Chapter 35
JavaScript Reference
This chapter serves as a tutorial and reference guide for the
JavaScript language. You'll learn about the objects and methods
provided by JavaScript and learn how events are handled. By the
end of this chapter, you should have an understanding of what
JavaScript offers and be able to begin writing your own scripts.
JavaScript is an object-based scripting language that does not
support classes or inheritance. So, you might ask, how do you
use JavaScript as an object-oriented language? Good question.
JavaScript provides a number of default objects to which you have
direct access, and allows you to create your own objects as well.
The following are the JavaScript-supplied objects:
- navigator can be thought
of as being directly relational to the browser window. Inside
the browser window lies the entire HTML document. The same holds
true for the navigator object.
- window is the parent
class for all objects stored within the navigator
object. Dialog boxes inside the navigator
object's parent window can be created by using the properties
and methods provided by the window
object. The window object
also provides access to the child windows of each frame through
the frame's array property.
- location holds all pertinent
information about an URL.
- history provides access
to the browser's URL history list.
- document contains information
about all HTML properties inside the current page. It is through
this object that JavaScript is enabled to output HTML.
- form contains information
about a form defined within the body of the HTML document.
- button coincides with
the button components displayed in the document.
- checkbox coincides with
the checkbox components displayed in the document.
- text coincides with the
text field components in the document.
- textarea coincides with
the text area components in the document.
- hidden coincides with
the hidden text field components in the document.
- password coincides with
the password text field components in the document.
- radio coincides with
the radio button components displayed in the document.
- selections is an array
containing all of the selection group components displayed in
the document.
- string provides a string
container for JavaScript. A number of string-manipulation utilities
are contained within the object as well.
- Date provides the capability
to store and work with date information.
- Math provides mathematical
constants and mathematical functions.
The power of JavaScript lies in the functionality provided to
the programmer. The following sections are a reference to the
methods and properties of the JavaScript objects. Keep in mind
when programming JavaScript that it is a loosely typed language.
The navigator object provides
a base class for all HTML objects. It provides the basis for the
logical hierarchy inherent in HTML. That is, the navigator
object contains a window
object containing the document
object, which in turn contains all of the defined objects.
The window object is the
base object for the document
object. It provides the following properties:
- window frames[index]
contains window objects for
each frame child window.
- number frames.length
is the number of frame child windows.
- window self is the current
window object.
- window parent is the
parent window.
- window top is the topmost
ancestor window object.
The window object provides
the following methods:
- void alert(string "name")
displays an alert dialog box containing the passed string.
- boolean confirm(string "name")
displays a confirmation dialog box containing the passed string.
Returns a True or False
- void open(string "URL",
string "name") opens a new client window
continuing the specified URL and displaying the title name.
- void close() closes the
self window.
The location object provides
information about the current URL location, as well as some useful
methods. Its properties are the following:
- string href holds the
entire URL.
- string protocol contains
the protocol section of the URL, including the colon (:).
- string host holds the
hostname, including the optional port number embedded in the URL.
- string hostname holds
the hostname, not including the optional port number embedded
in the URL.
- string port contains
the port of the host if specified; otherwise, the value is ""
- string path contains
the path information that is specified in the URL after the host
- string hash holds the
CGI-specified information, if any.
- string search contains
the specified CGI parameters.
- string post contains
any post handler specified in the URL.
The location object provides
the following methods:
- string toString() returns
the value stored in the href
- void assign() sets the
href property.
The history object provides
access to the browser's URL history list. Its properties are the
- string back holds the
URL of the previous location in the URL history list.
- string forward holds
the URL of the next location in the URL history list.
- string current holds
the URL of the current location in the URL history list.
- int length contains the
number of entries in the URL history list.
The history object provides
the following methods:
- void go(int delta) loads
the URL in the URL history list that is delta
distance from the current position. The value of delta
may be either positive or negative, allowing positive and negative
- void go(string "srchstring")
loads the URL in the URL history list that contains the partial
srchstring in either the
URL or the title.
- string toString() creates
an HTML list of all the entries in the URL history list.
The document object contains
information about all HTML properties inside the current page.
In addition to the standard properties provided, a member for
each form in the document is provided with the name specified
in the form's NAME attribute.
The following are the document
object's provided properties:
- string title holds the
document's title. If one is not defined, the value is Untitled.
- string location contains
the document's full URL.
- string lastmodified contains
the last-modified date.
- string loadedDate contains
the date the document was loaded.
- string referer holds
the name of the host that referred the current document.
- string bgColor contains
the 24-bit RGB hexadecimal background color.
- string fgColor contains
the 24-bit RGB hexadecimal foreground color.
- string linkColor contains
the 24-bit RGB hexadecimal hyperlink color.
- string vlinkColor contains
the 24-bit RGB hexadecimal visited hyperlink color.
- string alinkColor contains
the 24-bit RGB hexadecimal active hyperlink color. An active hyperlink
is displayed when the mouse button has been depressed but has
not been released.
