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Chapter 2
Linux in Plain English

Human beings don’t think in computerese, which is why we need a reference work like this one. Commands tend to be rather obscure, and their purpose isn’t always apparent. To further your Linux efforts, we’ve compiled this listing of commands and organized them by keyword and function. You can look up an italicized keyword in the left column—say, print—and see which Linux commands help perform that task. Then go to Chapter 5 for a complete explanation of the command.

If you want to... Use the Linux command...
control server access xhost
append files cat
know your machine architecture arch
create archive cpio, tar
work with archives ar
convert ASCII to bitmap atobm
convert bitmap to ASCII bmtoa
print at specific time atq
run command at specific time at
list atoms xlsatoms
manage authorization information xauth
set background attributes xsetroot
set background image xpmroot
print a banner banner
display file basename basename
run batch commands batch
display beginning of file head
display end of file tail
convert ASCII to bitmap atobm
convert bitmap to ASCII bmtoa
view and edit bitmaps bitmap
compile C programs gcc
compile C++ programs gcc, g++
perform calculations bc, pname, xcalc
view a calendar cal
clear your screen clear
list running clients xlsclients
display contents of clipboard xclipboard
display a clock oclock, xclock
show color database showrgb
display colormap xcmap
set colormap properties xstdcmap
cut column cut
create columns column
combine files cat, join
run command at specific time at
build command lines xargs
compare files cmp, diff, diff3, sdiff, zcmp, zdiff
compare compressed files zcmp, zdiff
compare sorted files comm
compare text files diff, diff3, sdiff
compare three text files diff3
compile C programs gcc
compile C++ programs gcc, g++
compile Fortran programs g77
compress executable file gzexe
compress file gzip, znew
connect to another computer minicom, seyon
copy files cp, cat
count words wc
return the current date date
change the date on your system date
decode file uudecode
delete files rm
delete directories rmdir
change directory cd
make directory mkdir
print current directory pwd
list disk free space df
lock display xlock
view display information xdpyinfo
query DNS server dnsquery
show domain name dnshostname
echo input echo
edit text file elvis, emacs, vi, vim, xedit
create electronic mail elm, mail, metasend, pine
encode electronic mail mimencode, mmencode
format electronic mail formail
notify of incoming electronic mail biff, xbiff, wnewmail
create multimedia electronic mail metasend
print electronic mail printmail
read electronic mail elm, mail, pine, readmsg
reply via electronic mail Rnmail
retrieve electronic mail via POP popclient
send batches of electronic mail fastmail
split MIME electronic mail splitmail
launch electronic-mail server imapd, sendmail
encode file uuencode
return environment variables printenv
set environment variables env
view event information xev
make FIFO mkfifo
check files cksum
find files find
change finger information chfn
return finger information finger
launch font server xfs
view font server information fsinfo
list fonts fslsfonts, showfont, xfd, Xfontsel, xlsfonts
format file fmt, groff
format floppy disk fdformat
compile Fortran programs g77
generate fractals xfractint
launch FTP server ftpd
edit graphics xv
change group chgrp, newgrp
view online help apropos, info, man, whatis, Xman
return host information host
set hostname hostname
view keyboard information dumpkeys, kdb_mode
modify keymaps xmodmap
save keystrokes to file script
view keyword information whatis
edit images xv
launch IMAP mail server imapd
launch Internet server inetd
join sorted files join
link files ln
list files dir, ls
lock display xlock
login remotely rlogin
login system login
view login name logname
create electronic mail elm, mail, metasend, pine
encode electronic mail mimencode, mmencode
format electronic mail formail
notify of incoming electronic mail biff, xbiff, wnewmail
create multimedia electronic mail metasend
print electronic mail printmail
read electronic mail elm, mail, pine, readmsg
reply via electronic mail Rnmail
retrieve electronic mail via POP popclient
send batches of electronic mail fastmail
split MIME electronic mail splitmail
launch mail server imapd, sendmail
list free memory free
merge files paste
MIME-encode electronic mail mimencode, mmencode
split MIME electronic mail splitmail
change mode chmod
mount disk mount
mount floppy disk fdmount
mount tape drive mt
move files mv
create multimedia electronic mail metasend
list network users rusers
check Usenet news checknews
post Usenet news Pnews, postnews
read Usenet news trn
list Usenet newsgroups getlist
run commands nicely nice
set options xset
change owner chown
display X pixmap sxpm
partition drive fdisk
change password passwd
change permissions chmod
retrieve electronic mail via POP popclient
view PostScript file ghostview
print at specific time atq
print electronic mail printmail
print file lpr
prepare file for printing pr
delete print job lprm
view process status ps, w
end process kill, killall, xkill
reprioritize process snice
return a process ID pidof
list the processes eating the most CPU time top
display X properties xprop
refresh your screen xrefresh
remove files rm
remove directories rmdir
set X resource database xrdb
list X resources appres, listres, viewres
reverse file lines rev
set root attributes xsetroot
set root image xpmroot
change root directory chroot
schedule tasks cron
clear your screen clear
magnify screen xmag
refresh your screen xrefresh
create screen capture xwd, xv
display screen capture xwud, xv
search files egrep, fgrep, grep
search compressed files zegrep, zfgrep, zgrep
launch session manager xsm
control server access xhost
view X server performance x11perf
compare X server performance x11perfcomp
change your shell chsh
create shell archives shar
unpack a shell archive unshar
run two shells in two windows splitvt
trace signal strace
sort files sort
check spelling ispell
split file csplit, split
launch a spreadsheet pname, xspread
trace system call strace
display system usage uptime, w
display system load tload, xload
display system statistics systat
create tape archive cpio, tar
mount tape drive mt
run Tcl command shell wish
telecommunicate with another computer minicom, seyon
launch terminal emulator rxvt, xterm
change terminal settings stty
view texinfo information info
find text in binary file strings
edit text file elvis, emacs, vi, vim, xedit
trace system call strace
transfer files ftp, tftp
send data to two files tee
determine file type file
unmount filesystems umount
unzip file gunzip, gzip, zcat
unzip zipped file unzip
check Usenet news checknews
post Usenet news Pnews, postnews
read Usenet news trn
list Usenet newsgroups getlist
list user information who, rwho
substitute user su
list logged-in users users
list network users rusers
return environment variables printenv
set environment variables env
configure video card SuperProbe
view files cat, less, more
view compressed files zmore
search whatis database apropos
set page width fold
display window information xwininfo
count words wc
browse World Wide Web lynx
launch World Wide Web server httpd
launch X Window System startx
generate XF86Config file Xf86config
receive via xmodem rx
send via xmodem sx
receive via ymodem rb
send via ymodem sb
receive via zmodem rz
send via zmodem sz

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