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The Linux ftp command provides a verbose set of command options in interactive mode. As mentioned earlier, some remote hosts might not support all these commands. Also, you probably won’t need to use many of them. Table 30.2 lists the commands available while in FTP.

Table 30.2 ftp Commands Available in Interactive Mode

Command Description

! Escapes to the shell
$ Executes a macro
account Sends the account command to remote server
append Appends to a file
ascii Sets the file-transfer type to ASCII mode
bell Beeps when a command is completed
binary Sets the file-transfer type to binary mode
bye Terminates the FTP session and exits
case Toggles mget upper- or lowercase filename mapping
cd Changes the working directory on the remote computer
cdup Changes the remote working directory to the parent directory
chmod Changes file permissions of the remote file
close Terminates the FTP session
cr Toggles carriage return stripping when receiving an ASCII file
delete Deletes the remote file
debug Toggles debugging mode
dir Lists the contents of the remote directory (gives size and permissions)
disconnect Terminates the FTP session (same as close )
exit Terminates the FTP session and exits
form Sets the file-transfer format
get Gets a file from the remote computer
glob Toggles wildcard expansion of local filenames
hash Toggles printing the # character for each buffer transferred
help Prints local help information
idle Gets or sets the idle timer on the remote computer
image Sets the file transfer type to binary mode (same as binary )
lcd Changes the local working directory
ls Lists the contents of the remote directory (gives size and permissions)
macdef Defines a macro
mdelete Deletes multiple files on the remote computer
mdir Lists the contents of multiple remote directories
mget Gets multiple files from the remote computer
mkdir Makes a directory on the remote machine
mls Lists the contents of multiple remote directories
mode Sets the file-transfer mode
modtime Shows the last modification time of the remote file
mput Sends multiple files to the remote computer
newer Gets a remote file if the remote file is newer than the corresponding local file
nmap Sets templates for default filename mapping
nlist Lists the contents of the remote directory
ntrans Sets the translation table for default filename mapping
open Connects to the remote FTP site
passive Enters passive transfer mode
prompt Forces interactive prompting on multiple commands
proxy Issues command on alternate connection
put Sends one file to the remote computer
pwd Prints the working directory on the remote machine
quit Terminates the FTP session and exits
quote Sends an arbitrary ftp command
recv Receives a file
reget Gets file restarting at end of the local file
rstatus Shows the status of the remote machine
rhelp Gets help from the remote server
rename Renames a file
reset Clears queued command replies
restart Restarts the file transfer at the specified byte count
rmdir Removes a directory on the remote machine
runique Assigns a unique filename to each file received when retrieving multiple files with the same filename to the same directory
send Sends one file to the remote computer
site Sends a site-specific command to the remote server, one of umask, idle, chmod, help, group, gpass, newer, or minfo
size Shows the size of the remote file
status Shows the current status
struct Sets the file-transfer structure
system Shows the remote system type
sunique When sending multiple files with the same filename to the same directory, assigns a unique filename to each file sent
tenex Sets the tenex file-transfer type
tick Toggles printing byte size counter during transfers
trace Toggles packet tracing
type Sets the file-transfer type
user Sends new user information
umask Gets or sets the umask on the remote computer
verbose Toggles verbose mode
? Prints local help information

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