- form forms[index] is
an array of form objects
corresponding to the forms defined in the current document.
- int forms.length contains
the number of forms in the forms[]
- location links[index]
is an array of location objects
corresponding to the links defined in the current document.
- links.length contains
the number of forms in the links[]
- string anchors[index]
is an array of anchor name strings, corresponding to the anchors
defined in the current document.
- anchors.length contains
the number of forms in the anchors[]
The document object provides
the following methods:
- void write(string "output")
outputs the output string
into the current document.
- void writeln(string "output")
outputs the output string
into the current document followed by a newline character.
- void clear() clears the
current document window.
- void close() closes the
current document window.
The form object contains
information about the defined form. In addition to its standard
properties, this object contains a member for each field of the
form. For instance, suppose a form contains a field called "Name";
the associated form would contain a member named Name.
The value of the field can be obtained using form.Name.value.
The form object's default
properties are the following:
- string name contains
the form's NAME attribute.
- int method will contain
a value of 0 if the form's
METHOD attribute is equal
to get, or a value of 1
if the METHOD attribute is
equal to post.
- string action holds the
value of the ACTION attribute.
- window target is the
window to be used to display the form's response.
- object elements[index]
is an array containing all the component elements of the form.
- elements.length contains
the number of objects in the elements[]
The form object has no methods.
The button object may take
one of three separate functions coinciding with a form's reset
button, submit button, or a custom button. The button
object's properties are as follows:
- string value stores the
value specified in the VALUE
- string name holds the
value specified in the NAME
The button object contains
no methods.
The checkbox object corresponds
to a form's checkbox. Its properties are as follows:
- string value stores the
value specified in the VALUE
- string name holds the
value specified in the NAME
- boolean status contains
the current status of the checkbox.
- boolean defaultstatus
contains the default status of the checkbox specified in the chECKED
The checkbox object contains
no methods.
The text, textarea,
hidden, and password
objects are all formed from the same object structure. The following
are the properties of the shared object structure:
- string value stores the
value specified in the VALUE
- string name holds the
value specified in the NAME
- string defaultValue holds
the default value specified in the DEFAULTVALUE
The shared object structure contains these methods:
- void focus() sets the
focus to the object.
- void blur() takes away
the focus from the object.
- void select() selects
the content of the object's input field.
The radio object corresponds
to a form's radio button. The object's properties are as follows:
- string value stores the
value specified in the VALUE
- string name holds the
value specified in the NAME
- int index contains the
zero-based index of the button.
- boolean status contains
the status of the radio button.
- boolean defaultstatus
contains the default status of the radio button specified in the
chECKED attribute.
The radio object contains
no methods.
The select object is an array
corresponding to a form's selection list. Each element of the
array contains the following properties:
- string value stores the
value specified in the VALUE
- string text holds the
value specified in the <OPTION>
- int index contains the
zero-based index of the option.
- boolean status contains
the selection status of the item. True
if selected.
- boolean defaultstatus
contains the default status of the selected item specified in
the SELECTED attribute.
The select object contains
no methods.
The string object provides
the capability to store string data and provides methods to manipulate
the string value. length
identifies the length of the string.
string offers the following
- void anchor(string "AnchorName")
creates an anchor with the specified name.
- void link(string "LinkAttribute")
creates a link with the specified attribute.
- void big() causes the
text to be displayed with the <BIG>
- void small() causes the
text to be displayed with the <SMALL>
- void sub() causes the
text to be displayed in subscript as if it were inside a <SUB>
- void sup() causes the
text to be displayed in superscript as if it were inside a <SUP>
- void blink() causes the
text to be displayed blinking.
- void bold() causes the
text to be displayed bold.
- void italics() causes
the text to be displayed in italics.
- void strike() causes
the text to be displayed as if it were inside a <STRIKE>
- char charAt(int index)
returns the character at the specified index value.
- void fontcolor(Color)
specifies the color in which to display the text.
- void fontsize(int size)
specifies the font size in which to display the text. The value
is between 1 and 7.
- int indexOf(string "SrchStrng",[beginIndex])
returns the starting index of SrchString.
If beginIndex is specified,
the search begins at the specified index position.
- int lastIndexOf(string "SrchStrng",[beginIndex])
returns the starting index of the last occurrence found in SrchString.
If beginIndex is specified,
the search begins at the specified index position.
- string substring(int begin, int end)
returns a partial string, beginning at the begin
location and ending at end.
- string toLowerCase()
returns the string in lowercase characters.
- string toUpperCase()
returns the string in uppercase characters.
The Date object provides
access to the system date function and also is a container for
date information.
The Date() function creates
a Date object with the current
system time.
The following examples create a Date
object with the specified data:
Date("month day, year hours:minutes:seconds")
Date(year, month, day)
Date(year, month, day, hour)
The Date object has no properties.
The following are the methods for the Date
- int getDate() returns
the day of the month.
- int getDay() returns
the day of the week, starting with 0
for Sunday.
- int getHours() returns
the hour between 0 and 23.
