Table of Contents

To the memory of my father,
Wilfrid Thomas Butzen—F.B.
To Tom—D.H.


mSQL is provided with the permission of Hughes Technologies, Australia. Please note that although mSQL is provided in the form of source code, it is commercial software—not freeware or shareware. Before you can make commercial use of mSQL, you must purchase a license from Hughes Technologies. For details of the license and an invoice form, see the Appendices at the back of this book.

Just Logic is provided by Just Logic Technologies, Montreal, PQ, Canada. Please note that Just Logic is commercial software. The release included with this book is a limited version of the full commercial product. To purchase a fully enabled copy of Just Logic, use the order form in the Appendices at the back of this book.

We wish to thank our former colleagues at Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center, Chicago, in particular Dr. David Roseman, Dr. Ken Bloom, Brad Hinrichs, Joe EgyWud, Karl Dahlke, Roy Jarosz, W. John Kowalisyn, Cyndy Lillagen, Paula Joseph, Kathi Rossi, Peter Capron, Roger Allen, and Robert Kay: good craftsmen, good colleagues, good friends.

Finally, we wish to thank Anne Butzen and Deborah Kahn, who reviewed parts of this book as it was being written. The errors that remain are our responsibility alone.

Table of Contents