BufferedInputStream | A buffered input stream |
BufferedOutputStream | A buffered output stream |
ByteArrayInputStream | An input stream from a byte array |
ByteArrayOutputStream | An output stream to a byte array |
DataInputStream | Enables you to read primitive Java types (ints, chars, booleans, and so on) from a sttream in a machine-independent way |
DataOutputStream | Enables you to write primitive Java data types (ints, chars, booleans, and so on) to a sttream in a machine-independent way |
File | Represents a file on the hosts file system |
FileDescriptor | Holds onto the UNIX-like file descriptor of a file or socket |
FileInputStream | An input stream from a file, constructed using a filename or descriptor |
FileOutputStream | An output stream to a file, constructed using a filename or descriptor |
FilterInputStream | Abstract class which provides a filter for input streams (and for adding stream futrctionality such as buffering) |
FilterOutputStream | Abstract class which provides a filter for output streams (and for adding stream functionality such as buffering) |
InputStream | An abstract class representing an input stream of bytes; the parent of all input streams in this package |
LineNumberInputStream | An input stream that keeps track of line numbers |
OutputStream | An abstract class representing an output stream of bytes; the parent of all output streams in this package |
PipedInputStream | A piped input stream, which should be connected to a PipedOutputStream to be useful |
PipedOutputStream | A piped output stream, which should be connected to a PipedInputStream to be useful (together they provide safe communication between threads) |
PrintStream | An output stream for printing (used by System.out.println(...)) |
.PushbackInputStream | An input stream with a 1-byte push back buffer |
RandomAccessFile | Provides random access to a file, constructed from filenames, descriptors, or obects |
SequenceInputStream | Converts a sequence of input streams into a single input stream |
StreamTokenizer | Converts an input stream into a series of individual tokens |
StringBufferInputStream | An input stream from a String object |
ContentHandler | Abstract behavior for reading data from a URL connection and constructing the appropriate local object, based on MIME types |
DatagramPacket | A datagram packet (UDP) |
DatagramSocket | A datagram socket |
InetAddress | An object representation of an Internet host (host name, IP address) |
ServerSocket | A server-side socket |
Socket | A socket |
SocketImpl | An abstract class for specific socket implementations |
URL | An object representation of a URL |
URLConnection | Abstract behavior for a socket that can handle various Web-based protocols (http, ftp, and so on) |
URLEncoder | Turns strings into x-www-form-urlencoded format |
URLStreamHandler | Abstract class for managing streams to object referenced by URLs |
BorderLayout | A layout manager for arranging items in border formation |
Button | A UI pushbutton |
Canvas | A canvas for drawing and performing other graphics oper-ations |
CardLayout | A layout manager for HyperCard-like metaphors |
Checkbox | A checkbox |
CheckboxGroup | A group of exclusive checkboxes (radio buttons) |
CheckboxMenuItem | A toggle menu item |
Choice | A popup menu of choices |
Color | An abstract representation of a color |
Component | The abstract generic class for all UI components |
Container | Abstract behavior for a component that can hold other components or containers |
Dialog | A window for brief interactions with users |
Dimension | An object representing width and height |
Event | An object representing events caused by the system or based on user input |
FileDialog | A dialog for getting filenames from the local file system |
FlowLayout | A layout manager that lays out objects from left to right in rows |
Font | An abstract representation of a font |
FontMetrics | Abstract class for holding information about a specific fonts character shapes and height and width information |
Frame | A top-level window with a title |
Graphics | Abstract behavior for representing a graphics context, and for drawing and painting shapes and objects |
GridBagConstraints | Constraints for components laid out using GridBagLayout |
GridBagLayou | A layout manager that aligns components horizontally and vertically based on their values from GridBagConstraints |
GridLayout | A layout manager with rows and columns; elements are added to each cell in the grid |
Image | An abstract representation of a bitmap image |
Insets | Distances from the outer border of the window; used to lay out components |
Label | A text label for UI components |
List | A scrolling list |
MediaTracker | A way to keep track of the status of media objects being loaded over the Net |
Menu | A menu, which can contain menu items and is a container on a menubar |
MenuBar | A menubar (container for menus) |
MenuComponent | The abstract superclass of all menu elements |
MenuItem | An individual menu item |
Panel | A container that is displayed |
Point | An object representing a point (x and y coordinates) |
Polygon | An object representing a set of points |
Rectangle | An object representing a rectangle (x and y coordinates for the top corner, plus width and height) |
Scrollbar | A UI scrollbar object |
TextArea | A multiline, scrollable, editable text field |
TextComponent | The superclass of all editable text components |
TextField | A fixed-size editable text field |
Toolkit | Abstract behavior for binding the abstract AWT classes to a platform-specific toolkit implementation |
Window A top-level window, and the superclass of the Frame and Dialog classes
ColorModel | An abstract class for managing color information for images |
CropImageFilter | A filter for cropping images to a particular size |
DirectColorModel | A specific color model for managing and translating pixel color values |
FilteredImageSource | An ImageProducer that takes an image and an ImageFilter object, and produces an image for an ImageConsumer |
ImageFilter | A filter that takes image data from an ImageProducer, modifies it in some way, and hands it off to an ImageConsumer |
IndexColorModel | A specific color model for managing and translating color values in a fixed-color map |
MemoryImageSource | An image producer that gets its image from memory; used after constructing an image by hand |
PixelGrabber | An ImageConsumer that retrieves a subset of the pixels in an image |
RGBImageFilter | Abstract behavior for a filter that modifies the RGB values of pixels in RGB images |
Each class in the AWT that inherits from either Component or MenuComponent has a corresponding peer class. Each of those classes is the name of the Component with -Peer added (for example, ButtonPeer, DialogPeer, and WindowPeer). Because each one
provides similar behavior, they are not enumerated here.