Table of Contents



<> (angle brackets), commands, 134
* (asterisk) wildcards, 138
bash, 209-211
pdksh, 228
tcsh, 245-246
‘ ‘ (back quotation marks), shell programming, 268
\ (backslash), 444, 508
shell programming, 268
vi editor, 305
^ (caret), abbreviation for Ctrl key, 228
: (colon), vi editor, 305
{ } (curly braces)
commands, 134
geqn preprocessor, 336
TeX formatting, 353
- (dash)
command options, 128
filenames, 151
$ (dollar sign)
accessing shell variables, 265
Perl programming, 506
shell prompt, 111, 120
. (dot) command, 263
filenames, 151
pdksh, 240
\\ (double backslash) characters, Perl programming, 508
>> (double greater than) symbol, commands, 133
“ ” (double quotation marks)
shell programming, 267
Tcl (ToolCommandLanguage), 529-530
… (ellipsis)
bash wildcard, 211
commands, 134
pdksh wildcard, 228
tcsh wildcard, 246
! (exclamation point)
UUCP addresses, 695
vi editor, 305
/ (forward slash)
directories, 153
vi editor, 305, 309
> (greater than) symbol
commands, 132-133
output redirection, see output redirection
< (less than) symbol, see input redirection
% (percent sign)
shell prompt, 111
tcsh prompt, 251
TeX formatting, 348
| (pipe) character
commands, 130-131
pdksh shell, 234
tcsh shell, 250
# (pound sign)
shell prompt, 111
Tcl programming, 531, 533
? (question mark)
bash wildcard, 211
pdksh wildcard, 228
printers, 594
tcsh wildcard, 246
vi editor, 310
wildcards, 138
’ ’ (single quotation marks)
Perl programming, 508
shell programming, 267-268
[ ] (square brackets)
commands, 133
geqn preprocessor, 336
TeX formatting, 353
_ (underscore), filenames, 151
32-bit Windows API (Win32), 953
80386 CPU, 6


a characters (Perl programming), 508
a command (vi editor), 305
a option (ls command), 127
-a option (ps command), 614
a switch (tar program), 760
<A> tag (hyperlinks), 872
abort command
chat program (PPP), 673
printers, 593
abort function (ST/X Debugger), 564
absolute filenames, 155-156
absolute path references, 873
absolute setting of permissions, 182
abstract keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 819
accept function
lpd daemon, 587
ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
access, restricting (passwords), 624
access keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 820-821
access rights (kill command), 617
access times (UUCP), changing, 692-693
access.conf (Apache Web servers), 846
access.conf-dist file, configuring Web servers, 839-840
AccessConfig variable (httpd.conf), 837
AccessFileName variable (srm.conf), 838
cron utility, 764
RCS (Revision Control System), 910
accounting log file (printers), 590
accounts, see logins
acm (GNU), 187
action sections (inittab files), 602
actions (gawk), 442-444
active mode (NNTP), 722
Ada programming language, 538
Adabas-D (database program), 994-997
adaptive SLIP, 668
AddDescription variable (srm.conf), 838
AddEncoding variable (srm.conf), 838
addgroup utility, 633
AddIcon variable (srm.conf), 838
AddIconType variable (srm.conf), 838
adding, see installing
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 647
broadcast, 651-652
dummy interfaces, 652-653
gateways, 652
IP, see IP addresses
nameserver, 652
network, 647, 651
parallel ports, 591
UUCP, 694-696
AddType variable (srm.conf), 839
adduser command, 115-118, 629
adm login, 627
admin keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 819
administrative area (hard disks), 71
af parameter (printcap file), 590
again function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 561
AgentLog variable (httpd.conf), 837
air traffic control simulation (game), 978
.AL (automatic list) command, 327
alias command, 214-215, 221, 232-233, 240, 248-249, 258
Alias variable (srm.conf), 839
bash shell, 214-215
Gopher, creating, 817
pdksh shell, 231-233
tcsh shell, 248-249
All value (Web servers), 840-841
allfiles, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
Allow value (Limit directive), 840
AllowOverride variable (Web servers), 841
alternate UUCP names (smail utility), 713-714
angle brackets (< >), commands, 134
anonymous FTP, 292-294, 782, 1025
configuring, 791-793
security, 794-795
servers, configuring, 288
sites, downloading Linux, 29
ANT_HTML (Word for Windows HTML template), 862
Apache Web server software, 834, 843
comment symbols, 845
configuring, 844-847
httpd command flags, 847
installing, 843-846
network setup, 847-848
Web site, 843
appendix command (LaTeX), 359
applications, see programs
apply all changes function (ST/X changes lists), 555
apply change function (ST/X changes lists), 555
apply to end function (ST/X changes lists), 555
arcade games, 978-981
archive sites (FTP), 1024, 1028-1029
Perl functions, passing to, 520
Tcl programming statements, 530-531
arithmetic (game), 979
arithmetic operators (gawk), 446
ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 647
gawk, 460-461
Perl programming, 510-513
arrow keys (command controls), 127
article command, 722
article document class (LaTeX), 357
ascii command, 290-292, 786, 1026
ASCII mode (FTP), 31, 785-786
associative arrays (Perl programming), 511-513
asterisk (*) wildcards, 138
bash, 209-211
pdksh, 228
tcsh, 245-246
asteroids (game), 980-981
at utility, 769-771
atan2 (gawk), 446
atq command, 771
au files, 372
-au option, ps command, 614
audio files, 372-373
auditing (security), 734-735
Kerberos authentication method, 734
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 675-678
author keyword, RCS (Revision Control System), 909
authoring tools (HTML), 858-864
autobooting Linux, interrupting LILO, 572
autoconf (GNU), 187
AutoConfig value (AllowOverride variable), 841
autocorrect (tcsh variable), 259
automatic installations (XFree86), 395
autoprobing Linux installation, 49
AUX_CFLAGS variable (Web servers), 836
awk programming language, 440
aztech boot floppy, 43


.B (bold) command, 328
b characters (Perl programming), 508
b switch (tar program), 760, 762
<B> tag (boldface), 876
back quotation marks (‘ ‘), shell programming, 268
backgammon (game), 977
backingstore command, Wine (Windows Emulator), 946
backslash (\)
Perl programming, 508
shell programming, 268
vi editor, 305
backspace key (command controls), 126
backups, 580, 754-755, 1008
logs, 758-759
Lone-Tar, see Lone-Tar
scheduling, 755-758
storage media, 755
tar (tape archiver) utility, see tar utility
bag class (C++), 501
bang (!), UUCP addresses, 695
bare boot floppy, 43
bars (geqn preprocessor), 336
baselineskip command, 352
bash shell, 207-208
aliases, 214-215
command history, 211-214
command-line completion, 208-209
commands, 221-222
customizing, 220-221
GNU, 187
help command, 134, 136-137
input redirection, 215-216
job control, 219-220
output redirection, 216-217
pipes, 217
prompts, 218-219
variables, 222
wildcards, 209-211
basicInspect command, 563
batch processes, 610
batching (transferring news articles), 721
battlestar (game), 975
BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), 34, 1029-1034
bc (GNU), 187
BCD punch card code (game), 980
BEGIN pattern (gawk), 454
begingroup command, 352
bg command, 219, 221, 236, 240, 252, 258
bigicon command, xxgdb (GNU debugger), 475
bin directories, 169, 394
bin FTP command, 292
bin login, 627
binary command, 786, 1026
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294
binary mode (FTP), 31, 291-292, 785-786
binary numbers, setting permissions, 184
bind command, 237
binding NIS (Network Information Service), 748
bindkey command, 253-254, 258
binutils (GNU), 187
BIOS, sizing partitions, 56
bios command (SuperProbe utility), 399
bison (GNU), 188
block mode device drivers, 929
block mode devices, 585
board games, 977
LaTeX, 357
TeX layout, 351
<BODY> tag, 868-869
Boggle (game), 976
bold command, 337
bold fonts
groff text-formatting utility, 323
mm (memorandum macros) program, 328
book document class (LaTeX), 357
Boolean values (printcap files), 590
boot (inittab file), 602
boot floppy, 42
creating, 45-46
images, 42-45
boot images (LILO), 84-86
boot parameters (LILO), 78-79
boot process, LILO (LInux LOader), 68, 74
boot parameters, 78-79
boot sector, 72, 74, 86
BOOTACTV utility, 75, 77
BOOTLIN program, 78
dedicated Linux systems, 75
disk parameter problems, 69-70
installing, 68-69
Makefile, 70
map installer, 80-84
pathnames, 68
troubleshooting, 87
updating, 70
use with DOS, 77
see also starting
boot sector
hard disks, 71-74
LILO, removing/disabling, 86
map installer, 80-84
BOOTACTV utility, 75, 77
BOOTLIN program, 78
BOOTP (Boot Protocol), 647
bootwait (inittab file), 602
Bourne Again Shell, see bash shell
Bourne shell (sh), 207
braces ({ })
commands, 134
geqn preprocessor, 336
TeX formatting, 353
brackets ([ ])
commands, 133
geqn preprocessor, 336
TeX formatting, 353
break command, 280
gdb (GNU debugger), 469
TeX formatting, 351
Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 947
break-ins, tracking, 734-735
breaksw statement (shell programming), 275
broadcast addresses, 651-652
browse keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 820
browsers, see ST/X (Smalltalk/X); Web browsers
bt command, Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 947
buffering devices, 585
emacs editor modes, 317
text editors, 303-304
bugs, bug free programming, 907
build mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 92
building Wine (Windows Emulator), 944
Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs), 34, 1029-1034
LaTeX, 361
TeX formatting, 353
bummerMsg keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 820
button command, 526
buttons (Tk programming), 531, 534-535
bye command, 347


