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Using the Internet

29  Using SLIP and PPP
30  Accessing the Network with telnet, ftp, and the r-Commands
31  Surfing the Internet with the World Wide Web
32  Creating Web Documents with HTML
33  Using Electronic Mail
34  Surviving Usenet News

Chapter 29
Using SLIP and PPP

Steve Burnett

In this chapter
Understanding the Requirements for SLIP and PPP
Using dip to Automate SLIP Operations
Using diplogin to Provide SLIP Service
Using PPP

The Linux kernel supports two serial-line protocols for transmitting Internet Protocol (IP) traffic: SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) and PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol). These protocols were developed as a poor man’s alternative to expensive leased-line setups for getting Internet connectivity. Anyone with a reasonably high-speed modem and a service provider that supports these protocols can get their Linux machine IP-connected for a very low cost compared to leased-line systems. SLIP drivers for Linux were available soon after Linux was first released, and PPP support was added shortly thereafter. Although PPP has come to dominate the industry, the SLIP configuration is still helpful as a basis.

Understanding the Requirements for SLIP and PPP

You need to make sure that a few things are set up in your Linux kernel or configuration files. TCP/IP networking must be enabled and the loopback interface should be configured.

See “Configuring the Software Loopback Interface,” p. 448

You’ll want the IP address of your Domain Name Service (DNS) server to be included in your /etc/resolv.conf file to make accessing other machines besides your dial-up host convenient. If your dial-up link is slow or error-prone, you might want to run a name server on your Linux box, to cache any DNS lookups and decrease the amount of DNS IP traffic on your dial-up link.

See “The /etc/resolv.conf File,” p. 505

See “Using the named Daemon to Set Up the Server,” p. 506

Using dip to Automate SLIP Operations

Linux offers a number of programs to manage your SLIP operations. dip, the Dial-Up IP Protocol driver, is one of the most versatile tools. It provides a scripting language for automating control of the modem and automatically sets up the SLIP network interface and kernel routing tables. You can use dip to initiate SLIP connections or provide dial-up SLIP service to other machines. The syntax for dip is as follows:

dip [-tvi] [-m mtu] [scriptfile]

Table 29.1 describes dip’s most common command-line arguments.

Table 29.1 dip Common Command-Line Arguments

Argument Description

-a Prompts the user for username and password.
-t Runs dip in command mode. Command mode gives you full access to everything dip can do, allowing you to initiate a SLIP connection manually.
-v Used with -t to display the current error level.
-i Tells dip to operate in input mode. This flag is used when dip provides SLIP service for others dialing into your machine.
-m mtu Forces dip to use the specified MTU value.
scriptfile Specifies the name of the dip script to run.

Using dip in Command Mode

Invoking dip with the -t option places it in command mode. This mode lets you control dip directly and is an excellent tool for developing and debugging dip scripts. The following shows you what dip’s command mode looks like:

$ /sbin/dip -t

DIP: Dialup IP Protocol Driver version 3.3.7i-uri (17 Apr 95)

Written by Fred N. van Kempen, MicroWalt Corporation.


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