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Ghostview X Resources

As with most applications that use X, Ghostview has a set of X resources it can use. The X resources are not the same as those used by Ghostscript. Table 24.3 lists the X resources recognized by Ghostview.

Table 24.3. Ghostview X resources.

Resource Name Class of Resource Default Value

showTitle - displays the title Labels true
showDate - displays the date Labels true
showLocator - displays the locator Labels true
autoCenter - centers the page in the AutoCenter true
viewport whenever the page size changes
horizontalMargin - how many pixels Margin 20
should be reserved for horizontal
window decorations
verticalMargin - how many pixels Margin 44
should be reserved for vertical
window decorations
minimumMagstep - the smallest magstep to display Magstep -5
maximumMagstep - the largest magstep to Magstep 5
magstep - the default magstep Magstep 0
orientation - the default orientation Orientation Portrait
page - the initial page to display Page
pageMedia - the default page media PageMedia Letter
forceOrientation -forces the orientation Force false
forcePageMedia - forces the page media Force false
swapLandscape - swaps the meaning of SwapLand false
Landscaple and Seascape scape
printCommand - the command used for PrintCommand
printerVariable - the name of the Printer PRINTER
printer environment variable Variable
busyCursor - the cursor shown when Cursor
drawing to the window
cursor - the cursor shown when idle Cursor cross hair
safer - whether to run in safer mode Safer true


In this chapter we’ve looked at the Ghostview and Ghostscript utilities, two very handy related programs for working with PostScript-format files. It is useful to be able to browse through a file quickly using Ghostview instead of having to print it, so Ghostview has become one of the most-used utilities on many UNIX systems (including Linux). From here, take a look at a number of chapters that are related.

To learn about configuring printers under Linux, see Chapter 20, “Printing.”
To learn about programming under Linux, see Part V starting with Chapter 25, “gawk.”
To learn about setting up devices, including printers, see Chapter 33, “Devices.”

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