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At this point, the question is usually asked, "Okay, if Linux is so great, what is this Red Hat version, and why should I get it?" Well, I am glad you asked. There are several reasons to use Red Hat Linux:

As you can see, Red Hat goes beyond the normal Linux system by providing tools, documentation, and standardization.

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Copyright and Warranty

Red Hat Linux is copyrighted under the GNU General Public License. This section doesn't include the entire license, but it does highlight a few items. Basically, the license provides three things:

  1. The original author retains the copyright.
  2. Others can do with the software what they wish, including modifying it, basing other programs on it, and redistributing or reselling it. The software can even be sold for a profit. The source code must accompany the program as well.
  3. The copyright cannot be restricted down the line. This means that if you sell a product for one dollar, the person you sold it to could change it in any way (or not even change it at all) and sell it to a second person for $10—or give it away at no charge to a thousand people.

Why have such a unique licensing? The original authors of Linux software didn't intend to make money from the software. It was intended to be freely available to everyone, without warranty. That is correct; there is no warranty. Does this mean you are left out in the cold when you have problems? Of course it doesn't. There are numerous resources, including this book, newsgroups, and the Web to assist you. What it does do, though, is provide the programmers the ability to release software at no cost without the fear of liability. Granted, this lack of liability is a two-edged sword, but it is the simplest method for providing freely available software.

Where to Get Red Hat Linux

Try looking on the CD-ROM that came with this book. Red Hat Linux is there. You can also get Red Hat from the Internet by pointing your browser to http://www.redhat.com/products/software.html. Here you will not only find Red Hat for each of the three supported platforms (Intel, Alpha, and SPARC), but also upgrades, updates, answers to frequently asked questions, mailing lists, and much, much more. You can call Red Hat at (888) RED-HAT1 and order products as well.

System Requirements

Red Hat keeps a listing of the system requirements and supported hardware for the three platforms—Intel, SPARC, and Alpha—that Linux will run on. Those lists are presented in this section. As with anything, these lists will change. If the particular hardware that you have is not listed, check Red Hat's Web page (http://www.redhat.com/support/docs/hardware.html) and see if it has been listed there.

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System Requirements—Intel

According to Red Hat, these are the system requirements for running Red Hat Linux on an Intel platform:

Plug and Play hardware is not, at the time of this writing, wholly supported. (There is some level of PnP support with the isapnp software.) Most Plug and Play hardware has jumpers or BIOS settings that will turn off the Plug and Play support. By turning off this support, the equipment should work with Red Hat Linux. Some Plug and Play support equipment doesn't have a way of physically turning off the Plug and Play option (such as the SoundBlaster 16 PnP). For these pieces of hardware to work with Linux, some sort of workaround must be performed.

System Requirements—SPARC

Red Hat Linux/SPARC is known to function on the following hardware:

System Requirements—Alpha

Red Hat Linux/Alpha supports a variety of hardware based on the Alpha processor and the PCI bus. Platforms on which this release is known to work include the following:

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