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Figure 16.6
The xfig drawing
program, which runs
under X11, requires a
1024x768 window,
and can be used to
produce technical
drawings or other

wide. The xfig program features pop-up balloon help for its menus. You can use this program to draw intricate drawings or other illustrations you can later include in documents or graphics. The xfig program can import .gif, .jpeg, .pcx, .xpm and PostScript documents. One interesting feature is its ability to spell check any text in your drawings.

Customize xfig's default colors or keyboard commands by editing the files Fig-color and Fig under the /usr/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults directory. For more details about how to use xfig, see its manual page.

A Word About Scanners

Although Linux runs on many different computers and supports many different hardware devices, the state of scanner support is still in its infancy. Before you buy a scanner with the express purpose of using it with Linux, carefully check all Linux Internet sites for different scanning software, and then carefully read the documentation.

You'll find scanner support for many models from Nikon, Epson, Genius, Hewlett Packard, and Mustek. Although most scanners for Linux require a small computer system interface, or SCSI interface, you'll find support for the Connectix series of QuickCams using your computer's parallel port. But there are variations between models of scanners even from the same manufacturer, and not all models in a particular series of scanners may be supported.

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One place to look for scanner software, documentation, and support is in the small collection of graphic application capture software packages at the following site:


For QuickCam support, try the following site:


If you'd like to scan documents using the xv X11 client, look for the xvscan software at the following site:


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