C compilers (gcc), 922-925
C library (GNU), 188
C programming, 464-465
calls program, 476-478
cproto program, 478-479
f2c program, 481-482
GCC (GNU C Compiler), 465-467
commands, 469
compiling, 468
sessions, 470-474
gprof program, 481
indent utility, 479-481
p2c program, 481-482
C shell (csh), 207
c switch (tar program), 760-761
C++ library (GNU), 188
C++ programming, 486-487
classes, 488, 495
bag, 501
data collection, 496
DLList, 497
Plex, 498-499
Queues, 499-500
random numbers, 496
Set, 500
SLList, 497
Stacks, 499
streams, 495
strings, 495-496
debugging, 491-494
encapsulation, 487
GCC (CNUC Compiler), 488-491
inheritance, 487
polymorphism, 487
SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 638
serial ports (remote terminals), 597-598
cachetime keyword (Gopher), 818
caesar (game), 982
calc (GNU), 189
callback modems, 731
calls program, 476-478
canceling print requests, 368
canfield (game), 976
cap directory (Gopher), naming files, 827
card games, 976-977
caret (^), abbreviation for Ctrl key, 228
cascade entries (Tk menus), 531, 535
case sensitivity
command options, 129
of Linux, 109
case statements (shell programming), 274-275
cat command, 159-161
CC variable (Web servers), 836
ccol command, 336
cd (change directory) command, 156-158, 221, 240, 259, 784, 786, 1026
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290-291
CD characters (Perl programming), 508
CD-ROMs, 96
CD changers, 97-98
CD libraries, 98
CD writers, 97-98
Linux, 26-27
installing, 41-42
system requirements, 16
mounting, 98, 574
SCSI devices, 65, 641-642
unmounting, 98-99
cdu31a boot floppy, 43
cdu535 boot floppy, 43
cdup command, 1026
ceiling characters (geqn preprocessor), 336
centering text (LaTeX), 361
CERN Web site, 834
cf (control file), printer requests, 588
cfdisk utility, 48
CFLAGS variable
freeWAIS, configuring, 800
Web servers, 836
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 850
HTML, relationship with, 851-852
overview, 850-851
programming with Perl, 852-855
cgi-bin directories (Web servers), 835
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), 675-678
change category function (ST/X method lists), 552
change directory commands (tcsh shell), 255
change directory function, ST/X path-labels (File browser), 558
change to home dir function, ST/X path-labels (File browser), 558
Changes browser (Smalltalk/X), 554
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), 675-678
char command, 349
character codes (tcsh prompts), 251
character formatting (HTML tags), 875-876
character mode device drivers, 929
character mode devices, 585
character-based games, 973-974
arcade, 978-981
board, 977
caesar, 982
card, 976-977
Conquest, 981
DOOM, 981
fortune, 982
Hack, 974
Hunt, 980
math, 979-980
number, 982
phase of the moon, 982
rain, 982
Rogue, 974
simulations, 978
text adventure, 974-975
word, 976
worms, 982
LaTeX, 359
mx (printcap file), 590
Perl programming, 507-508
TeX, 347-348, 352-353
see also text
chat command (pppd program), 674
chat program, PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 672-673
chat scripts (dip programs), 669-670
check buttons (Tk programming), 531, 534-535
chess (game), 189, 968, 977
chgrp command, 177
child processes (kill command), 617
chmod command, 180-183
chop command, 515
chown command, 175, 592
chroot command, 792, 830
chsh command, 626
<CITE> tag, 875
class files (Java), 880
Class Hierarchy browser (Smalltalk/X), 553
class instvars function (ST/X class lists), 550
Class Tree utility (Smalltalk/X), 559
C++ programming, see C++ programming, classes
LaTeX, 357-358
clean command (printers), 593
CLIENTDIR (Gopher), 822
CLIENTLIB (Gopher), 822
CLIENTOPTS (Gopher), 822-823
FTP logins, 289-290
Gopher, 814
NFS (Network File System), mounting, 741-743
CLISP (GNU), 189
clisp compiler, 540
clocks (Smalltalk/X), 560
close command, 290, 786
close( ) routine (device drivers), 933
co (check out) command, RCS files, 908
COBOL programming language, 538
<CODE> tag, 875
code view, System browser (Smalltalk/X), 553
codes (Gopher files), 816
Collect Garbage & Compress utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
Collect Garbage utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
collecting data (C++ classes), 496
colon (:), vi editor, 305
color (root floppy images), 44
crontab file, 766
NAME, 141
PPID, 143
ps command, 611-612
STAT, 141
TIME, 141
TTY, 141
USER, 142
COMMAND column (ps command), 612
command completion (emacs editor), 316
command entries (Tk menus), 531, 535
command mode (vi editor), 230, 305
command prompt, see prompts
command-line completion
bash shell, 208-209
pdksh shell, 226-228
tcsh shell, 244-245
command-line interface (Lone-Tar), 1009-1010
command-line options (map installer), 80-81
commands, 126
. (dot), 240, 263
/ (forward slash), vi editor, 305, 309
? (question mark), vi editor, 310
a (vi editor), 305
abort, 593, 673
adduser, 115-118, 629
.AL (automatic list), 327
alias, 214-215, 221, 232-233, 240, 248-249, 258
appendix (LaTeX), 359
article, 722
ascii, 290-292, 786, 1026
atq, 771
.B (bold), 328
baselineskip (TeX formatting), 352
bash shell, see bash shell
basicInspect, 563
begingroup, 352
bg, 219, 221, 236, 240, 252, 258
binary, 786, 1026
bind, 237
bindkey, 253-254, 258
bold, 337
break, 280, 351
button, 526
bye, 347
cat, 159-161
ccol, 336
cd, 156-158, 221, 240, 259, 784, 786, 1026
cdup, 1026
char, 349
chat (pppd program), 674
chgrp, 177
chmod, 180-183
chop, 515
chown, 175, 592
chroot, 792, 830
chsh, 626
close, 786
co (check out), RCS files, 908
compared to programs, 123-124
cp, 162-164
crontab, 630, 769
d$ (vi editor), 308
d^ (vi editor), 308
dd (vi editor), 308
.de (define), 325
.DE (display end), 339
del, 786
deleting, 126-127
detach (pppd program), 674
dG (vi editor), 308
dir, 30, 786
.DL (dash list), 327
documentclass, 357-358
.DS (display start), 339
dw (vi editor), 308
emacs editor, summary of, 317-318
.EN (equation end), 333
endgroup, 352
.EQ (equation start), 333
exit, 31, 221, 240, 259, 786, 1027
export, 221, 240
extract, 578
fasthalt, 106
fat, 337
faxcover, 962
fc, 213-214, 221, 230-231, 240
.FE (footnote end), 328
fg, 219, 221, 236, 240, 252, 259
footline (TeX formatting), 351
footnotes (LaTeX), 360
format, 58
.fp (font physically mounted), 323
frenchspacing, 359
from, 335
.FS (footnote start), 328
.ft (font type), 323
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290-291, 784-787, 820, 1025
gdb (GNU debugger), 469, 494
get, 30-31, 784, 786, 1026
gfont (global font), 337
gopherd, 830
grep (Global Regular Expression Parser), 146
groff text-formatting utility
embedding, 320-321
macros, 325
gsize (global size), 337
.H (heading), 326
halt, 573
haltsys, 106
hash, 786
headline (TeX formatting), 351
help, 134, 136-137, 221, 786
hfil (TeX formatting), 350
history, 212-213, 221, 230, 247-248, 259
hostname, 581
hskip (TeX formatting), 350
httpd command flags (Apache Web server software), 847
.HU (heading unnumbered), 326
.I (italic), 328
i (vi editor), 305
ifconfig, 668-669
.in (indent), 324
int, 335
inter, 335
italic, 337
kill, 143-145, 221, 240, 259, 616-617
label, 360
lcd, 787
lcol, 336
.LE (list end), 326
left, 336
left ceiling, 336
left floor, 336
less, 132
.LI (list), 326
.ll (line length), 323
login (passwd file), 626-627
logout, 119, 259
lp, 367-368
lpd, 367
lpq, 368
lpr, 367, 588
lprm, 368, 595-596
lpstat, 368
ls, 30, 174, 784, 1026
makeconfig, 68
maketitle, 360
man, 134
man pac, 590
mget, 31, 785, 787
mkdev fs, 575
mkdir, 161-162
mkfs, 59
mknod, 586, 591-592
.ML (mark list), 327
more, 131-132, 155
mount, 262, 574
mput, 785, 787
mv, 162-164
netstat, 660-661
newaliases, 630
newgrp, 176
newnews, 722
noindent, 348
notational conventions, 133-134
.nr (number register), 326
open, 787
options, 127-129
over, 334
.P (paragraph), 326
p (vi editor), 309
pac, 590
pack, 526
pagestyle, 358
par, 348
parameters, 130
parskip (TeX formatting), 352
part (LaTeX), 359
passwd, 113-114, 135
pdksh shell, see pdksh shell
pile, 336
.po (page offset), 324
for printing, 367-368, 593
.ps (point size), 321
ps (process status), 140, 143, 611-615
put, 30, 784, 787, 1026
puts, 524
pwd, 154-155, 221, 240, 787
quit, 31, 786-787, 1027
quote, 787
.R (restore), 328
rcol, 336
rcsdiff, 910-911
rcsmerge, 911
rdev, 572
read, 280
redirection, 126, 130-133
relationship with shells, 205-206
right, 336
right ceiling, 336
right floor, 336
rlog, 909-910
rm, 165-166, 349
rmdir, 167-168
route, 668-669
\s, 322
search paths, 120-121
sendfax, 961-962
set, 259, 311, 527
setenv, 297
share, NFS (Network File System), 741
shift, 279
shutdown, 105-106, 573
size, 337
soffice, 1001
source, 259, 263
.sp (space), 322
sqrt, 335
stty, 605
stty sane, 606
su, 145-146, 635
sub, 333
sum, 335
sup, 333
swapoff, 576
swapon, 58, 576
.T& (table continue), 341
T{ (start of text), 342
}T (end of text), 342
.ta (tab), 324
tableofcontents, 360
tail output, 133
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 524, 528
tcsh shell, see tcsh shell
.TE (table end), 338
telnet, 296
test, 269-270
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294
.ti (temporary indent), 324
to, 335
.TS (table start), 338-339
tset, 605-606
u (vi editor), 308
umask, 179-180
umount, 262, 575
unalias, 214, 221, 232, 240, 249, 259
union, 335
usepackage, 358-359
uucico, 690
uucp, 626, 696-698
uustat, 698-699
.ux (underline), 323
vfill (TeX formatting), 350
vi editor, 305, 312
vipw, 629
.vs (vertical space), 322
vskip (TeX formatting), 350
waisindex, 802-803, 806, 808-810
wc, 215, 233
who, 121-122
Wine (Windows Emulator), 945-946
X (vi editor), 308
xhost, 296
Y (vi editor), 308
ypinit, 748-749
yw (vi editor), 309
yy (vi editor), 308
see also programs; statements; utilities
comment field (passwd file), 623
comment function (ST/X class lists), 550
comment symbols (Apache Web server software), 845
HTML tags, 871-872
passwd file, 625-626
spec files, 952
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 531, 533
Common Gateway Interface, see CGI
communications (FTP), see FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
compatibility, Wine (Windows Emulator), 951
Ada, 538
C++ programming, 488-491
COBOL, 538
DSP (Digital Signal Processing), 539
Eiffel, 539
FORTRAN, 539-540
GCC (GNU CCompiler), 468, 922-925
LISP, 540
Modula-3, 540-541
OGI Speech Tools, 541
Scheme, 541
Scilab, 541-542
database applications (FlagShip), 991-992
HylaFAX, 957-958
kernel from source code, 918-920
make utility, 901
Web server files, 836
compress function (ST/X changes lists), 555
compress utility, 577
compressing files, 168, 577
conditional statements (shell programming), 272-275
conf directories (Web server), 835
conf.h file, 824-825
configFX86 utility, 396, 400-401
configuration files
adding users, 628-629
boot images, 84-85
map installer, 82-84
starting Linux (LILO), 573
configuration parameters, Wine (Windows Emulator), 944-945
configuration tables (sendmail utility), 706-708
Apache Web server software, 844-847
dummy interfaces, 666-667
freeWAIS, 800-805
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
directories, 791-792
ftpd daemon, 790
logins, 791
permissions, 792-793
servers, 287-288
site names, 789-790
testing system, 793
Ghostscript, 428-431
Gopher, 817
conf.h, 824-825
gopherd.conf, 817-819
gopherdlocal.conf, 819-821
Makefile.config, 821, 824
WAIS, 825-826
hard drives (Linux installation), 48
joysticks, 384-385
kernel, 68
LILO boot process, 74
boot parameters, 78-79
BOOTACTV utility, 75, 77
BOOTLIN program, 78
dedicated Linux systems, 75
use with DOS, 77
logins (message of the day), 581-582
network files, 649, 653
host.conf file, 657
hostname file, 659-660
hosts, 656-657
networks file, 657
protocols file, 658
resolv.conf file, 658
services file, 659
NFS (Network File System), 738-739
nntpd daemon, 724-725
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 671-672
printers, 364-367
remote terminals, 596
changing configurations, 605
getty file, 599-601
inittab file, 601-603
logins, 599
multiport cards, 597
serial ports, 597-598
termcap file, 603-604
ttys file, 601-603
sendmail utility, 703-704
building sendmail.cf file, 708-709
configuration tables, 706-708
sendmail.m4 file, 704-706
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), 667-671
smail utility, 710-711
network use, 714-715
UUCP, 712-714
sound cards, 374-380
system name, 580-581
tin newsreader, 727
trn newsreader, 726-727
UUCP, 682-683
HDB UUCP configuration, 688-690
Taylor UUCP configuration, 683-687
Web server software, 837-841
Wine (Windows Emulator), 942-944
WWW (World Wide Web) servers, 834-835
XFree86, 396-401
see also Xconfig file; XF86Config file
connect TFTP command, 294
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290, 782, 784, 1025-1027
Internet, 776-779
UUCP, 690-693
SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 639
serial ports (remote terminals), 597
conquest (game), 981
cont command (Wine debugger), 947
Context Inspector (ST/X Debugger), 563
Context Walkback List (ST/X Debugger), 563
continue function (ST/X Debugger), 564
Control key (emacs editor), 313
control structures (gawk), 457
arrays, 460-461
exit statement, 460
for statement, 459-460
if statement, 457-458
next statement, 460
while statement, 459
controller cards, SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 638, 643
command prompt, 126-127
Ghostview, 433-434
conversions (Perl programming), 521-522
copy category function (ST/X method categories), 551
copy function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 561
copy path function, ST/X path-labels (File browser), 558
copy-on-write pages, 7
directories, 165
files, 162-165, 182
text, 303
emacs editor, 316
vi editor, 308-309
copyright (Linux), 18-19, 1046-1053
correct (tcsh variable), 254
cos(x), gawk, 446
cover pages for faxes, 962
cp command, 162-164
cpio (GNU), 189
cproto program, 478-479
%CPU column, ps (process status) command, 613
crash-protection, 940
create access methods function (ST/X method categories), 551
create file function, ST/X file lists (File browser), 559
cribbage (game), 976
cron (chronograph) utility, 580, 764
access control, 764
crontab file, 764-769
scheduling Lone-Tar backups, 1017
CRONLOG variable, 768
crontab command, 630
crontab file, 764
commands, 769
creating, 765-767
managing, 767-768
cross-references (LaTeX), 360
CSLIP (Compressed SLIP), 666
Ctrl key, abbreviation for, 228
Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination, shutting down Linux, 105
curly braces ({ })
commands, 134
geqn preprocessor, 336
TeX formatting, 353
cursor, moving
emacs editor, 313-314
vi editor, 307
bash shell, 220-221
Lone-Tar, 1017-1018
pdksh shell, 239
routers for smail utility, 715-717
tcsh shell, 257-258
vi editor, 311-312
cut function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 561
CU_HTML (Word for Windows HTML template), 862
CVS (GNU), 189
cwdcmd (tcsh variable), 255


