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Learn Pascal in a Three Days (2nd Ed.)
(Publisher: Wordware Publishing, Inc.)
ISBN: 1556225679
Publication Date: 07/01/97

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The subrange, another user-defined ordinal type, helps to eliminate out-of-range data. For example, instead of using the INTEGER type to represent the month numbers, you can declare the variable “Month” as a subrange like this:

     Month: 1..12;

As such, any value outside the range “1 to 12” will be considered an error either in compilation or at runtime. In other words, you cannot, after this declaration, write a statement like this in your program:

    Month:= 13;      ---> illegal statement

Also, if a user responds to an input statement by entering an out-of-range number, the program will issue the proper error message, though with some compilers you have to set a switch to make the compiler detect out-of-range errors.

The type used to represent month values in this example is INTEGER. It is called the base type of the subrange. You may use any ordinal type as the base type. For example, you can declare the uppercase letters as a subrange using the base type CHAR as follows:

     Uppercase: 'A'..'Z'

In this case, only the uppercase letters will be permitted as data for the subrange “Uppercase.”

The following example demonstrates the use of a subrange to represent months, followed by a CASE statement to classify months as seasons. The program prompts you to enter the month number, and displays the season this month belongs to.

{ -------------------- figure 5-2 -------------------- }
 WRITE('Please enter the number of the month: ');
 CASE MonthNumber OF
  12, 1,2 :WRITELN('This is wintertime.');
  3, 4, 5 :WRITELN('This is springtime.');
  6, 7, 8 :WRITELN('This is summertime.');
  9, 10, 11:WRITELN('This is autumn.')

The following are two sample runs. The second one gave a runtime error message because the number “14” was entered as a month number:

Run 1:

Please enter the number of the month:2
This is wintertime.

Run 2:

Please enter the number of the month: 14
Runtime error 201 at 0000:00BE.

The subrange, in general, can be a subset of any previously defined sequence (of the ordinal type). So, if the enumeration “Day” has already been defined in your program, you may then define a subrange like this:

     WorkingDay: Monday..Friday;

This is valid because the words “Monday” and “Friday” are already known to the compiler. There are some restrictions on using enumerations and subranges:

1.  The first element in a subrange must be less than the last one.
2.  Though a subrange can be a subset of an enumeration, an enumeration cannot use elements from another enumeration.
3.  The enumeration elements cannot be used as identifiers for other variables. It is the same as declaring the same variable identifier twice in one program.

Drill 5-1

Write a declaration to define the following subranges:

A.  The uppercase letters
B.  The lowercase letters
C.  The decimal digits

Accept values that correspond to each subrange and display them preceded by the proper message. The output may look something like this:

    Lowercase letter   : r
    Uppercase letter   : T
    Digit         : 5

5-2 The TYPE Section

The enumerations and subranges are usually associated with the TYPE statement, which is used to declare new user-defined types or to rename predefined types. The TYPE statement comes in the TYPE section of the declaration part. It takes the form:

    type-name = type-definition;

where “type-name” is the type identifier, and “type-definition” is a predefined type or new type definition.

Renaming TYPES

It is possible to rename any data type, even the simple types such as INTEGER, as in this example:

      Day = INTEGER;

In this declaration the type INTEGER is given a new name (Day). Thus, in the VAR section, you can declare some other variables of the type “Day” like this:

     Holiday, Yesterday, Tomorrow: Day;

The type “Day” is actually the type INTEGER, but given another name (a synonym). In your program, you may use either one of the two names (INTEGER or Day) because the type INTEGER is still recognized by the compiler. This is not, however, the proper use of the TYPE statement. It is meant to be used for naming types such as enumerations and subranges.

Naming User-Defined Types

Instead of declaring enumerations and subranges in the VAR section, it would be better to declare them as types. Look at these declarations:

      Day = (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday);
      WorkingDay = Monday..Friday;

Here, two new types are declared: the enumerated type “Day,” and the subrange “WorkingDay.” Notice that the subrange is defined as a subset of the enumeration “Day.” Needless to say, the enumeration declaration must come first in this case.

You can use these new types in the VAR section to declare variables in the same way you use the predefined types of the language. Thus:

     Today, Yesterday, Tomorrow, Holiday:Day;

The use of the TYPE statement saves you the effort of writing long declarations for the enumeration variables “Today,” “Yesterday,” “Tomorrow,” and “Holiday.” They are all simply of the type “Day.”

Now in your program you may write assignment statements like the following:

    Holiday:= Friday;
    DayOff:= Tuesday;
    Tomorrow:= Sunday;

In order to see the values contained in your variables, use an output statement such as:

    WRITELN(ORD(Holiday), ', ',ORD(DayOff),', ', ORD(Tomorrow));

In this case, the statement will give you the values 4, 1, and 6 respectively.

In standard Pascal the TYPE section should come in the following sequence relative to the other sections:

LABEL section
CONST section
TYPE section
VAR section

In Turbo Pascal, as mentioned before, the order is not important, but the TYPE section should still precede the VAR section because it contains the definitions of the user-defined types.

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