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Learn Pascal in a Three Days (2nd Ed.)
(Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.)
ISBN: 1556225679
Publication Date: 07/01/97

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As long as the three variables have not yet been assigned values, the end-of-line marks between the values are treated as spaces and are thus ignored. The pointer moves from one end-of-line mark to another until all of the values have been read, then the pointer moves past the end of the next end-of-line mark, ending the READLN statement. Try the following program (which contains two READLN statements) using the values shown in the sample runs.

{-------------------- figure 6-2 -------------------- }
 CR = CHR(13);
 LF = CHR(10);
 B       :REAL;
 WRITE('Enter A, B, C: ');
{ If you enter more than three values, only the first three will be read }
{ Now a subsequent READLN will start to read values after the end-of-line mark, ignoring any leftovers from the previous read }
 WRITE('Enter D, E: ');
 WRITELN('A=',A,', B=',B:0:2,', C=', C, CR, LF,
     'D=', D,', E= ',E)

Sample run:

Enter A, B, C: 1 2 3 4 5 6       ----> Enter these values
Enter D, E: 7 8              ----> Enter these values
A=1, B=2.00, C=3                 ----> The program response
D=7, E= 8

Notice that the extra values (4, 5, 6) in the first input line were ignored completely and the second read started from the value “7,” which follows the end-of-line mark.

Drill 6-1

Try the last program using the following inputs and study the results:

    1 2          <Enter>
    3 4 5 6      <Enter>
    7 8          <Enter>

Using READ for Numeric Input

With the READ statement the reading procedure is different, because after the READ statement is done, the file pointer does not move past the end-of-line mark, and so any subsequent READ will start from where the previous READ left off. Replace the READLN statements in the previous program with READ statements and try the following input:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7      <Enter>

When you press Enter, the program will not pause at the second input statement because the input file contains sufficient numeric values for five variables. In this case, the program displays the following results:

    A=1, B=2.00, C=3
    D=4, E=5

Drill 6-2

Using the last program with the READ statement, try the following inputs:

    1. 1 2           <Enter>
       3 4 5 6 7     <Enter>

    2. 1 2 3 4       <Enter>
       5 6 7         <Enter>

Using READ for Character Input

With character input, the input statements work in a different way. The READ statement reads successive characters from the keyboard file, including the end-of-line mark (which is actually two characters “CR” and “LF”), and assigns each character to the next variable in the input list. Consider the following input statement:

    READ(C1, C2, C3, C4);

where C1, C2, C3, and C4 are variables of the type CHAR.

If you enter the four characters that follow:


they will all be read and assigned to the variables, thus:

C1 contains ‘A’
C2 contains ‘B’
C3 contains ‘C’
C4 contains ‘D’

Now consider the case of an input like this:

    A B C D

The first four characters (including blank spaces) in this input will be assigned to the four variables and the rest ignored, giving the following result:

C1 contains ‘A’
C2 contains ‘ ’(blank space)
C3 contains ‘B’
C4 contains ‘ ’(blank space)

Run the following program and use the sample run values to see how things work. Notice that the output of the program gives you both the variables’ contents and the corresponding ASCII codes, which will help you to recognize any nonprintable character such as the space, the line-leed, or the carriage return.

{ -------------------- figure 6-3 -------------------- }
 LF = CHR(10);
 CR = CHR(13);
 C1, C2, C3, C4 :CHAR;
 WRITE('Enter four characters: ');
 READ(C1, C2, C3, C4);
 WRITELN('Your inputs have been assigned to the variables as follows:', CR, LF,
     'C1= ', C1, CR, LF,
     'C2= ', C2, CR, LF,
     'C3= ', C3, CR, LF,
     'C4= ', C4);
 WRITELN('The corresponding ASCII codes are:', CR, LF,
      ORD(C1),' ', ORD(C2),' ', ORD(C3),' ',ORD(C4))

The following are sample runs of the program.

Run 1:

Enter four characters: A BCD
Your inputs have been assigned to the variables as follows:
C1= A
C2=       { blank space }
C3= B
C4= C
The corresponding ASCII codes are:
65 32 66 67

The second variable was here assigned the ASCII code 32, which is the code for the blank space.

Run 2:

Enter four characters: ABCDEFG
Your inputs are assigned to the variables as follows:
C1= A
C2= B
C3= C
C4= D
The corresponding ASCII codes are:
65 66 67 68

In the second case, the first four characters are read and the rest are ignored. If there were a subsequent READ statement in the program, it would start at the letter “E.”

The end-of-line mark is treated like any other nonnumeric character. For example, if you test the program using these inputs:

    AB      <Enter>
    CD      <Enter>

the program will terminate after entering the first two characters and you will get an output like this:

Run 3:

C1= A
C2= B
C3= { CR }
C4= { LF }
The corresponding ASCII codes are:
65 66 13 10

The third and the fourth characters contain CR and LF respectively, because when you press Enter, you send two characters to the INPUT file, CR and LF. Notice that the CR appears as a blank space (actually, it returns the cursor to the beginning of the line), while the LF advances to a new line.

The same thing will happen if you use two separate READ statements. To see this, replace the READ statement in the program by two READ statements:

     READ(C1, C2);
     READ(C3, C4);

When you run the program now, you will notice that if you type the first two characters and press Enter, the program will be terminated and you get the same output as in RUN 3.

Also, if you enter more characters than are required, only the first four will be read.

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