d switch (fdisk utility), 56
d$ command (vi editor), 308
d^ command (vi editor), 308
DADD_DATE_AND_TIME (Gopher), 823
daemon group, 633
daemon login, 627
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 286-288, 790
inetd, starting FTP, 790
NIS (Network Information Service), 748
nntpd, 722-725
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 674-675
print, 368
processes, 610
root.daemon, ownership, 592
smail, 711
tind, 727
Web server software, starting, 842
daily incremental backups, 756
dash (-)
command options, 128
filenames, 151
data area (hard disks), 71
data entry (gtbl preprocessor), 342
data files, 150-151
Adabas-D, 994-997
dBase-compatible, 986
FlagShip, 988-993
xBase, 986-987
DBF, 998
mbase v5.0, 998
onyx, 998
typhoon, 998
DATASECURITYFILE variable (freeWAIS), 804
DATA_SEC file (freeWAIS), 804-805
date keyword, RCS (Revision Control System), 909
at utility, 770
UUCP access, changing, 692-693
DAUTOEXITONU (Gopher), 822
dBase-compatible databases, 986
FlagShip, 988-993
xBase, 986-987
DBF (database program), 998
DBIO (Gopher), 823
DBOOLEANS flag (freeWAIS), 801
db_name command, xxgdb (GNU debugger), 475
db_prompt command, xxgdb (GNU debugger), 475
dc (GNU), 190
DCAPFILES (Gopher), 824
DCE (Data Communications Equipment) cables , 597
dd command (vi editor), 308
DDL (Gopher), 823
.de (define) command, 325
.DE (display end) command, 339
debug command, Wine (Windows Emulator), 946
C programming, 467
gdb (GNU debugger), 469-474, 924-925
C++ programming, 491-494
device drivers, 936
gcc, 924
Gopher, configuring, 822
ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 563
Wine (Windows Emulator), 947-948
debugmsg name command (Wine), 946
decnetxtable file, 706
decoders (Gopher), 818
decompressing Web server software, 835, 843-844
dedicated connections, see direct connections
dedicated Linux systems (LILO boot process configurations), 75
default shells, 206
DefaultIcon variable (srm.conf), 839
defaults (adduser command), 116
DefaultType variable (srm.conf), 839
define command (Wine debugger), 947
definition function (ST/X class lists), 550
macros (TeX), 356
System browser (Smalltalk/X), 552
DejaGnu (GNU), 190
del command, 290, 786
delete all changes function (ST/X changes lists), 555
delete changes for function (ST/X changes lists), 555
delete function (ST/X changes lists), 555
delete operator (Perl programming arrays), 513
delete to end function (ST/X changes lists), 555
directories, 167-168
files, 158-159, 165-166, 183
groups, 634
prompts, 126-127
text, 303
emacs editor, 314-315
vi editor, 308
delta character (TeX formatting), 353
deltas, RCS (Revision Control System), 906-907
deluser script, 630
demand paging, 7
deny value (Limit directive), 840
dependencies (make utility), 898-899
depth n command, Wine (Windows Emulator), 946
descriptions (Gopher files), 828-829
design (Web sites), 888-889
HTML tags, proper use of, 891-892
hyperlinks, proper use of, 891
icons, 890-891
information at top of page, 889-890
multiple pages, 890
desktop geom command (Wine), 946
detach command (pppd program), 674
detaching file systems, 575
detecting SCSI, troubleshooting, 65
dev directory, 170
/dev/cua* serial ports, 365
/dev/lp0 printer port, 365
/dev/lp1 printer port, 365
/dev/ttyS* printer ports, 365
device drivers, 584, 928
adding, 935-936
block mode, 929
character mode, 929
close( ) routine, 933
debugging, 936
device file, 928
device numbers, 929
headers, 931-932
installing to kernel, 920-921
intr routine, 935
ioctl( ) routine, 935
open( ) routine, 932-933
polling, 936-937
printers, configuring, 364-367
read functions, 934
remote terminals, initializing, 605-606
SCSI devices, 640-642
sound cards, 375
speakers, 373
start routine, 935
strategy functions, 933-934
VDDs (Virtual Device Drivers), Wine, 953
write functions, 934
XFree86, 393-394
DEVICE environment variable (Ghostscript), 432
device files, 928
device full error, 62
device numbers, 640-642, 929
devices, 584
block mode, 585
buffering, 585
CD-ROMs, 96-99
character mode, 585
drivers, 584
files, 584-585
interrupts, 929-931
mknod command, 586
modems, adding, 607
null modem cables, 598
numbers, 585-586
printers, see printers
remote terminals, creating, 604
SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 640-644
starting Linux, installing, 61
troubleshooting, 63-65
see also device drivers
df (data file), printer requests, 588
<DFN> tag, 875
dG command (vi editor), 308
dialup connections (Internet), 779
dialup passwords (modem security), 732-733
diamond character (TeX formatting), 353
differential backups, 757
diffutils (GNU), 190
Digital Signal Processing (DSP), 539
dip program, 667, 669, 671
dir command, 30, 290, 786
direct connections
Internet, 778-779
UUCP, 691
directories, 152, 169
anonymous FTP, configuring, 791-792
bin, 169
cd command, 156-158
copying, 165
creating, 161-162
deleting, 167-168
dev, 170
etc, see etc directories
freeWAIS, 801-805
gawk, 440-442
Ghostscript, 426
Gopher, 826-829
home, 153-154, 169, 626
long listings, 174
naming, 153
permissions, 178-179, 183-184
root, 152-153, 169
sbin, see sbin directory
search paths, 120-121
spool (printers), 169, 588, 590-591
usr, 169
Web server, 835
write permission, 183
XFree86, 392-393, 398
directory browser (Smalltalk/X), 556
directory view (Smalltalk/X), 560
DirectoryIndex variable (srm.conf), 839
disable command
printers, 593
Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 947
disabling LILO, 86
disk parameter tables (LILO), 85-86
disk parameters (LILO), troubleshooting, 69-70
disk sets (Linux), 35, 37
disk space, installation errors, 62
floppy, see floppy disks
hard, see hard disks
maintenance disk, 581
starting Linux, 90-91
disktab file, 69, 85-86
display name command (Wine), 946
display name field (Gopher), 815
displaying print queues, 595
Linux, 33-34
XFree86, 392
.DL (dash list) command, 327
DLList class (C++), 497
DMAXIMUM DNS value (CFLAGS variable), 836
dmesg program, 91, 381
DMINIMAL DNS value (CFLAGS variable), 836
DNO PASS value (CFLAGS variable), 836
DNOMAIL (Gopher), 822
DNS (Domain Name System), 647, 678-679
document classes (LaTeX), 357-358
documentation (Linux Documentation Project), 19
DocumentRoot variable (srm.conf), 839
documents (HTML), see home pages
doIt function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
dollar sign ($)
accessing shell variables, 265
Perl programming, 506
shell prompt, 111, 120
Domain Name System (DNS), 647, 678-679
domain names, setting for smail utility, 712-713
DOMAIN variable (Gopher), 823
domains, NIS (Network Information Service), 747
domaintable file, 706-707
DOOM (game), 981
boot sector, 72
LILO boot process, 77
Linux interface with, 8
dot (.) command, 240, 263
double link list class (C++), 497
double quotation marks (“ ”), shell programming, 267
down command (printers), 593
down time, troubleshooting SCSI devices, 643
BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), 1029-1034
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 1025-1027
ftpmail utility, 1027-1028
Web server software, 834
DPEM AUTH value (CFLAGS variable), 836
draw tool (Smalltalk/X), 561
LaTeX, 361
TeX formatting, 353-354
drivers, see device drivers
.DS (display start) command, 339
DSECURE_LOGS value (CFLAGS variable), 836
DSP (Digital Signal Processing), 539
DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) cables, 597
dummy interfaces, 652-653, 666-667
dungeon (game), 975
dvi files (TeX conversions), 346-347
dvi2ps utility, 347
dw command (vi editor), 308
DXBITHACK value (CFLAGS variable), 836
dynamically shared libraries, 7