- int getMinutes() returns
- int getMonth() returns
the month of the year, starting with 0
for January.
- int getSeconds() returns
- int getTime() returns
the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
- int getTimezoneOffset()
returns the local time zone offset.
- int getYear() returns
the year.
- int parse(sting "Date")
returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
- void setDate(int date)
sets the day of the month, between 0
and 31.
- void setHours(int hour)
sets the hour of the day, between 0
and 23.
- void setMinutes(int minutes)
sets the minutes in the hour, between 0
and 59.
- void setMonth(int month)
sets the month of the year, between 0
and 11.
- void setSeconds(int seconds)
sets the seconds of the hour, between 0
and 59.
- void setTime(int tseconds)
sets the time to the passed time value.
- void setYear(int year)
sets the year.
- string toGMTString()
returns the date in GMT string format.
- string toLocaleString()
returns the date to the current location's string format.
- Date UTC(int year, month, day [,
hrs] [, min] [, sec]) converts the passed parameters
into a Date object.
The Math object provides
defined math constants and some math functions. The following
static constants are available:
- E-The number e.
- LN2-The natural logarithm
of 2.
- LN10-The natural logarithm
of 10.
- LOG2E-The logarithm base
2 of 10.
- LOG10E-The logarithm
base 10 of e.
- PI-The pi constant.
- SQRT1_2-The square root
of 1/2.
- SQRT2-The square root
of 2.
The Math object provides
the following mathematical functions:
- abs is the absolute value
- acos is the arccosine
- asin is the arcsine function.
- atan is the arctangent
- ceil is the ceiling function.
- cos is the cosine function.
- exp is the exponential
- floor is the floor function.
- log is the natural logarithm
- max is the maximum function.
- min is the minimum function.
- pow is the power function.
- random is a random number
- round is the rounding
- sin is the sine function.
- sqrt is the square root
- tan is the tangent function.
Handling events in JavaScript allows the script to be informed
when an event has occurred. In Java, an event is trapped and then
dispatched to the code that was intended to handle that event.
In JavaScript, when an object is defined in the HTML, the function
used to handle that event is specified with the object. For example,
look at the example of placing a button into a document:
The top line defines a button with a VALUE
of "OK" and a NAME
of "OKButton".
The bottom line is what you want to understand here.
Notice the onClick parameter
to the button. This line is associating the defined function ValidateMe
with the onClick event of
the button. This specifies to the code to handle the event directly
from HTML.
JavaScript recognizes different event handlers for a number of
supplied objects. The following are all the supported event handlers
with their associated objects:
- onBlur-select,
text, textarea
- onChange-select,
text, textarea
- onClick-button,
checkbox, radio,
- onFocus-select,
text, textarea
- onLoad-window
- onUnload-form
- onMouseOver-link
- onSelect-text,
- onSubmit-form
For all of these events, the syntax to define the event handler
is the same. Inside the object's associated HTML tag is the event's
name followed by the function you want to handle the event. For
example, the following:
<BODY onLoad="sayHello("Hello
To Me")>
sets the function sayHello
to the onLoad event of the
window object.
The syntax to declare arrays in JavaScript is very different from
Java, primarily due to the loose typing of JavaScript. Arrays
are declared without specifying an implicit type; JavaScript resolves
the type at a later time. For example, to declare a single-dimensional
array, the syntax would be as follows:
var aBunchOfInts = new makearray(50);
The syntax to load the array would be like this:
ABunchofInts[0] = 1;
Due to the dynamic binding property of JavaScript, the type of
the array is not set until a value is assigned.
JavaScript follows the Java framework for operators and expressions.
Binary operators are of the form operand1
operator operand2. Unary operators are of the form
operator operand1 or operand1
operator. Bitwise operators convert operands into
32-bit integers before performing the operation.
The following are all valid JavaScript operators:
equal to
greater than
less than
greater than or equal to
less than or equal to
not equal to
bitwise AND
bitwise OR
bitwise XOR
sign-propagating right shift
left shift
zero fill right fill
JavaScript supports assignment expressions using =
, evaluation expressions, and conditional expressions. Conditional
expressions take the form (condition)
? val1 : val2, where val1
is processed if the condition is true;
otherwise val2 is processed.
JavaScript provides conditional, loop, object-manipulation, and
comment statements. The syntax for each of the statement types
is identical to Java. The syntaxes for the JavaScript- supported
statements are as follows:
Conditional Statements
- if-else:
if (condition) {
statements1 }
[else {
Loop Statements
- for:
for ([initial-expression;] [condition;]
[increment-expression]) {
- while:
while (condition) {
- break:
- continue:
Object-Manipulation Statements
- for in:
for (variable in object) {
statements }
- new:
objectName = new objectType ( param1
[,param2] ...[,paramN] )
- this:
- with:
with (object){
Comment Statements
// comment text
/* multiple-line comment text */
The JavaScript language provides enough of a diversity from Java
to retain its own identity. A large number of the statements,
expressions, and operators are identical. However, the loose typing
of JavaScript gives it a flavor all its own.