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On a Linux system without the Shadow Suite installed, user information (including passwords) is stored in the /etc/passwd file. The password is stored in an encoded format: Although the password looks like gibberish to a human, it is simply encoded with the UNIX crypt command, with the text set to [null] and the password used as the key.
It is difficult but possible to take a given encoded password and re-create the original password. However, because people may get lazy sometimes, on any system with more than a few users, some of the passwords are likely to be common words or simple variations. Its quite possible, and within the means of many, to encrypt a dictionary list and compare it to the password list in /etc/passwd. Other attacks are possible and used often, but this brute force approach is simple and easy to do. In addition to passwords, the /etc/passwd file also contains information such as user IDs and group IDs that are read by many system programs, so the /etc/passwd file must remain world readable.
Shadow passwording moves the passwords to another file, usually /etc/shadow, which is set to be readable only by root. Moving the passwords to the /etc/shadow file prevents an attacker from having access to the encoded passwords with which to perform a dictionary attack.
The Shadow Suite is included with most of the standard distributions of Linux.
However, in some cases such as the following, installing the Shadow Suite would NOT be a good idea:
A non-shadowed /etc/passwd file has the following format:
For example:
username:Npje044eh3mx8e:507:200:Full Name:/home/username:/bin/csh
A shadowed /etc/passwd file would instead contain:
username:x:507:100:Full Name:/home/username:/bin/csh
The x in the second field in this case is now a placeholder for the real passwords stored in the shadow file /etc/shadow. The /etc/shadow file has the following format:
Table 12.1 outlines the fields in the /etc/shadow file.
Field | Description |
username | The name used to log in. |
password | The encoded password. |
last | Days since Jan 1, 1970 that password was last changed. |
may | Days before password may be changed. |
must | Days after which password must be changed. |
warn | Days before password is to expire that user is warned. |
expire | Days after password expires that account is disabled. |
disable | Days since Jan 1, 1970 that account is disabled. |
reserved | A reserved field. |
The Shadow Suite adds the following command line oriented commands for adding, modifying, and deleting users: useradd, usermod, and userdel.
The first thing that you should do is examine the default settings and make changes specific to your system with the following command:
useradd -D
userdel -r username
The -r deletes all files in the users home directory to be removed, along with the home directory itself. A less drastic way to eliminate a user from the system is to use the passwd command to lock the users account.
Finally, pwck also warns of any account that has no password.
NOTE: Its a good idea to run pwck after installing the Shadow Suite. Its also a good idea to run it periodicallyperhaps weekly or monthly. If you use the -r option, you can use cron to run it on a regular basis and have the report mailed to you.
Again, the -r option generates an automated report, so you can use cron to trigger this check automatically.
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