e characters (Perl programming), 508
e switch (tar program), 760
e2fsck utility, 575
each operator (Perl programming arrays), 513
ecc (GNU), 190
echo line (emacs editor), 313
ed (GNU), 190
commands, see history list
group file, 633-634
ST/X browsers, 561-562
EDITOR variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 241
editors, 302
emacs, see emacs editor
features of, 302, 304
geqn preprocessor, see geqn preprocessor
groff, see groff text-formatting utility
gtbl preprocessor, see gtbl preprocessor
HTML authoring tools, 858-864
mm (memorandum macros) program, 326-328
vi, see vi editor
efsfck utility, 576
Eiffel programming language, 539
elib (GNU), 190
elif statement (shell programming), 273
ellipses (…)
bash wildcard, 211
commands, 134
creating, Wine (Windows Emulator), 949
pdksh wildcard, 228
tcsh wildcard, 246
TeX formatting, 353
<EM> tag, 875
emacs editor, 312
command summary, 317-318
compared to vi editor, 227
Control and Meta keys, 313
copying/moving text, 316
deleting text, 314-315
exiting, 314
GNU, 190-191
help features, 317
modes of, 317
moving the cursor, 313-314
multiple files, 315
searching/replacing text, 316-317
starting, 313
ftpmail utility, 1027-1028
Linux, 33-34
MTAs (mail transport agents), 702-703
MUAs (mail user agents), 702
overview of process, 702-703
sending (UUCP), 696
sendmail utility, 702-709
smail utility, 702, 710-717
embedding commands (groff text-formatting utility), 320-321
.EN (equation end) command, 333
enable command
printers, 594
Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 947
encapsulation (C++ programming), 487
encrypted passwords (encoded), 624
END pattern (gawk), 454
end points (netstat command), 660-661
endgroup command, 352
enumerate (LaTeX), 361
environment variables, 138-140
CGI, 850
Ghostscript, 432
XFree86, 393
PATH, 395-396
environments (LaTeX), 360-361
.EQ (equation start) command, 333
equations (geqn preprocessor), 333
error log files
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 675
printers, 590
error messages, 87, 120
ErrorLog variable (httpd.conf), 837
installation, 62
sound cards, troubleshooting, 382
es (GNU), 191
escape codes (gawk), 450-451
etc directory, 170
exports file, NFS (Network File System), 740-741
getty file, 599-600
gettydefs file, 600-601
group files, 631-632
adding users, 628
deleting groups, 634
editing, 633-634
fields, 632
for newly installed system (listing 39.2), 632
system groups, 633
users, adding, 634
host files
configuring, 656-657
dummy interfaces, 666
host.conf file, configuring, 657
hostname file, configuring, 659-660
inittab file, 599, 601-602
motd file, see message of the day
networks file, configuring, 657
passwd file, see passwd file
ppp-log file, 675
printcap file, see printcap file
protocols file, configuring, 658
resolv.conf file, configuring, 658, 678
services file, configuring, 659
shells, 626
syslog.conf file, 675
termcap file, 603-604
ttys file, 599, 601-603
Ethernet, 48-49, 648-649
Event Monitor utility (Smalltalk/X), 559
ex editor, 305
exception handler (C++ programming), 493-494
exclamation point (!)
UUCP addresses, 695
vi editor, 305
ExecCGI value (Options directive), 840
executables, 42, 150-151
execute permission (files), 178
geqn preprocessor, 332-333
gtbl preprocessor, 338-339
shell programs, 263-264
exit command, 31, 221, 240, 259, 786, 1027
gawk, 460
printers, 594
exit smalltalk function (ST/X Debugger), 564
emacs editor, 314
programs, 114, 160
ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 547
vi editor, 306-307
see also shutting down
exp(x), gawk, 446
expanding Web server files, 835
export command, 221, 240
exporting/importing files (StarOffice), 1005-1006
exports file, NFS (Network File System), 741
Tcl programming, 530
tcsh shell, 270, 272
.exrc file, 311
ext2fs file system, troubleshooting, 576
extended partitions
creating, 57, 59
hard disks, 72
EXTRA LIBS variable (Web servers), 836
extract command, 578
eyes (Xeyes), 971


f characters (Perl programming), 508
f switch (tar program), 760-762
f2c program, 481-482
factor (game), 980
FancyIndexing variable (srm.conf), 839
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions), 20
fasthalt command, 106
fat command, 337
FATALEXIT comment (spec files), 952
faxcover command, 962
faxes (HylaFAX), 956
compiling, 957-958
installing, 956-957
modem installation, 958-961
receiving, 962-963
sending, 961-962
fc command, 213-214, 221, 230-231, 240
FCEDIT variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 241
fdisk utility, 48, 51-56
.FE (footnote end) command, 328
fg command, 219, 221, 236, 240, 252, 259
fi statement (shell programming), 272
field separators (gawk), 441-442, 451
gawk, 441-442, 444
Gopher, 815, 828-829
group files, 632
passwd file, 622-623
comments, 625-626
group ID, 625
home directory, 626
login command, 626-627
password, 624
user ID, 625
username, 623, 627
LaTeX, 361
TeX formatting, 353-354
file browser (Smalltalk/X), 557-558
file command, gdb (GNU debugger), 469
file not found error, 62
file operators, 270-271
file systems, 574-576
file transfer
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), see FTP
Telnet, 295-297
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294-295
File Transfer Protocol, see FTP
FileInfo value (AllowOverride variable), 841
filename completion (emacs editor), 315
FILENAME variable (gawk), 456
filenames, 151-152
absolute, 155-156
relative, 155
Taylor UUCP configuration, 683
FileOut each function (ST/X class categories), 549
FileOut function (ST/X)
class categories, 549
class lists, 550
method categories, 551
method lists, 552
files, 150-151
access.conf-dist (Web servers), 839-840
accounting logs (printers), 590
backups, see backups
command ouput, 132
compressing, 577
copying, 162-164, 182
creating, 158-161
crontab, 764
commands, 769
creating, 765-767
managing, 767-768
decnetxtable, 706
deleting, 158-159, 165-166, 183
devices, 584-585, 928
printers, creating, 591-592
disktab, 69, 85-86
domaintable, 706-707
BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems), 1029-1034
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 1025-1027
ftpmail utility, 1027-1028
error logs (printers), 590
.exrc, 311
extensions, .tar, 578
forwarding (Taylor UUCP configuration), 687
freeWAIS, 802-805
gawk, 440-442
genericfrom, 707
getty, 599-600
gettydefs, 600-601
Ghostscript, 425-426
Ghostview controls, 434
Gopher, 826-829
codes, 816
conf.h, 824-825
gopherd.conf, 817-819
gopherdlocal.conf, 819-821
Makefile.config, 821, 824
naming, 826-828
requirements, 816
startup, 829-831
types, 828-829
group, 631-632
adding users, 628
deleting groups, 634
editing, 633-634
fields, 632
for newly installed system (listing 39.2), 632
system groups, 633
users, adding, 634
hosts (dummy interfaces), 666
httpd.conf (Web servers), 837-838
importing/exporting (StarOffice), 1005-1006
inittab, 599, 601-602
mailers.linux, 705
mailertable, 707-708
makefile, 896-897
Apache, 845
macros, 901-904
testing, 901
Web servers, 836
minfree, 587
multiple (emacs editor), 315
network configurations, 649, 653
host.conf file, 657
hostname file, 659-660
hosts, 656-657
networks file, 657
protocols file, 658
rc (run command), 653
resolv.conf file, 658
services file, 659
ownership, 174-176
passwd, 599, 622
adding users, 627-629
comments, 625-626
deleting users, 630-631
fields, 622-623
group ID, 625
home directory, 626
login command, 626-627
for newly installed system (listing 39.1), 622
passwords, 624
user ID, 625
usernames, 623, 627
pathtable, 708
Perl programming, 509-510
permissions, 178-183
ppp-log, 675
printcap, 589-591
RCS (Revision Control System), see RCS
reading/writing, 303
resolv.conf, 678
restoring (Lone-Tar), 1016-1017
SCSI devices, 640
security for, 731
sendmail.cf, 703-704
sendmail.m4, 704-709
Sendmail.mc, 705
shadow password, 624
shells, 626
sound, 372-373
spec (comments), 952
srm.conf (Web servers), 838-839
swap space, used as, 576-577
syslog.conf, 675
tar, naming conventions, 579
termcap, 603-604
TeX, 346-347
fonts, 349
formatting, 347-349
graphics, inserting, 353-354
group formatting, 352
layout, 351-352
macros, 354-356
mathematical notation, 352-353
spacing, 350-351
transferring (UUCP), 696-699
HDB UUCP configuration, 689-690
Taylor UUCP configuration, 686-687
ttys, 599, 601-603
uucprelays, 708
uucpxtable, 708
verifying (Lone-Tar), 1015-1016
WAIS indexes, 807-808
Xconfig, 397-398, 401-402
keyboards, 403-404
monitors, 406-408
mouse, 404-406
pathnames, 402-403
servers, 410-411
video cards, 409-410
XF86Config, 397-398, 401-402
keyboards, 403-404
mouse, 404-408
pathnames, 402-403
servers, 410-411
video cards, 409-410
XFree86, 393
xinitrc, 412-414
see also text
filesystem partitions, creating, 59-60
fileutils (GNU), 191
HTML, 863
printers, 590
find (GNU), 191
find class function (ST/X class categories), 549
find method function (ST/X method categories), 551
find method here function (ST/X method categories), 551
Ghostscript, 424-425
Linux, 26-27
Bulletin Boards, 34
CD-ROMs, 27
email, 33-34
FTP sites, 27-32
search engines, 33
WWW, 33
finger (GNU), 191
FIPS utility, 51, 91-92
firmware, troubleshooting SCSI devices, 643
Fix Permissions mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 92
freeWAIS, 801
httpd command flags (Apache Web server software), 847
FLAGS variable (Web servers), 836
FlagShip (database application compiler), 988-993
flex (GNU), 192
flooding (transferring news articles), 720
floor characters (geqn preprocessor), 336
floppy disks
boot floppy, 42
creating, 45-46
images, 42-45
file systems, creating, 575
mounting, 575
root floppy, 42
creating, 45-46
images, 42, 44-45
starting Linux, 571-572
tar program, 762
floppyless installations, 41-42
flushleft (LaTeX), 361
flushright (LaTeX), 361
FM2HTML utility, 863
FNR variable (gawk), 456
FollowSymLinks value (Options directive), 840
font function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
FONTPATH environment variable (Ghostscript), 432
geqn preprocessor, 337
Ghostscript, 426
Ghostview, 434-435
groff text-formatting utility, 323
mm (memorandum macros) program, 328
TeX, 349
fontutils (GNU), 192
footers (TeX layout), 351
footlines (TeX layout), 351
LaTeX, 360
mm (memorandum macros) program, 328
for statement
gawk, 459-460
Perl programming, 516-517
shell programming, 276-277
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 531-532
force, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
foreach statement
Perl programming, 517-518
shell programming, 276
format commands, 58
format section (gtbl preprocessor), 339-341
characters (HTML tags), 875-876
gawk output, 448-451
LaTeX, 359-361
TeX, 346-349
fonts, 349
graphics, inserting, 353-354
grouping, 352
layout, 351-352
macros, 354-356
mathematical notation, 352-353
spacing, 350-351
FORTRAN programming language, 539-540
fortune (game), 982
forward slash (/) command, vi editor, 305, 309
forwarding files (Taylor UUCP configuration), 687
.fp (font physically mounted) command, 323
fractals (xfractint), 973
fractions (geqn preprocessor), 334-335
frames (Tk programming), 531, 534
Free Software Foundation (FSF), 186
free versions of Linux, 26
freeWAIS, 798, 800
indexes, creating, 810-811
installing, 800-802
setting up, 802-805
starting, 805-806
frenchspacing command, 359
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), 20
from command, 335
.FS (footnote start) command, 328
FS variable (gawk), 456
fsck utility, 575-576
FSF (Free Software Foundation), 186
.ft (font type) command, 323
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 286-287, 782, 1024
anonymous FTP, 292-294, 782, 794-795, 1025
archive sites, 1024
ASCII and binary modes, 785-786
commands, 290-291, 784-787
directories, 791-792
ftpd daemon, 790
logins, 791
permissions, 792-793
site names, 789-790
testing system, 793
daemons, 286
downloading files, 1025-1027
list of archive sites, 1028-1029
logins, 289-290, 782, 784
mirror sites, 1024
overview, 782, 1024-1025
relationship with TCP, 787-789
servers, configuring, 287-288
sites (Linux), 27-32
transfer modes, 291-292
WU FTP (security), 794
ftp command, 820, 1025
ftpd daemon, configuring, 790
ftpmail utility, 33-34, 1027-1028
full backups, 756-757
Fullscreen Hardcopy utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
fully qualified domain names, setting for smail utility, 713
interrupts, 930
ioctl( ), 929
Perl programming (subroutines), 519-521
read, 934
shell programming, 281-283
ST/X (Smalltalk/x), 549
changes lists, 555
class categories, 549
class lists, 550
Debugger, 564
directories, 556
editing, 561-562
file lists (File browser), 558-559
method categories, 551
method lists, 552
path-labels (File browser), 558
strategy, 933-934
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 524
trigonometry (gawk), 446-447
virtual (C++ programming), 492-493
WinMain( ), 949
write, 934
see also routines
fx86config utility, 396, 400-401


