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Fvwm Variables

The fvwm window manager supports the following variables:

Variable Purpose
SERVERHOST Sets the name of the machine running the X server.
CLIENTHOST Sets the machine running the clients.
HOSTNAME Sets the canonical hostname running the clients.
USER Sets the name of the user running the program.
HOME Specifies the user’s home directory.
VERSION Returns the X major protocol version. This can be important to some X applications.
REVISION Returns the X minor protocol revision. This can be important to some X applications.
VENDOR Returns the vendor of your X server. Usually very unimportant.
RELEASE Returns the X-server release number, such as 6 for X11R6.
WIDTH Sets the width of your display in pixels.
HEIGHT Sets the height of your display in pixels.
X_RESOLUTION Returns the X resolution of your display in pixels per meter.
Y_RESOLUTION Returns the Y resolution of your display in pixels per meter.
PLANES Returns the number of bit planes supported in the default root window.
BITS_PER_RGB Returns the number of significant bits in an RGB color.
TWM_TYPE Returns the twm type; it’s always fvwm.
CLASS Returns the visual class (one of StaticGray, GrayScale, StaticColor, PseudoColor, TrueColor, DirectColor, or NonStandard).
COLOR Returns yes for a color, no for a gray.
FVWM_VERSION Returns the fvwm version.
OPTIONS Lists the options compiled in the window manager.
FVWMDIR Sets the path for modules.

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