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Chapter 2

Using RPM to
Install Packages

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Table 2.1. Install-mode command syntax and options.

rpm -i (or --install) Options file1.rpm...fileN.rp
Parameters file1.rpm...fileN.rpm
One or more RPM package files (URLs are usable) Install-Specific Options
Section -h (or --hash)
Print hash marks (#) during install 2.3.2 --test
Perform install tests only 2.4.2 --percent
Print percentages during install 2.4.11 --excludedocs
Do not install documentation 2.4.7 --includedocs
Install documentation 2.4.8 --replacepkgs
Replace a package with a new copy of itself 2.4.3 --replacefiles
Replace files owned by another package 2.4.4 --force
Ignore package and file conflicts 2.4.6 --noscripts
Do not execute pre- and postinstall scripts 2.4.10 --prefix <path>
Relocate package to <path> if possible 2.4.9 --ignorearch
Do not verify package architecture 2.4.17 --ignoreos
Do not verify package operating system 2.4.18 --nodeps
Do not check dependencies 2.4.5 --ftpproxy <host>
Use <host> as the FTP proxy 2.4.16 --ftpport <port>
Use <port> as the FTP port 2.4.15 General Options
Section -v
Display additional information 2.3.1 -vv
Display debugging information 2.4.1 --root <path>
Set alternate root to <path> 2.4.13 --rcfile <rcfile>
Set alternate rpmrc file to <rcfile> 2.4.12 --dbpath <path>
Use <path> to find the RPM database 2.4.14

2.1. rpm -i—What Does It Do?

Of the many things RPM can do, probably the one that users think of first, is the installation of software. As mentioned earlier, installing new software is a complex, error-prone job. RPM turns that process into a single command.

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rpm -i (--install is equivalent) installs software that's been packaged into an RPM package file. It does this through the following process:

To learn exactly what "the right thing" means, turn to section 4.1.1 in Chapter 4, "Using RPM to Upgrade Packages," for more details.

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2.2. Performing an Install

Let's have RPM install a package. The only thing necessary is to give the command rpm -i, followed by the name of the package file:

# rpm -i eject-1.2-2.i386.rpm


At this point, all the steps outlined previously have been performed. The package is now installed. Note that the filename need not adhere to RPM's file-naming convention:

# mv eject-1.2-2.i386.rpm baz.txt

# rpm -i baz.txt


In this case, we changed the name of the package file eject-1.2-2.i386.rpm to baz.txt and then proceeded to install the package. The result is identical to the previous install; that is, the eject-1.2-2 package successfully installed. The name of the package file, although normally incorporating the package label, is not used by RPM during the installation process. RPM uses the contents of the package file, which means that even if the file were placed on a DOS floppy and the name truncated, the installation would still proceed normally.

2.2.1. URLs: Another Way to Specify Package Files

If you've surfed the World Wide Web, you've no doubt noticed the way Web pages are identified. Here's an example:


This is called a uniform resource locator, or URL. RPM can also use URLs, although they look a little bit different. Here's one:


ftp: signifies that this URL is a File Transfer Protocol URL. As the name implies, this type of URL is used to move files around. The section containing ftp.redhat.com specifies the hostname, or the name of the system where the package file resides.

The remainder of the URL (/pub/redhat/code/rpm/rpm-2.3-1.i386.rpm) specifies the path to the package file, followed by the package file itself.

RPM's use of URLs gives you the ability to install a package located on the other side of the world, with a single command:

# rpm -i ftp://ftp.gnomovision.com/pub/rpms/foobar-1.0-1.i386.rpm


This command would use anonymous FTP to obtain the foobar version 1.0 package file and install it on your system. Of course, anonymous FTP (no username and password required) is

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