games, 966
character-based, 973-974
air traffic control, 978
arcade games, 978
arithmetic, 979
backgammon, 977
battlestar, 975
BCD punch card code, 980
board games, 977
Boggle, 976
caesar, 982
canfield, 976
card games, 976
chess, 977
Conquest, 981
cribbage, 976
DOOM, 981
dungeon, 975
factor, 980
fortune, 982
Go Fish, 977
Hack, 974
hangman, 976
Hunt, 980
math games, 979
Mille Miglia, 977
Monopoly, 977
morse code, 980
multiplayer, 980
number, 982
paper tape punch code, 980
paranoia, 975
phase of the moon, 982
primes, 980
rain, 982
Robots, 978-979
Rogue, 974
sail, 978
sasteroids, 980-981
simulations, 978
snake, 979
Tetris, 979
text adventure games, 974-975
trek, 978
word games, 976
worm, 979
worms, 982
wump, 975
ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 547
X, 966-967
GNU Chess, 968
ico, 970
Maze, 970
Puzzle, 968
Spider, 967-968
xbombs, 972
in xdm Root menu, 967
Xeyes, 971
xfractint, 973
xgas, 971
xhextris, 972
xlander, 969
Xlogo, 971
xmahjongg, 969
xpaint, 973
xroach, 971
xtetris, 968-969
xvier, 970
GNU, 192
xgas (game), 971
gateways (Internet connections), 778-779
addresses, 652
protocols, 647
gawk, 440
arithmetic operators, 446
control structures, 457-461
field seperators, changing, 451
fields, numbering, 444
files, 440-442
GNU, 192
metacharacters, 451-453
or operator, 451
output, 448-451
patterns, 442-445, 454
scripts, 453-454
strings, comparing, 445-447
trigonometry functions, 446-447
variables, 454-457
GCC (GNU C Compiler), 465, 922-924
C++ programming, 488-489
debugging, 491-492
exception handlers, 493-494
gdb commands, 494
options, 490-491
virtual functions, 492-493
debugging, 467, 924-925
optimizing, 466-467
starting, 465
gdb debugger, 924-925
C++ programming, 490-494
commands, 469
compiling, 468
GNU, 192
sessions, 470-474
gdbinit command, xxgdb (GNU debugger), 475
gdbm library (GNU), 192
genericfrom file, 707
geog keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 820
geqn preprocessor, 332
brackets, 336
equations, 333
executing, 332-333
floor and ceiling characters, 336
font and point size changes, 337
fractions, 334-335
Greek letters, 334
integrals, 335
matrices, 336-337
piles, 336
quoted text, 337
set theory, 335
square roots, 335
subscripts and superscripts, 333-334
summations, 335
get command, 30-31, 784, 786, 1026
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290-291
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294
GET method (CGI), 852
getchar statements, 936
getty file, 599-600, 732
gettydefs file, 600-601
gfont (global font) command, 337
Ghostscript, 424
environment variables, 432
files, 425-426
fonts, 426
GNU, 193
gs utility, 426-427
man pages, 427-428
obtaining, 424-425
paper, sizing, 431
redirecting output, 430-431
X resources, 428-430
Ghostview utility, 424, 432-433
controls, 433-434
fonts, 434-435
GNU, 193
resources, 435-436
GID (Group ID), 116
globals function (ST/X method lists), 552
gmp (GNU), 193
GNAT (Gnu Ada Translator), 193, 538
GNU (Gnu’s Not Unix), 7-8
C++ programming (classes), 495
gawk, 440
General Public License, 1046-1053
software, 186-200
GNU C compiler, see GCC
GNU Chess (game), 189, 968, 977
GnuGo (GNU), 194
gnuplot (GNU), 194
Go Fish (game), 977
Gopher, 814
configuring, 817
conf.h, 824-825
gopherd.conf, 817-819
gopherdlocal.conf, 819-821
Makefile.config, 821, 824
WAIS, 825-826
directories, 826-829
fields, 815
naming, 826-828
requirements, 816
type codes, 816
types, 828-829
Gopher+ comparison, 814-815
listing publicly, 831
protocols, 815
starting, 829-831
gopherd command, 830
gopherd.conf file, 817-819
gopherdlocal.conf file, 819-821
gopherls utility, 831
goto directory function (ST/X directories), 556
goto function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
gperf (GNU), 194
GPL (GNU General Public License), 1046-1053
gprog program, 481
Graphical User Interfaces, see GUIs
GNU, 193
LaTeX, 361
StarImpress, 1004-1005
TeX formatting, 353-354
utilities (Gopher requirements), 816
Wine (Windows Emulator), 949
graphics-based installations, 47-50
greater than (>) symbol
commands, 132-133
output redirection, see output redirection
greater than or equal to character (TeX formatting), 353
Greek letters (geqn preprocessor), 334
grep (Global Regular Expression Parser) command, 146, 194
groff text-formatting utility, 320
embedding commands, 320-321
geqn preprocessor, see geqn preprocessor
GNU, 194
gtbl preprocessor, see gtbl preprocessor
line length and indenting text, 323, 325
macros, 325
point size and line spacing, 321-322
switching fonts, 323
group file, 631-632
adding users, 628
deleting groups, 634
editing, 633-634
fields, 632
for newly installed system (listing 39.2), 632
system groups, 633
users, adding, 634
group ID (GID), 116, 625
group file, 632
passwd file, 623
spooler directories, 590
group variable (httpd.conf), 837
groupadd utility, 633
groups, 176-177, 631
adding, 633-634
deleting, 634
group file, 631-633
ownership, changing, 177
permissions, 631
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
TeX formatting, 352
users, adding, 634
gs utility, 426-427
gsize (global size) command, 337
gtbl preprocessor, 338
command options, 339
data entry, 342
examples, 342-343
executing, 338-339
format section, 339-341
GuestBook CGI program, 852-853
GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces)
Telnet with, 296-297
XFree86, see XFree86
gunzip program, 168
gzip utility, 168, 577
boot/root floppies, creating, 45-46
GNU, 194


.H (heading) command, 326
<H1> tag, 868-869
hack (game), 974
halt command, 573
haltsys command, 106
hangman (game), 976
hard disks
backups, 755
boot sector, 72-74
file systems, 574-575
installation, 48
system requirements, 14-15
SCSI devices, 640-641
structure of, 71-72
troubleshooting, 62-63
hard-wired cables, 597
hardware requirements, see requirements, Linux
hash command, 786
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
hashes (Perl programming), 511-513
HDB UUCP configuration, 688-690
HEAD method (CGI), 852
<HEAD> tag, 868-869
HeaderName variable (srm.conf), 839
device drivers, 931-932
mm (memorandum macros) program, 326
headlines (TeX layout), 351
Linux, 19-22
emacs editor, 317
Ghostscript, 427-428
online, 134
ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 547
see also man pages
help command, 134, 136-137, 221, 786
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290
printers, 594
Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 947
hfil command (TeX formatting), 350
hierarchy function (ST/X class lists), 550
HISTFILE variable
bash, 211, 222
pdksh, 241
tcsh, 246, 259
history variable (tcsh), 259
history command, 212-213, 221, 230, 247-248, 259
history list
bash shell, 211-214
pdksh shell, 229-231
tcsh shell, 246-248
history of Linux, 9-10
HISTSIZE variable
bash, 211, 222
pdksh, 229, 241
HOME variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 241
tcsh, 259
home directories, 153-154, 169
moving to, 157-158
home directory field (passwd file), 623, 626
home pages, 858
authoring tools, 858-864
design, 888-889
HTML tags, proper use of, 891-892
hyperlinks, proper use of, 891
icons, 890-891
information at top of page, 889-890
multiple pages, 890
HTML tags, see tags (HTML)
maintenance, 864-865
system response time, 888-889
home sites (FTP), 31-32, 1029
hopping (Taylor UUCP configuration), 687
horizontal ellipses character (TeX formatting), 353
horizontal rules (HTML tags), 877-878
host field (Gopher), 829
host files, configuring, 656-657
host.conf file, configuring, 657
hostname command, 580-581
hostname field (Gopher), 815
hostname file, configuring, 659-660
hosts files
dummy interfaces, 666
gopherdlocal.conf file, 820
HoTMetaL (HTML authoring tool), 861
hp2xx (GNU), 194
<HR> tag, 877
hskip command (TeX formatting), 350
HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 858
authoring tools, 858-859
Linux, 862-864
Windows, 859-862
CGI, relationship with, 851-852
documents, see home pages
filters, 863
JavaScript, 883-884
maintenance, 864-865
overview, 866
tags, 866-868
character formatting, 875-876
comments, 871-872
horizontal rules, 877-878
hyperlinks, 872-873
lists, 873-875
paragraphs, 870-871
preformatted text, 876-877
proper use of, 891-892
<SCRIPT>, 883
starting documents, 869-870
HTML Assistant (HTML authoring tool), 859-860
<HTML> tag, 868
HTMLed (HTML authoring tool), 860-861
HTML_ANALYZER (hyperlink verification), 865
HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), 851
httpd command flags (Apache Web server software), 847
httpd.conf file (Web servers)
Apache, 846
configuring, 837-838
.HU (heading unnumbered) command, 326
hunt (game), 980
HylaFAX, 956
compiling, 957-958
installing, 956-957
modem installation, 958-961
receiving faxes, 962-963
sending faxes, 961-962
hyperlinks, 834
HTML tags, 872-873
verifying, 865
Web site design, 891
see also links
HyperText Markup Language, see HTML
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 851


