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Chapter 4
Linux Commands A to Z

Here is an alphabetical listing of the commands described in Chapter 5. This doesn’t constitute the entire Linux command set—check out the online manual and info pages for that—but it does list the commands you’ll probably use most of the time.

Command Section
ansi2knr Programming Commands
answer Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
appres General-Purpose Commands
apropos General-Purpose Commands
ar Programming Commands
arch General-Purpose Commands
as Programming Commands
at System-Administration Commands
atq System-Administration Commands
atrm System-Administration Commands
atobm General-Purpose Commands
audiocompose Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
audiosend Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
banner General-Purpose Commands
basename File-Management Commands
bash General-Purpose Commands
batch System-Administration Commands
bc General-Purpose Commands
bdftopcf General-Purpose Commands
biff Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
bison Programming Commands
bitmap General-Purpose Commands
bmtoa General-Purpose Commands
bpe Text-Processing Commands
cal General-Purpose Commands
cat Text-Processing Commands
cc Programming Commands
cd File-Management Commands
checknews Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
chgrp File-Management Commands
chmod File-Management Commands
chown File-Management Commands
chroot File-Management Commands
chsh General-Purpose Commands
cksum General-Purpose Commands
clear General-Purpose Commands
cmp Text-Processing Commands
colcrt General-Purpose Commands
colrm Text-Processing Commands
column Text-Processing Commands
comm Text-Processing Commands
cp File-Management Commands
cpio System-Administration Commands
chfn Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
cpp Programming Commands
cron System-Administration Commands
csh General-Purpose Commands
csplit Text-Processing Commands
ctlinnd System-Administration Commands
ctags Programming Commands
cut Text-Processing Commands
date General-Purpose Commands
diff Text-Processing Commands
diff3 Text-Processing Commands
dir File-Management Commands
diskd System-Administration Commands
diskseek System-Administration Commands
df System-Administration Commands
dnshostname Networking Commands
dnsquery Networking Commands
du System-Administration Commands
dumpkeys General-Purpose Commands
echo General-Purpose Commands
egrep Text-Processing Commands
elm Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
elvis Text-Processing Commands
emacs Text-Processing Commands
env General-Purpose Commands
etags Programming Commands
expand Text-Processing Commands
fastmail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
faucet Networking Commands
fdformat System-Administration Commands
fdisk System-Administration Commands
fdmount System-Administration Commands
fdrawcmd System-Administration Commands
fgrep Text-Processing Commands
file File-Management Commands
find File-Management Commands
finger Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
flex Programming Commands
fmt Text-Processing Commands
fold Text-Processing Commands
formail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
free System-Administration Commands
frm Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
fsinfo General-Purpose Commands
fslsfonts General-Purpose Commands
fstobdf General-Purpose Commands
ftp Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
ftpcount Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
ftpd System-Administration Commands
ftpwho System-Administration Commands
funzip File-Management Commands
fuser Networking Commands
g77 Programming Commands
gawk Programming Commands
gcc Programming Commands
getfilename File-Management Commands
getkeycodes General-Purpose Commands
getlist Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
getpeername Networking Commands
ghostview Text-Processing Commands
gprof Programming Commands
grep Text-Processing Commands
grodvi Text-Processing Commands
groff Text-Processing Commands
grolj4 Text-Processing Commands
grops Text-Processing Commands
grotty Text-Processing Commands
gunzip File-Management Commands
gzexe File-Management Commands
gzip File-Management Commands
head Text-Processing Commands
hose Networking Commands
host Networking Commands
hostname Networking Commands
httpd System-Administration Commands
id General-Purpose Commands
imake Programming Commands
imapd System-Administration Commands
inetd System-Administration Commands
inews System-Administration Commands
info General-Purpose Commands
injnews System-Administration Commands
innd System-Administration Commands
ispell Text-Processing Commands
join Text-Processing Commands
kdb_mode General-Purpose Commands
kill General-Purpose Commands
killall General-Purpose Commands
