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Page 367

Apendix C

Concise RPM Command

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C.1. Global Options

The following options can be used in any of RPM's modes:

C.2. Informational Options

The following options are used to display information about RPM:

Format: rpm <option>

C.3. Query Mode

RPM's query mode is used to display information about packages.

Format:      rpm --query <options>


             rpm -q <options>

C.3.1. Package Specification Options for Query Mode

No more than one of the following options may be present in every query command. They are used to select the source of the information to be displayed. Where plus signs appear, more than one item may be included, separated by a space:

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C.3.2. Information Selection Options for Query Mode

One or more of the following options may be added to any query command. They are used to select what information RPM will display. If no information-selection option is present on the command line, RPM will simply display the applicable package label(s):

C.4. Verify Mode

RPM's verification mode is used to ensure that a package is still installed properly:

Format:  rpm --verify <options>


         rpm -V <options>


         rpm -y <options>

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C.4.1. Options for Verify Mode

The following options can be used on any verify command:

C.5. Install Mode

RPM's installation mode is used to install packages.

Format:      rpm --install <packagefile>


             rpm -i <packagefile>

C.5.1. Options for Install Mode

The following options can be used on any install command:

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C.6. Upgrade Mode

RPM's upgrade mode is used to upgrade packages.

Format:      rpm --upgrade <packagefile>


             rpm -U <packagefile>

C.6.1. Options for Upgrade Mode

The following options can be used on any upgrade command:

C.7. Erase Mode

RPM's erase mode is used to erase previously installed packages.

Format:      rpm --erase <package>


             rpm -e <package>

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C.7.1. Options for Erase Mode

The following options can be used on any erase command:

C.8. Build Mode

RPM's build mode is used to build packages.

Format: rpm -b<stage> <options> <specfile>

(Note that -vv is the default for all build mode commands.)

C.8.1. Build Mode Stages

One of the following stages must follow the -b option:

C.8.2. Options for Build Mode

The following options can be used on any build command:

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C.9. Rebuild Mode

RPM's rebuild mode is used to rebuild packages from a source package file. The source archives, patches, and icons that comprise the source package are removed after the binary package is built. Rebuild mode implies --clean.

Format: rpm --rebuild <options> <source-package>

(Note that -vv is the default for all rebuild mode commands.)

C.9.1. Options for Rebuild Mode

Only the global options may be used.

C.10. Recompile Mode

RPM's recompile mode is used to recompile software from a source package file. Unlike --rebuild, no binary package is created.

Format: rpm --recompile <options> <source-package>

Note that -vv is the default for all recompile mode commands.

C.10.1. Options for Recompile Mode

Only the global options may be used.

C.11. Resign Mode

RPM's resign mode is used to replace a package's signature with a new one.

Format: rpm --resign <options> <packagefile>+

C.11.1. Options for Resign Mode

Only the global options may be used.

C.12. Add Signature Mode

RPM's add signature mode is used to add a signature to a package.

Format: rpm --addsign <options> <packagefile>+

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C.12.1. Options for Add Signature Mode

Only the global options may be used.

C.13. Check Signature Mode

RPM's check signature mode is used to verify a package's signature.

Format:      rpm --checksig <options> <packagefile>+


             rpm -K <options> <packagefile>+

C.13.1. Options for Check Signature Mode

The following option can be used on any check signature command:

C.14. Initialize Database Mode

RPM's initialize database mode is used to create a new RPM database.

Format: rpm --initdb <options>

C.14.1. Options for Initialize Database Mode

Only the global options may be used.

C.15. Rebuild Database Mode

RPM's rebuild database mode is used to rebuild an RPM database.

Format: rpm --rebuilddb <options>

C.15.1. Options to Rebuild Database Mode

Only the global options may be used.

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