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One other daemon you might want running is syslogd. It usually is set to execute automatically. This is the system logging daemon, which collects log messages from other applications and stores them in log files. The log file locations, which you can change as you desire, are given in the file /etc/syslog.conf.

That’s enough changes to the rc files for now. After TCP/IP is installed and tested, the rest of the daemons (routed, named, and so on) can be started one at a time to ensure they work. The first task is to get TCP/IP communicating with other machines properly. Then you tweak it!


The /etc/hosts file is a simple list of IP addresses and the hostnames to which they correspond. This is a good location to list all your favorite machines so that you can use the name and have the system look up the IP address. On very small networks, you can add all the machines in the network here and avoid the need to run the named daemon.

Every /etc/hosts file will have an entry for localhost (also called loopback, IP address and probably one for your machine if you named it when you installed the software. If you didn’t supply a name and there is no line other than localhost, you can add it now. Use an editor and set your IP address and machine name. Don’t bother adding too many other machines until you’re sure the network works properly! Here’s a sample /etc/hosts file:     localhost    merlin.tpci merlin

You will notice that the format is quite simple: an IP address in one column and the name in another column, separated by tabs. If the machine may have more than one name, supply them all. In the example, which uses random numbers for the IP address, the machine has the name merlin. Because it is also part of a larger network called tpci, the machine can be addressed as merlin.tpci. Both names on the line ensure that the system can resolve either name to the same address.

You can expand the file a little if you want by adding other machines on your local network, or those you will communicate with regularly:       localhost     merlin.tpci merlin     wizard.tpci wizard     arthur.tpci arthur bobs_machine     lancelot.tpci lancelot

In this example, there are several machines from the same network (the same network address). One has three different names.

If you are using only the loopback driver, the only line that should be in the file is for the IP address with the name localhost and your machine’s name after it.


The /etc/networks file lists names and IP address of your own network and other networks you connect to frequently. This file is used by the route command, started through the rc.inet1 file. One advantage of this file is that it lets you call remote networks by name, so instead of typing 149.23.24, you can type eds_net.

The /etc/networks file should have an entry for every network that will be used with the route command. If there is no entry, errors will be generated, and the network won’t work properly.

A sample /etc/networks file using random IP addresses is shown next. Remember that you need only the network address and not the device portion of a remote machine’s IP address, although you must fill in the rest with zeros.





At a minimum, you must have a loopback and localnet address in the file.


The system uses the host.conf file to resolve hostnames. It usually contains two lines that look like this:

order hosts, bind

multi on

These tell the system to first check the /etc/hosts file, and then the nameserver (if one exists) when trying to resolve a name. The multi entry lets you have multiple IP addresses for a machine in the /etc/hosts file (which happens with gateways and machines on more than one network).

If your /etc/host.conf file looks like these two lines, you don’t need to make any changes at all.


The resolv.conf file is used by the name resolver program. It gives the address of your name server (if you have one) and your domain name (if you have one). You have a domain name if you are on the Internet.

A sample resolv.conf file for the system merlin.tpci.com has an entry for the domain name, which is tpci.com (merlin is the name of an individual machine):

domain tpci.com

If a name server is used on your network, you should add a line that gives its IP address:

domain tpci.com


If there are multiple name servers, which is not unusual on a larger network, each name server should be specified on its own line.

If you don’t have a domain name for your system, you can safely ignore this file for the moment.


UNIX systems use the /etc/protocols file to identify all the transport protocols available on the system and their respective protocol numbers. (Each protocol supported by TCP/IP has a special number, but that’s not really important at this point.) Usually, this file is not modified but is maintained by the system and updated automatically as part of the installation procedure when new software is added.

The /etc/protocols file contains the protocol name, its number, and any alias that may be used for that protocol. A sample /etc/protocols file looks like this:

# Internet protocols (IP)

ip     0   IP

icmp   1   ICMP

ggp    3   GGP

tcp    6   TCP

egp    8   EGP

pup    12  PUP

udp    17  UDP

hello  63  HELLO

If your entries don’t match this, don’t worry. You shouldn’t have to make any changes to this file at all, but you should know what it does.

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