variable names in all of the procedures and the main program, which is a lot of effort and also entails the risk of dealing with global variables.

TIP:  Like arrays, enumerated types and subranges must be declared in the TYPE section if they are to be used as formal parameters in a subprogram call.

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