.I (italic) command, 328
i command (vi editor), 305
<I> tag (italic), 876
i-node table, 104
I/O requests (device drivers), 929
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 646
ico (game), 970
iconic command, Wine (Windows Emulator), 946
icons (Web site design), 890-891
icons directories (Web server), 835
IDA utility, 703-704
idecd boot floppy, 43
group, 625
inittab file, 602
PIDs (Process ID numbers), 140
ps (process status) command, 611
SCSI, troubleshooting, 65
spooler directories, 590
users, 625
if statement
gawk, 457-458
Perl programming, 514-515
shell programming, 272-274
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 531
ifconfig command, 668-669
ignore keyword (Gopher), 818-819
ignoreos, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
ihave/sendme protocol (newsfeeds), 721
image file (boot floppy disks), 571
images (boot/root floppy disks), 42, 44-45
compression, 44
LILO, 84-86
implementors function (ST/X method lists), 552
importing/exporting files (StarOffice), 1005-1006
.in (indent) command, 324
includedocs, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
Includes value (Options directive), 840
IncludesNoExec value (Options directive), 840
incremental backups, 757, 1012
indent function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
indent utility, 195, 479-481
indenting text
groff text-formatting utility, 323, 325
TeX layout, 351
index files (freeWAIS), 802
indexer flags (freeWAIS), 801
indexes (WAIS)
creating, 806, 810-811
files, 807-808
Indexes value (Options directive), 841
IndexOptions variable (srm.conf), 839
inetd daemon
Gopher, starting, 829-830
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
configuration file, 287
starting, 790
Web server software, starting, 842
info command
SuperProbe utility, 399
Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 947
INFO-SHEET (Linux help), 19
inheritance (C++ programming), 487
initdefault (inittab file), 602
iniTeX, 362
initialization files
bash shell, 220-221
pdksh shell, 239
tcsh shell, 257-258
vi editor, 311
initializing drivers (remote terminals), 605-606
inittab file, 599, 601-602
INN (InterNetNews), 722
input redirection
bash shell, 215-216
commands, 130-133
pdksh shell, 233
tcsh shell, 249
inserting text, 303
vi editor, 305-306
inspect it function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
Inspector (Smalltalk/X), 562-563
install mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 92
installations (Linux), 47, 60-61
boot devices, 61
boot floppy, 42
compression, 44
creating, 45-46
images, 42-45
BOOTACTV utility, 76
BOOTLIN program, 78
CD-ROMs, 41-42
Ethernet configurations, 48-49
hard drive configurations, 48
LILO utility, 50, 68-69
disk parameter problems, 69-70
Makefile, 70
mouse configurations, 49
packages, 50
partitions, 48, 50-51, 55
creating, 52-54, 56-57
fdisk utility, 55-56
filesystem, 59-60
swap space, 52, 57-58
UMSDOS utility, 54
pkgtool utility, 61-62
root floppy, 42
creating, 45-46
images, 42, 44-45
software, 92
installpkg utility, 95
LISA (Linux Installation and System Administration), 95-96
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 92-94
ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 544-545
text based, 47-48
troubleshooting, 62
devices, 63-64
hard disks, 62-63
SCSI, 65
starting Linux, 65-66
Wabi (Windows Application Binary Interface), 418
x (graphics) based, 47-50
automatic, 395
manually, 394-395
Adabas-D, 995-997
device drivers to kernel, 920-921
FlagShip, 990-991
freeWAIS, 800-802
HylaFAX, 956-957
Lone-Tar, 1010-1012
modems for HylaFAX, 958-961
nntpd daemon, 723-724
printers (device files), 591-592
StarOffice, 1000-1001
Web servers, 835
Apache, 843-846
Wine (Windows Emulator), 942
installpkg utility, 95
instances, System browser (Smalltalk/X), 548
int command, 335, 447
integer operators
tcsh expressions, 271
test command, 269
geqn preprocessor, 335
TeX formatting, 353
inter command, 335
interactive processes, 610
dummy interfaces, 666-667
Lone-Tar, 1009-1010
internal protocol (FTP), 787
connections, 776-777
direct, 778-779
service providers, 779
Gopher, 814
configuring, 817-821, 824-825
directories, 826-829
fields, 815
file codes, 816
Gopher+ comparison, 814-815
listing publicly, 831
protocols, 815
required files, 816
starting, 829-831
WAIS, 825-826
ISPs (Internet service providers), 779
protocols, see protocols
servers, Linux usage as, 11-12
services, 777-778
WWW (World Wide Web), see WWW
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 646
Internet Protocol, see IP
InterNetNews (INN), 722
interpreters (Java), 882
interrupting Linux startup, 572
interrupts, 929-931
suspensions, 936
intr routine (device drivers), 935
tracking, 734-735
what to do about, 735
invoking, see starting
ioctl( ) functions, 929, 935
iostream library (C++ classes), 495
IP (Internet Protocol), 646
IP addresses, 650-651
changing (pppd program), 674
dummy interfaces, 666-667
ISO 9660, 641
ispell (GNU), 195
ISPs (Internet service providers), 779
italic command, 337
italic fonts
groff text-formatting utility, 323
mm (memorandum macros) program, 328
itemize (LaTeX), 361
iteration statements (shell programming), 276
for, 276-277
repeat, 281
select, 280
shift, 279
until, 278
while, 277-278


Java, 880
JDK (Java Development Kit), 881-882
overview of, 882-883
JavaScript, 880-881
overview of, 883-884
requirements for, 882
JDK (Java Development Kit), 881-882
job control
bash shell, 219-220
pdksh shell, 236
tcsh shell, 252
job ID (at utility), 771
jobs (UUCP), 696
joysticks, configuring, 384-385


k switch (tar program), 760, 762
<KBD> tag, 875
keep-temp, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
Kerberos authentication method, 734
Kermit (Gopher requirements), 816
kernel, 6-7
boot images, 43-44, 571
compiling from source code, 918-920
configuring, 68
device drivers, installing, 920-921
LILO, see LILO (LInux LOader)
SCSI devices, troubleshooting, 643
upgrading, 916-917
key bindings
pdksh shell, 236-238
tcsh shell, 253-254
key combinations, shutting down Linux, 105
keyboards (XF86Config file), 403-404
keyletters (gtbl preprocessor), 339-341
keys operator (Perl programming arrays), 512
Cachetime, 818
ignore, 818-819
MaxConnections, 818
SERVEROPTS variable, 823-824
gopherdlocal.conf file, 819-821
man pages, 136
RCS (Revision Control System), 908-909
see also commands
kill command, 143-145, 221, 240, 259, 616
access rights, 617
child processes, 617
gdb (GNU debugger), 469
killing sessions, Wine (Windows Emulator), 953
kmem group, 633
Korn shell (ksh), 207, 226


l characters (Perl programming), 508
l option (ls command), 128
-l option, ps (process status) command, 615
l switch
fdisk utility, 56
tar program, 760
label command, 360
language keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 820
LANs (local area networks), 734
LaTeX, 356
characters, 359
document classes, 357-358
formatting, 359-361
graphics, inserting, 361
packages, 358-359
LATEXTOHTML utility, 864
Launcher menu
browsers, 547
Changes browser, 554-555
Class Hierarchy browser, 553
Directory browser, 556
editing functions, 561-562
File browser, 557-558
Implementors browser, 553
Senders view, 554
System browser, see System browser
Projects, 559
utilities, 559-560
layout (TeX formatting), 351-352
lcd command, 787
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290
lcol command, 336
.LE (list end) command, 326
left ceiling command, 336
left command, 336
left floor command, 336
left-alignments (LaTeX), 361
legal issues (Linux copyright), 18-19, 1046-1053
less command, 132
less than (<) symbol, see input redirection
less than or equal to character (TeX formatting), 353
lf parameter (printcap file), 590
.LI (list) command, 326
<LI> tag, 874
LIB environment variable (Ghostscript), 432
libio (C++ classes), 495
C++ classes, 495
bag, 501
data collection, 496
DLList, 497
Plex, 498-499
Queues, 499-500
random numbers, 496
Set, 500
SLList, 497
Stacks, 499
streams, 495
strings, 495-496
dynamically shared, 7
statically linked, 7
upgrading, 921-922
Wine (Windows Emulator), 949
LILO (LInux LOader), 50, 68
boot images, 84-86
boot process configurations, 74
boot parameters, 78-79
BOOTACTV utility, 75, 77
BOOTLIN program, 78
dedicated Linux systems, 75
use with DOS, 77
boot sector, 72, 74
disk parameter problems, 69-70
installing, 61, 68-69
Makefile, 70
map installer, 80-84
pathnames, 68
relationship with Master Boot Record (MBR), 75
removing/disabling, 86
starting Linux, 572-573
troubleshooting, 87, 90
updating, 70
Limit value (AllowOverride variable), 840-841
LINCKS (database program), 997
line hangup problems (modem security), 732
line length (groff text-formatting utility), 323, 325
line spacing (groff text-formatting utility), 321-322
linebreaks (LaTeX), 361
lines (HTML tags), 877-878
link list classes (C++), 497
Gopher directories, 828
smail configuration, 710-711
see also hyperlinks
advantages of, 10-12
Bulletin Boards, 34
CD-ROMs, 26-27
copyright, 18-19, 1046-1053
dedicated systems (LILO boot process configurations), 75
definition of, 6
disk sets, 35, 37
distribution sites, 33-34
DOS/Windows interface, 8
free copies of, 26
FTP sites, 27-28
archive sites, 31-32
downloading, 28-31
help, 19-20
newsgroups, 20-22
history of, 9-10
HTML authoring tools, 862-864
installing, 40, 47, 60-61
boot devices, 61
boot floppy, 42-46
CD-ROMs, 41-42
creating, 56-57
Ethernet configurations, 48-49
hard drive configurations, 48
LILO utility, 50
mouse configurations, 49
packages, 50
partitions, 48, 50-57
pkgtool utility, 61-62
root floppy, 42-46
text based, 47-48
troubleshooting, 62-66
x (graphics) based, 47-50
kernel, see kernel
logging out, 119
obtaining, 26-27
pronunciation of, 6
releases, 35
requirements, 12
CD-ROMs, 16
hard disks, 14-15
minimum, 12
modems, 17
motherboard, 13-14
mouse, 16
multiport cards, 18
network cards, 18
printers, 17
removable media, 16-17
tape drives, 16
terminals, 17
video cards, 15
shutting down, 104-106, 573
starting, 90, 104, 571
dmesg program, 91
floppy disks, 571-572
install disks, 90-91
LILO, 572-573
mounting file systems, 574
troubleshooting, 65-66
TCP/IP, relationship with, 9
upgrading, 37
versions, 26
WWW (World Wide Web), 33
Linux Documentation Project, 19
LInux LOader, see LILO
Linux Software Map (LSM), 20
LISA (Linux Installation and System Administration), 95-96
LISP programming language, 540
list boxes (Tk programming), 531, 536
list command, gdb (GNU debugger), 469
listen (lpd daemon), 587
listing Gopher services, 831
group file for newly installed system, 632
passwd file for newly installed system, 622
HTML tags, 873-875
LaTeX, 361
mm (memorandum macros) program, 326-327
.ll (line length) command, 323
programs, Wine (Windows Emulator), 948-949
Web sites (system response time), 888-889
local area networks (LANs), 734
local domain names, setting for smail utility, 712-713
local sender function (ST/X method lists), 552
lockups, troubleshooting SCSI devices, 644
log keyword
gawk, 446
RCS (Revision Control System), 909
logging out of Linux, 119
logical HTML tags, 875
logical operators
tcsh expressions, 272
test command, 270
login command field (passwd file), 623, 626-627
logins, 106-107, 620
case-sensitivity of Linux, 109
creating, 114-118
first time, 109-111
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 289-290, 782, 784, 1025
configuring, 791
sites, downloading Linux, 29
message of the day, configuring, 581-582
messages at prompt, 119-120
monitoring, 256-257
passwords, 106, 111-114
privileges, 106
prompt, see prompt
remote terminals, 599
root, 570-571, 620-621
changing password, 113
compared to user logins, 120
dangers of, 107-109
passwords, forgetting, 581
ps command, 612-613
scripts (UUCP), 684, 691-692
selecting names, 106-107, 115
shells, ps command, 612
uucp, 626
virtual terminals, 122-123
who command, 121-122
see also starting
LOGNAME (shell variable), 267
logo (Xlogo), 971
logout command, 119, 259
logouts, monitoring, 256-257
accounting (printers), 590
backups, 758-759
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 675
printers, 590
Lone-Tar (backup program), 1008
backing up files, 1012-1015
customizing, 1017-1018
installing, 1010-1012
interfaces, 1009-1010
restoring files, 1016-1017
verifying files, 1015-1016
long directory listings, 174
loopback interfaces, see dummy interfaces
loopbacks (TCP/IP), 648
loops, see statements
lp command, 367-368
lpc utility, 367-368, 595
commands, 593-594
printers, 592-594
lpd command, 367
lpd daemon (printers), 587-588
lpq command, 368
lpr command, 367, 588
lprm command, 368, 595-596
lpstat command, 368
ls command, 30, 174, 784, 1026
options, 127-129
parameters, 130
LSM (Linux Software Map), 20
Lunar Lander (xlander), 969