less Text-Processing Commands
lilo System-Administration Commands
listres General-Purpose Commands
ln File-Management Commands
locate File-Management Commands
locatedb File-Management Commands
lockfile File-Management Commands
login General-Purpose Commands
logname General-Purpose Commands
look Text-Processing Commands
lpq Text-Processing Commands
lpr Text-Processing Commands
lprm Text-Processing Commands
ls File-Management Commands
lynx Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
mail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
make Programming Commands
makedepend Programming Commands
makefloppies System-Administration Commands
makestrs Programming Commands
makewhatis General-Purpose Commands
man General-Purpose Commands
manpath General-Purpose Commands
mattrib Mtools
mbadblocks Mtools
mc File-Management Commands
mcd Mtools
mcookie General-Purpose Commands
mcopy Mtools
md5sum System-Administration Commands
mdel Mtools
mdir Mtools
messages Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
metamail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
metasend Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
mformat Mtools
mimencode Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
minicom General-Purpose Commands
mkdir File-Management Commands
mkdirhier File-Management Commands
mkfifo File-Management Commands
mkfontdir File-Management Commands
mkmanifest File-Management Commands
mknod File-Management Commands
mlabel Mtools
mmd Mtools
mmencode Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
mmount Mtools
mmove Mtools
more Text-Processing Commands
mount System-Administration Commands
mren Mtools
mrd Mtools
mread Mtools
msgfmt Programming Commands
mt System-Administration Commands
mtest Mtools
mtype Mtools
mv File-Management Commands
mwrite Mtools
nice General-Purpose Commands
newgrp File-Management Commands
nohup General-Purpose Commands
nroff Text-Processing Commands
objcopy Programming Commands
oclock General-Purpose Commands
passwd General-Purpose Commands
paste Text-Processing Commands
pathchk General-Purpose Commands
perl Programming Commands
pico Text-Processing Commands
pidof General-Purpose Commands
pine Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
ping Networking Commands
pkgtool System-Administration Commands
pname General-Purpose Commands
Pnews Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
popclient Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
postnews Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
pr Text-Processing Commands
printenv General-Purpose Commands
printf Text-Processing Commands
printmail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
procmail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
ps General-Purpose Commands
psbb Text-Processing Commands
pwd File-Management Commands
quota System-Administration Commands
rb General-Purpose Commands
rcp Networking Commands
rdjpgcom General-Purpose Commands
readmsg Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
readprofile System-Administration Commands
reconfig General-Purpose Commands
ref Programming Commands
refer Text-Processing Commands
relaynews System-Administration Commands
renice General-Purpose Commands
reset General-Purpose Commands
resize General-Purpose Commands
rev Text-Processing Commands
rexecd System-Administration Commands
richtext Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
rlogin Networking Commands
rm File-Management Commands
rmail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
rmdir File-Management Commands
rmmod System-Administration Commands
Rnmail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
rpcgen Programming Commands
rsh Networking Commands
rstartd System-Administration Commands
rstart Networking Commands
runscript General-Purpose Commands
ruptime General-Purpose Commands
users Networking Commands
rwall Networking Commands
rwho Networking Commands
rx General-Purpose Commands
rxvt General-Purpose Commands
rz General-Purpose Commands
sb General-Purpose Commands
script General-Purpose Commands
sdiff Text-Processing Commands
sed Text-Processing Commands
selection Text-Processing Commands
sendmail System-Administration Commands
sessreg System-Administration Commands
setfdprm System-Administration Commands
setterm System-Administration Commands
seyon General-Purpose Commands
shar General-Purpose Commands
shelltool General-Purpose Commands
showaudio Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
showexternal Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
showfont General-Purpose Commands
shownonascii Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
showpartial Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
showpicture Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
showrgb General-Purpose Commands
shrinkfile File-Management Commands
size File-Management Commands
