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The xmkmf shell script actually runs the imake command with a set of arguments. The most common argument is the -DUseInstalled argument. If you examine xmkmf (look in /usr/X11R6/bin/), you will see that the xmkmf script is a basic wrapper around a call to imake. It's very tempting to use imake on a command line by itself. Do not do so. Run the imake command with the -DUseInstalled argument if you must run imake on the command line.

Of course, before ever running xmkmf, you should read the documentation that usually comes with such packages.

Run xmkmf in the directory that contains the Imakefile. If there is a hierarchy of directories with Imakefiles, you usually only have to run xmkmf in the root directory of that hierarchy.

The xmkmf command builds the Makefiles in all directories in the hierarchy.

Then you should run the make command with an argument to let make resolve its dependencies, using the following command:

$ make depend

Don't be afraid if include files, such as stddef.h, varargs.h, and so on, are not found. They are gcc proprietary header files, and therefore not in the standard include directories.

After that, you can make the program by running make, and you can install your new utility (usually in /usr/X11R6/bin) by running this line:

$ make install

The installation of the man pages is accomplished by running

$ make install.man

Some Common Problems

Some of the problems you might see when you work with XFree86 are outlined in the following:

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This is not an exhaustive list. Read the HOWTO documents in /usr/docs on the CD-ROM for more information about other video card problems that are too specific to list here.

Compiling Sources for XFree86

You do not typically want to compile sources for XFree86 unless you really want to make changes to the sources because something is not working. You will need a lot of disk space and CPU time to do a complete build of the XFree86 system. Anything you need to know for compiling XFree86, you can find in the following files (in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc): INSTALL, README, and README.Linux.

Note that you should not compile XFree86 to get rid of hard-coded restrictions (on the maximal pixel clock, for example) because without these restrictions, your hardware will probably break down.

To build a server that includes only those drivers you need, you should use the LinkKit instead of compiling the complete system. This is a little easier than trying to build it from scratch. The LinkKit package is specific and complicated and is therefore beyond the scope of this chapter.

Read /usr/X11R6/lib/Server/README for a description of how to use LinkKit. This file is not included in the standard XFree86 tar files but is part of the file that includes the LinkKit. You can find the LinkKit at www.xfree86.org.

For adding drivers to the SVGA servers, you need the LinkKit only.

The documentation on how to build servers can be found in the /usr/X11R6/lib/Server/VGADriverDoc directory after installing the LinkKit package.

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This chapter covers the topic of configuring the XFree86 system. After reading this chapter, you should have an idea of how to set up your XF86Config file to generate your X environment. Just remember to start with the basic configuration settings for VGA cards and then make enhancements. Keep backups of your work and do not change the video settings unless you know what you are doing. If nothing works despite your best efforts, you have the recourse of knowing where to look for answers in FAQs, newsgroups, and FTP sites on the Internet for HOWTO and other documents on Linux.

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Part III

In This Part

  • Filesystems, Disks, and Other Devices 195
  • Printing with Linux 229
  • TCP/IP Network Management 243

    Connectivity and

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