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Configuring FTP

Whether you decide to provide an anonymous FTP site or a user-login FTP system, you need to perform some basic configuration steps to get the FTP daemon active and to set the directory system and file permissions properly in order to prevent users from destroying or accessing files they shouldn’t. The process can start with choosing an FTP site name. You don’t really need a site name, although it can be easier for others to access your machine with one (especially anonymously). The FTP site name is of the format:


where domain_name is the domain name (or an alias) of the FTP server’s domain, and domain_type is the usual DNS extension. For example, you could have an FTP site name of


showing that this is the anonymous FTP access for anyone accessing the tpci.com domain. It is usually a bad idea to name your FTP site with a specific machine name, such as:


because this makes it difficult to move the FTP server to another machine in the future. Instead, use an alias to point to the actual machine on which the FTP server sits. This is not a problem if you are a single machine connected to the Internet through a service provider, for example, but it is often necessary with a larger network. The alias is easy to set up if you use DNS. Set the alias in the DNS databases with a line like this:

ftp  IN  CNAME  merlin.tpci.com

This line points anyone accessing the machine ftp.tpci.com to the real machine merlin.tpci.com. If the machine merlin has to be taken out of its FTP server role for any reason, a change in the machine name on this line will point the ftp.tpci.com access to the new server. (A change in the alias performed over DNS can take a while to become active because the change must be propagated through all the DNS databases.)

Setting Up ftpd

The FTP daemon, ftpd, must be started on the FTP server. The daemon is usually handled by inetd instead of the rc startup files, so ftpd is active only when someone needs it. This is the best approach for all but the most heavily loaded FTP sites. When started using inetd, the inetd daemon watches the TCP command port (channel 21) for an arriving data packet requesting a connection, and then spawns ftpd.

Make sure the ftpd daemon can be started by inetd by checking the inetd configuration file (usually /etc/inetd.config or /etc/inetd.conf) for a line that looks like this:

ftp  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/etc/ftpd  ftpd -l

If the line doesn’t exist, add it to the file. With most Linux systems, the line is already in the file, although it may be commented out. Remove the comment symbol if this is the case. The FTP entry essentially specifies to inetd that FTP is to use TCP and that it should spawn ftpd every time a new connection is made to the FTP port. In the preceding example, the ftpd daemon is started with the -l option, which enables logging. You can ignore this option if you want. You should replace the pathname /usr/etc/ftpd with the location of your FTP daemon.

There are several ftpd daemon options that you can add to the /etc/inetd.config line to control ftpd’s behavior. The following list contains the most commonly used options:

  -d Adds debugging information to the syslog.
  -l Activates a logging of sessions (only failed and successful logins, not debug information). If the -l option is specified twice, all commands are logged, too. If specified three times, the size of all get and put file transfers are added, as well.
  -t Sets the timeout period before ftpd terminates after a session is concluded (default is 15 minutes). The value is specified in seconds after the -t option.
  -T Sets the maximum timeout period (in seconds) that a client can request. The default is two hours. This lets a client alter the normal default timeout for some reason.
  -u Sets the umask value for files uploaded to the local system. The default umask is 022. Clients can request a different umask value.

FTP Logins

If you are going to set up a user-based FTP service where each person accessing your system has a valid login name and password, then you must create an account for each user in the /etc/passwd file. If you are not allowing anonymous FTP access, do not create a generic login that anyone can use.

To set up an anonymous FTP server, you must create a login for the anonymous user ID (if one doesn’t already exist; many versions of Linux have the entry already completed upon installation). This is done in the normal process of adding a user to the /etc/passwd file. The login name is whatever you want people to use when they access your system, such as anonymous or ftp. You need to select a login directory for the anonymous users that can be protected from the rest of the file system. A typical /etc/passwd entry looks like this:

ftp:*:400:51:Anonymous FTP access:/usr/ftp:/bin/false

This sets up the anonymous user with a login of ftp. The asterisk password prevents anyone gaining access to the account. The user ID number (400) is, of course, unique to the entire system. For better security, it is a good idea to create a separate group just for the anonymous FTP access (edit the /etc/group file to add a new group), then set the ftp user to that group. Only the anonymous FTP user should belong to that group because it can be used to set file permissions to restrict access and make your system more secure. The login directory in the preceding example is /usr/ftp, although you can choose any directory as long as it belongs to root (for security reasons, again). The startup program shown in the preceding example is /bin/false, which helps protect your system from access to accounts and utilities that do not have a strong password protection.

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