m switch (tar program), 760
M4 (GNU), 195
groff text-formatting utility, 325
LaTeX, 356
characters, 359
document classes, 357-358
formatting, 359-361
graphics, 361
packages, 358-359
make utility, 901-904
mm (memorandum macros) program, 326
footnotes, 328
lists, 326-327
paragraphs and headers, 326
switching fonts, 328
TeX formatting, 354-356
magnification controls (Ghostview), 434
mahjongg (xmahjongg), 969
mail, see email
Mail tool (Smalltalk/X), 561
mail transport agents (MTAs), 702-703
mail user agents (MUAs), 702
mailers.linux file, 705
mailertable file, 707-708
maintenance disk, 581
maintenance of home pages, 864-865
major device numbers, 585-586, 929
CD-ROM drives, 641
tape drives, 642
make a change patch function (ST/X changes lists), 555
make utility, 896-898, 900
dependencies, 898-899
gdb (GNU debugger), 469
GNU, 195
macros, 901-904
makefile, testing, 901
multiple program versions, 900-901
RCS, 912
recompiling, 901
suffix rules, 904-905
makeconfig command, 68
Makefile, 896-897
freeWAIS, configuring, 800
LILO, 70
macros, 901-904
testing, 901
Web servers
Apache, 845
variables, 836
makefile.config file, 821, 824
maketitle command, 360
man command, 134
man pac command, 590
man pages, 134-135
dip program, 669
Ghostscript, 427-428
Gopher, 822
keywords, 136
Perl programming, 521
ps command, 615
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 94
MAN1DIR (Gopher), 822
MAN8DIR (Gopher), 822
crontab file, 767-768
passwd file, 622
comments, 625-626
fields, 622-623
group ID, 625
home directory, 626
login command, 626-627
passwords, 624
user ID, 625
usernames, 623, 627
users, 621-622
adding, 627-629
deleting, 630-631
manual installations (XFree86), 394-395
map installer, 80
command-line syntax, 80-81
configuration file options, 82-84
margins (TeX layout), 351
masks (network), 651
master backups, 1012
Master Boot Record (MBR), 72
BOOTACTV utility, 75, 77
BOOTLIN program, 78
boot process, 77
relationship with, 75
removing/disabling, 86
masters, NIS (Network Information Service), 750
math games, 979-980
mathematical notation (TeX formatting), 352-353
matrices (geqn preprocessor), 336-337
MaxConnections keyword (Gopher), 818
MAXLOAD variable (Gopher), 824
MaxServers variable (httpd.conf), 837
maze (game), 970
mbase v5.0 (database program), 998
MBR, see Master Boot Record
measurements (TeX formatting), 350
%MEM column, ps (process status) command, 613
demand paging, 7
Linux system requirements, 13-14
swap space, 7
see also partitions
Memory Monitor utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
Memory Usage utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
<MENU> tag, 873
menu-driven interface (Lone-Tar), 1009-1010
message ID (news articles), 721
message of the day
configuring logins, 581-582
remote logins, 599
error messages, 120
at prompt, 119-120
meta key (emacs editor), 313
metacharacters (gawk), 451-453
method lists, System browser (Smalltalk/X), 551-552
Method Source view (ST/X Debugger), 563
CGI, 851-852
Implementors view, 553
Metro X 3.1.2 (Wabi conflicts), 418
mget command, 31, 290-291, 785, 787
Mille Miglia (game), 977
Minesweeper (xbombs), 972
minfree file, 587
minimum requirements (Linux), 12
filesystem partitions, creating, 59
history of Linux, 9
minor device numbers, 585-586, 929
CD-ROM drives, 641
hard disks, 640
tape drives, 642
mirror sites (FTP), 31-32, 1024
mitsumi boot floppy, 43
MiXViews, 384
mkdev fs command, 575
mkdir command, 161-162
mke2fs utility, 59, 575
mkfs command, 59
mknod command, 586, 591-592
mkswap utility, 58, 576
.ML (mark list) command, 327
mm (memorandum macros) program, 326
footnotes, 328
lists, 326-327
paragraphs and headers, 326
switching fonts, 328
mod files, 372
mode command, Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 947
mode line (emacs editor), 313
adding, 607
installing for HylaFAX, 958-961
Linux system requirements, 17
security, 731
callback modems, 731
dialup passwords, 732-733
line hangup problems, 732
TCP/IP, 649
emacs editor, 317
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
vi editor, 305
modifiers (tar program), 760
Modula-3 programming language, 540-541
monitoring logins/logouts, 256-257
monitors (XF86Config file), 406-408
Monopoly (game), 977
more command, 131-132, 155
Morse code (game), 980
motd file, 581
see also message of the day
motherboard (Linux system requirements), 13-14
mount command, 262, 574
CD-ROMs, 98, 641
file systems, 574-575
installation, 49
system requirements, 16
XF86Config file, 404-406
emacs editor, 313-314
vi editor, 307
directories, 165
files, 162-164
wildcards, 164-165
text, 303
emacs editor, 316
vi editor, 308-309
mput command, 290-291, 785, 787
MS-Windows Emulator, see Wine
MTAs (mail transport agents), 702-703
mthreads utility, 726-727
mtools (GNU), 195
MUAs (mail user agents), 702
MULE (GNU), 195
joysticks, configuring, 384-385
sound cards, 372-373
configuring, 374-380
MiXViews, 384
Sound Studio utility, 384
splay utility, 382-383
srec utility, 382-383
troubleshooting, 381-382
vplay utility, 382-383
vrec utility, 382-383
WAVplay utility, 383
speaker drivers, 373
multiplayer games, Hunt, 980
multiple files (emacs editor), 315
multiple pages (Web site design), 890
multiport cards
Linux system requirements, 18
remote terminals, 597
multitasking operating systems, 108
multiuser operating systems, 108
mv command, 162-164
mx parameter (printcap file), 590


n characters (Perl programming), 508
n switch
fdisk utility, 56
tar program, 760, 762
NAME column, 141
name command, Wine (Windows Emulator), 946
nameserver addresses, 652
naming conventions
directories, 153
FTP configurations, 789-790
Gopher files/directories, 826-828
ports, configuring printers, 365
printers, 589
SCSI tape drives, 642
system name, 580-581
tar files, 579
users, 623, 627
UUCP, 684
navigation commands
cd (change directory), 156-158
more, 155
pwd, 154-155
NCSA Web server, 834
net boot floppy, 43
NetFax (GNU), 195
NetHack (GNU), 196
netstat command, 660-661
Network File System, see NFS
Network Information Center (NIC), 778
Network Information Service, see NIS
network kernel, troubleshooting SCSI devices, 643
network masks, 651
Network News Transfer Protocol, see NNTP
addresses, 651
Apache Web server setup, 847-848
Linux system requirements, 18
TCP/IP, 648-649
configuring files, 649, 653
host.conf file, 657
hostname file, 659-660
hosts, 656-657
networks file, 657
protocols file, 658
resolv.conf file, 658
services file, 659
configuring smail utility for, 714-715
ports, configuring printers, 365
security, see security
TCP/IP, 9, 646-648
broadcast addresses, 651-652
dummy interfaces, 652-653
gateway addresses, 652
IP addresses, 650-651
loopbacks, 648
modems, 649
nameserver addresses, 652
network addresses, 651
network cards, 648-649
network masks, 651
troubleshooting, 660-662
networks file, configuring, 657
new category function (ST/X method categories), 551
new class function (ST/X class lists), 550
new method function (ST/X method lists), 552
new subclass function (ST/X class lists), 550
newaliases command, 630
newgrp command, 176
newnews command, 722
News tool (Smalltalk/X), 561
newsfeeds, 720
newsgroups, 720, 1034-1035
Linux help, 20-22
newsreaders, 725, 1034
tin, 727
trn, 726-727
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), 720, 722-725
overview of transfer process, 720-722
newsreaders, 725, 1034
tin, 727
trn, 726-727
next command
gawk, 460
gdb (GNU debugger), 469
NF variable (gawk), 456
nfile , 279
NFS (Network File System), 647, 738
configuring, 738
exports file, 740-741
mounting, 741-743
share command, 741
stopping, 740
NIC (Network Information Center), 778
NIH Class Library (GNU), 196
NIS (Network Information Service), 746
clients, 751
daemons, 748
domains, 747
files, 746
masters, 748-750
slaves, 750-751
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), 720, 722-723
configuring nntpd, 724-725
installing nntpd, 723-724
nntpd daemon, 722
configuring, 724-725
installing, 723-724
noindent command, 348
non-typed interpretive languages, 265
None value (AllowOverride variable), 841
not equal to character (TeX formatting), 353
notational conventions (commands), 133-134
no_16 command (SuperProbe utility), 399
no_bios command (SuperProbe utility), 399
no_dac command (SuperProbe utility), 399
no_mem command (SuperProbe utility), 399
.nr (number register) command, 326
NR variable (gawk), 456
nroff text-formatting utility, 320
null modem cables, 597-598
null string (passwords), 112
number (game), 982
numbered lists (LaTeX), 361
numbering fields (gawk), 444
C++ classes, 496
devices, 585-586, 929
Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language), 507
nvi (GNU), 196
nx command, xxgdb (GNU debugger), 475


