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# free

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached

Mem:         30892      28004       2888      14132       3104      10444

-/+ buffers:            14456      16436

Swap:        34268       7964      26304

This shows a 32MB system with 34MB swap space. Notice that nearly all the system memory is being used, and nearly 8MB of swap space has been used.

By default, the free command displays memory in kilobytes, or 1024-byte notation. You can use the -b option to display your memory in bytes, or the -m option to display memory in megabytes. You can also use the free command to constantly monitor how much memory is being used through the -s command. This is handy as a real-time monitor if you specify a .01-second update and run the free command in a terminal window under X11.

Virtual Memory Reporting with the vmstat Command

The vmstat is a general-purpose monitoring program, which offers real-time display of not only memory usage, virtual memory statistics, but disk activity, system usage, and central processing unit (CPU) activity. If you call vmstat without any command-line options, you'll get a one-time snapshot, for example:

# vmstat

 procs                  memory    swap        io    system         cpu

 r b w  swpd  free  buff cache  si  so   bi   bo   in   cs  us  sy  id

 0 0 0  7468  1060  4288 10552   1   1   10    1  134   68   3   2  96

If you specify a time interval in seconds on the vmstat command line, you'll get a continuously scrolling report. Having a constant display of what is going on with your computer can help you if you're trying to find out why your computer suddenly slows down, or why there's a lot of disk activity.

Viewing Your Shell's "Ulimit"ations

You've already seen how you can limit the size of core dump files previously in this hour. There are other settings you can set in your shell. If you're using the bash or pdksh (ksh) shell, you can use the ulimit command's -a option to print your current settings, for example:

# ulimit -a

core file size (blocks)  1000000

data seg size (kbytes)   unlimited

file size (blocks)       unlimited

max memory size (kbytes) unlimited

stack size (kbytes)      8192

cpu time (seconds)       unlimited

max user processes       256

pipe size (512 bytes)    8

open files               256

virtual memory (kbytes)  2105343

If you're using the tcsh or csh shell, you can use the limit command to list the current settings:

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$ limit

cputime         unlimited

filesize        unlimited

datasize        unlimited

stacksize       8192 kbytes

coredumpsize    1000000 kbytes

memoryuse       unlimited

descriptors     256

memorylocked    unlimited

maxproc         256

These limits are different from limits for the root operator. The limits shown in this example are known as soft limits. To view the shell's hard limits, log in as the root operator, and use the -a limit option (use -Ha for bash or ksh's ulimit command), for example:

$ su


# limit -h

cputime         unlimited

filesize        unlimited

datasize        unlimited

stacksize       8192 kbytes

coredumpsize    unlimited

memoryuse       unlimited

descriptors     256

memorylocked    unlimited

maxproc         256

As you can see, viewing the limits as the root operator in the tcsh shell shows a much different situation. This is another good reason not to run as the root operator! As a sysadmin, you can use these settings to limit the amount of memory or number of processes available to each user. This is extremely handy if you have a number of people working on your computer at the same time, and you want to conserve system memory. For using Linux on a standalone computer under your normal login and working conditions, you'll find the default limits quite reasonable.

Reclaiming Memory with the kill Command

As a desperate measure if you need to quickly reclaim memory, you can stop running programs by using the kill command. In order to kill a specific program, you should use the ps command to list current running processes, and then stop any or all of them with the kill command. By default, the ps command lists processes you own and which you can kill, for example:

# ps


  367  p0 S    0:00 bash

  581  p0 S    0:01 rxvt

  582  p1 S    0:00 (bash)

  747  p0 S    0:00 (applix)

  809  p0 S    0:18 netscape index.html

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  810  p0 S    0:00 (dns helper)

  945  p0 R    0:00 ps

The ps command will list the currently running programs and the program's process number, or PID. You can use this information to kill a process with

# kill -9 809

However, if you need to reclaim memory efficiently, you should use the ps command's -m option, which also lists the memory usage of each process, for example:

# ps -m


  747  p0      0      3   16   208   364   140   224   224     0   0 (applix)

  582  p1    151    274  124   184   436   128   308   268     0  10 (bash)

  959  p0     89     20   28   376   404     0   404   320     0  21 ps -m

  367  p0    305    826  220   316   600    64   536   428     0  27 bash

  810  p0    313     38  164   696   968   108   860   596     0  47 (dns helpe

  581  p0    212    508   28   960  1280   292   988   304     0 171 rxvt

  809  p0   2615   1205 3900  3692  8684  1092  7592  4644     0 699 netscape

By using this information, you can see that if you want to reclaim the most memory, you should stop the Netscape Web browser, as it is using nearly 9MB of system memory. Although you wouldn't normally use the kill command to stop programs, the kill command can be helpful to stop runaway, or nonresponsive, programs. The kill command works by sending a signal to the Linux kernel, along with the PID, so the kernel can act on the process. There are various signals you can use, although, as I've pointed out, the -9, or SIGKILL option is the most abrupt and drastic. You can see a list of different signals by using the kill command's -l option, for example:

# kill -l

 1) SIGHUP       2) SIGINT       3) SIGQUIT      4) SIGILL

 5) SIGTRAP      6) SIGIOT       7) SIGBUS       8) SIGFPE

 9) SIGKILL     10) SIGUSR1     11) SIGSEGV     12) SIGUSR2

13) SIGPIPE     14) SIGALRM     15) SIGTERM     17) SIGCHLD

18) SIGCONT     19) SIGSTOP     20) SIGTSTP     21) SIGTTIN

22) SIGTTOU     23) SIGURG      24) SIGXCPU     25) SIGXFSZ



For more details on these signals, and the kill command, see its manual page.

The ps command has nearly two dozen command-line options, and you can also list all running processes. See the ps manual page for more information. You can also use the top command, discussed next, to find and kill processes.

Getting System Load Information with the top and xload Commands

The top command, found under the /usr/bin directory, is a system monitor that displays

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