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Page 66

In cases where there are requirements, they are displayed as follows:

# rpm -q --requires rpm





It's also possible that you'll come across something like this:

# rpm -q --requires blather

bother >= 3.1


Packages may also be built to require another package. This requirement can also include specific versions. In the preceding example, the bother package is required by blather (specifically, a version of bother greater than or equal to 3.1).

Here's something worth understanding. Let's say we decide to track down the bother that blather says it requires. If we use RPM's query capabilities, we could use the --whatprovides package selection option to try to find it:

# rpm -q --whatprovides bother

no package provides bother


No dice. This might lead you to believe that the blather package has a problem. The moral of this story is that, when trying to find out which package fulfills another package's requirements, it's a good idea to also try a simple query using the requirement as a package name. Continuing our earlier example, let's see if there's a package called bother:

# rpm -q bother



Bingo! However, if we see what capabilities the bother package provides, we come up dry:

# rpm -q --provides bother


The reason for the lack of output is that all packages, by default, provide their package name (and version). --dump: Display All Verifiable Information for Each File

The --dump option is used to display every piece of information RPM has on one or more files listed in its database. The information is listed in a very concise fashion. Because the --dump option displays file-related information, the list of files must be chosen by using the -l, -c, or -d options (or some combination thereof):

# rpm -ql --dump adduser

/usr/sbin/adduser 4442 841083888 ca5fa53dc74952aa5b5e3a5fa5d8904b 0100755

root root 0 0 0 X


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What does all this stuff mean? Let's go through it, item by item:

Normally, the --dump option is used by people who want to extract the file-related information from RPM and process it somehow. --scripts: Show Scripts Associated with a Package

If you add --scripts (that's two dashes) to a query, you get to see a little bit more of RPM's underlying magic:

# rpm -q --scripts XFree86

preinstall script:


postinstall script:


/sbin/pamconfig --add --service=xdm --password=none --sesslist=none

preuninstall script:


postuninstall script:


if [ "$1" = 0 ] ; then

/sbin/pamconfig --remove --service=xdm --password=none --sesslist=none


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verify script:



In this particular case, the XFree86 package has two scripts: One labeled postinstall and one labeled postuninstall. As you might imagine, the postinstall script is executed just after the package's files have been installed; the postuninstall script is executed just after the package's files have been erased.

Based on the labels in this example, you'd probably imagine that a package can have as many as five different scripts. You'd be right:

Is this something you'll need very often? As in the case of displaying file states, not really. But when you need it, you really need it! --queryformat: Construct a Custom Query Response

Okay, say you're still not satisfied. You'd like some additional information, or you think a different format would be easier on the eyes. Maybe you want to take some information on the packages you've installed and run it through a script for some specialized processing. You can do it, using the --queryformat option. In fact, if you look back at the output of the -i option, you'll notice that RPM was using --queryformat internally. Here's how it works: On the RPM command line, include --queryformat. Right after that, enter a format string, enclosed in single quotes (`).

The format string can consist of a number of different components:

Let's look at each of these components.

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