skill General-Purpose Commands
sleep General-Purpose Commands
sliplogin Networking Commands
smproxy General-Purpose Commands
snice General-Purpose Commands
sockdown Networking Commands
soelim Text-Processing Commands
sort Text-Processing Commands
split Text-Processing Commands
splitmail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
splitvt General-Purpose Commands
sq File-Management Commands
startx General-Purpose Commands
strace General-Purpose Commands
strings General-Purpose Commands
strings-gnu General-Purpose Commands
strip Programming Commands
stty General-Purpose Commands
su General-Purpose Commands
sum File-Management Commands
sunst General-Purpose Commands
superformat System-Administration Commands
SuperProbe System-Administration Commands
sx General-Purpose Commands
sxpm General-Purpose Commands
systat General-Purpose Commands
sz General-Purpose Commands
tac Text-Processing Commands
tail Text-Processing Commands
talk Networking Commands
tee General-Purpose Commands
telnet Networking Commands
telnetd System-Administration Commands
test File-Management Commands
tftp Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
tload General-Purpose Commands
top General-Purpose Commands
tr Text-Processing Commands
trn Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
troff Text-Processing Commands
true General-Purpose Commands
ul General-Purpose Commands
umount System-Administration Commands
unexpand Text-Processing Commands
uniq Text-Processing Commands
unshar General-Purpose Commands
unsq File-Management Commands
unzip File-Management Commands
unzipsfx File-Management Commands
updatedb File-Management Commands
uptime General-Purpose Commands
users General-Purpose Commands
uucp Networking Commands
uudecode Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
uuencode Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
uustat Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
uux Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
vi Text-Processing Commands
viewres General-Purpose Commands
vim Text-Processing Commands
vrfy Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
w General-Purpose Commands
wc Text-Processing Commands
whatis General-Purpose Commands
who General-Purpose Commands
whoami General-Purpose Commands
wish General-Purpose Commands
wnewmail Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
write Networking Commands
x11perf General-Purpose Commands
x11perfcomp General-Purpose Commands
xargs General-Purpose Commands
xauth General-Purpose Commands
xbiff Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
xcalc General-Purpose Commands
xclipboard General-Purpose Commands
xclock General-Purpose Commands
xcmap General-Purpose Commands
xcmsdb General-Purpose Commands
xconsole General-Purpose Commands
xcpustate General-Purpose Commands
xcutsel General-Purpose Commands
xdfcopy System-Administration Commands
xdm General-Purpose Commands
xdpyinfo General-Purpose Commands
xedit Text-Processing Commands
xev General-Purpose Commands
xeyes General-Purpose Commands
xf86config General-Purpose Commands
xfd General-Purpose Commands
xfilemanager File-Management Commands
xfm File-Management Commands
xfontsel General-Purpose Commands
xfractint General-Purpose Commands
xfs General-Purpose Commands
xgc General-Purpose Commands
xgettext Programming Commands
xhost General-Purpose Commands
xieperf General-Purpose Commands
xinit General-Purpose Commands
xkill General-Purpose Commands
xload General-Purpose Commands
xlock General-Purpose Commands
xlogo General-Purpose Commands
xlsatoms General-Purpose Commands
xlsclients General-Purpose Commands
xlsfonts General-Purpose Commands
xmag General-Purpose Commands
xman General-Purpose Commands
xmessage General-Purpose Commands
xmh Internet/Electronic-Mail Commands
xmkmf Programming Commands
xmodmap General-Purpose Commands
xon General-Purpose Commands
xpaint General-Purpose Commands
xpmroot General-Purpose Commands
xrdb General-Purpose Commands
xrefresh General-Purpose Commands
xset General-Purpose Commands
xsetroot General-Purpose Commands
xsm General-Purpose Commands
xsmclient General-Purpose Commands
xspread General-Purpose Commands
xstdcmap General-Purpose Commands
xterm General-Purpose Commands
xv General-Purpose Commands
xvidtune General-Purpose Commands
xvpictoppm General-Purpose Commands
xwd General-Purpose Commands
xwininfo General-Purpose Commands
xwud General-Purpose Commands
xxgdb Programming Commands
yacc Programming Commands
yes General-Purpose Commands
ytalk Networking Commands
zcat File-Management Commands
zcmp Text-Processing Commands
zdiff Text-Processing Commands
zegrep Text-Processing Commands
zfgrep Text-Processing Commands
zforce File-Management Commands
zgrep Text-Processing Commands
zmore Text-Processing Commands
znew File-Management Commands
zoo File-Management Commands

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