O2 value (CFLAGS variable), 836
object-oriented (OO) programming languages, 882
ObjectProDSP, 539
octal values (umask settings), 179
octave (GNU), 196
of parameter (printcap file), 590
off (inittab file), 602
Office suites, see StarOffice
OFMT variable (gawk), 456
OFS variable (gawk), 456
OGI Speech Tools, 541
<OL> tag, 873-874
OLDPWD variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 241
oleo (GNU), 196
once (inittab file), 602
ondemand (inittab file), 602
online help, 134
online printers, removing, 593
online service providers (Internet connections), 777
onyx (database program), 998
OO (object-oriented) programming languages, 882
open command, 290, 787
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), 647
open() routine (device drivers), 932-933
operating systems
partitions, 91-92
starting (LILO), 572
C++ programming
bag classes, 501
DLList class, 497
Plex classes, 498-499
Queues classes, 499-500
Set classes, 500
SLList class, 497
Stacks classes, 499
string class, 496
file, 270-271
gawk, 446, 451
tcsh expressions, 271
test command, 269
tcsh expressions, 272
test command, 270
Perl, 521
associative arrays, 512-513
files, 509-510
numeric data, 507
strings, 509
string, 270-271
optimizing GCC (GNU C Compiler), 466-467
OPTIONS environment variable (Ghostscript), 432
Options value (AllowOverride variable), 840-841
or operator (gawk), 451
order command (SuperProbe utility), 400
Order value (Limit directive), 840
ORS variable (gawk), 456
OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), 647
filters (printers), 590
gawk, 448
escape codes, 450-451
placeholders, 448-450
ps (process status) command, 611-612
bash shell, 216-217
commands, 130-133
Ghostscript, 430-431
pdksh shell, 234
tcsh shell, 249
over command, 334
overwriting files (commands), 132-133
owners, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
files, 174-176
groups, changing, 177
root.daemon, 592


.P (paragraph) command, 326
P command (vi editor), 309
p switch
fdisk utility, 56
tar program, 760
<P> tag (paragraphs), 870-871
p2c program, 481-482
GNU, 196
pac command, 590
pack command, 526
LaTeX, 358-359
Linux installation, 50
packets (TCP/IP), 648
page descriptor languages (PDLs), 366-367
pages (Ghostview controls), 434
pagestyle command, 358
panels (Ghostview), 433-434
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), 675-678
paper, sizing (Ghostscript), 431
paper tape punch code (game), 980
par command, 348
HTML tags, 870-871
mm (memorandum macros) program, 326
parallel ports
addresses, 591
configuring, 364
devices, 591-592
naming, 365
at command, 769
commands, 130
LILO boot parameters, 78-79
macros (TeX), 355
TeX layout, 351
Wine (Windows Emulator)
configuration parameters, 944-945
runtime parameters, 942-943
paranoia (game), 975
parent directories, 152
parentheses (geqn preprocessor), 336
parskip command, 352
part command (LaTeX), 359
FIPS, 91-92
hard disks, 71-72
Linux installation, 48, 50-51, 55
creating, 52-54, 56-57
fdisk utility, 55-56
filesystem, 59-60
swap space, 52, 57-58
UMSDOS utility, 54
root (floppy disks), 571-572
SCSI hard disks, 640-641
swap space, using files as, 576-577
troubleshooting, 62-63
Wine (Windows Emulator), 941
passive mode (NNTP), 722
passwd command, 113-114
man pages, 135
passwd file, 599, 622
adding users, 627-629
comments, 625-626
deleting users, 630-631
fields, 622-623
group ID, 625
home directory, 626
login command, 626-627
for newly installed system (listing 39.1), 622
passwords, 624
user ID, 625
usernames, 623, 627
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), 675
password field (passwd file), 622
passwords, 111-114
adduser command, 118
case-sensitivity of Linux, 109
changing, 113-114
dialup passwords (modem security), 732-733
FTP sites, downloading Linux, 29
login, 106
root login, forgetting, 581
users, 624
UUCP, 685, 693-694
weak, 730
paste function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 561
patch (GNU), 197
patch releases, 918
path field (Gopher), 829
PATH variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 241
tcsh, 259
XFree86, 393, 395-396
path-label view (ST/X File browser), 558
LILO, 68
XF86Config file, 402-403
pathtable file, 708
patterns (gawk), 444-445
actions, 442-444
BEGIN, 454
END, 454
metacharacters, 451-453
PCL (GNU), 197
pdksh shell, 207, 226
command aliases, 231-233
command history, 229-231
command-line completion, 226-228
commands, 240
customizing, 239
input redirection, 233
job control, 236
key bindings, 236-238
output redirection, 234
pipes, 234
prompts, 235-236
variables, 240-241
wildcards, 228-229
PDLs (page descriptor languages), 366-367
percent, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
percent sign (%)
shell prompt, 111
tcsh prompt, 251
period (.), filenames, 151
Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language), 504
arrays, 510-513
CGI scripts, 852-855
converting programs to, 521-522
file operators, 509-510
functions (subroutines), 519
arguments, passing, 520
creating, 519
return values, 521
running, 520
GNU, 197
numeric data, 507
operators, 521
programs, creating, 505
statement blocks, 513
for, 516-517
foreach, 517-518
if, 514-515
unless, 515-516
until, 519
while, 518
strings, 507-509
variables, 506
crontab file, 766
directories, changing, 183-184
files, 178-179
changing, 180-183
copying, 182
security, 731
umask settings, 179-180
FTP, configuring, 792-793
gopherdlocal.conf file, 820
groups, 631
passwd file, 622
UUCP, 693-694
phase of the moon (game), 982
pi character (TeX formatting), 353
PID (process ID number), 140, 611
PidFile variable (httpd.conf), 837
pile command, 336
piles (geqn preprocessor), 336
ping program, 662
pins (serial ports on remote terminals), 597-598
pipe ( | ) character
commands, 130-131
pdksh shell, 234
tcsh shell, 250
bash shell, 217
crontab file, 769
pdksh shell, 234
tcsh shell, 250
pkgtool utility, 61-62
placeholders (gawk), 448-450
platters (hard disks), 71
plex classes (C++), 498-499
Plexus Web site, 834
Plug-and-Play sound cards, 374-375
.po (page offset) command, 324
point size
geqn preprocessor, 337
groff text-formatting utility, 321-322
Point-to-Point Protocol, see PPP
polling device drivers, 936-937
polymorphism (C++ programming), 487
port field (Gopher), 815, 829
port variable (httpd.conf), 838
porting database applications to FlagShip, 992-993
parallel (addresses), 591
printers, configuring, 364-365
serial (remote terminals), 597-598
positional parameters (shell programming), 265-266
shift command, 279
POST method (CGI), 852
PostScript, 424
pound sign (#)
shell prompt, 111
Tcl programming, 531, 533
powerfail (inittab file), 602
powerwait (inittab file), 602
PPID (Parent Process ID) column, 143, 615
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 666, 671
authentication, 675-678
chat program, 672-673
configuring, 671-672
DNS connections, 678-679
dummy interfaces, 666-667
error logs, 675
pppd daemon, 674-675
ppp-log file, 675
<PRE> tag, 876
preamble (LaTeX), 357
precmd (tcsh variable), 255
precommands (tcsh shell), 255
preferences (vi editor), 311-312
PREFIX keyword (Gopher), 822
preformatted text (HTML tags), 876-877
presentations (StarImpress), 1004-1005
primary partitions
creating, 57
hard disks, 72
primary sites (FTP), 31-32
primes (game), 980
print command, Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 948
print daemons, 368
print function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
print request ID numbers, 367-368
printcap file, 589-591
printers, 587
accounting log file, 590
configuring, 364-367
device files, creating, 591-592
error log file, 590
Linux system requirements, 17
lockup, troubleshooting, 596
lpc utility, 592-594
lpd daemon, 587
online, removing, 593
print jobs
aborting, 593
removing from queue, 593, 596
print queue, managing, 595-596
printcap file, 589-591
requests, 588
spool directories, 590-591
spooling, disabling, 593
printf statements, 936
commands for, 367-368
queue management, 368
Wine (Windows Emulator), 953
PrintIt function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
PrintOut function (ST/X)
class categories, 549
class lists, 550
method categories, 551
method lists, 552
PrintOut protocol function (ST/X)
class categories, 549
class lists, 550
priorities (interrupts), 930
privatemap command, Wine (Windows Emulator), 946
privileges (login), 106
Process Monitor utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
processes, 140, 610-611
batch, 610
daemon, 610
interactive, 610
job control
bash shell, 219-220
pdksh shell, 236
tcsh shell, 252
kill command, 143-145, 616
access rights, 617
child processes, 617
ps command, 140, 143, 611
login shells, 612
options, 613-615
output , 611-612
root logins, 612-613
.profile file (pdksh shell), 239
profiling options (gcc), 924
Ada, 538
awk, 440
bug free programming, 907
C, 464-465
calls program, 476-478
cproto program, 478-479
f2c, 481-482
gdb (GNU debugger), 467-474
gprof, 481
indent utility, 479-481
p2c, 481-482
xxgdb (GNU debugger), 475-476
C++, 486-487
classes, 488, 495
encapsulation, 487
exception handlers, 493-494
GCC, 488-491
gdb (GNU debugger), 491-492
gdb commands, 494
inheritance, 487
polymorphism, 487
virtual functions, 492-493
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 850
HTML, relationship with, 851-852
overview, 850-851
programming with Perl, 852-855
COBOL, 538
device drivers, 928
Eiffel, 539
FORTRAN, 539-540
gawk, see gawk
Java, 880
JDK (Java Development Kit), 881-882
overview of, 882-883
JavaScript, 880-881
overview of, 883-884
requirements for, 882
LISP, 540
make utility, 896-900
dependencies, 898-899
macros, 901-904
multiple program versions, 900-901
RCS, 912
recompiling, 901
suffix rules, 904-905
testing, 901
Modula-3, 540-541
OGI Speech Tools, 541
Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language), 504
arrays, 510-513
CGI scripts, 852-855
converting programs, 521-522
creating programs, 505
files, 509-510
for statement, 516-517
foreach statement, 517-518
functions (subroutines), 519-521
if statement, 514-515
numeric data, 507
operators, 521
statement blocks, 513
strings, 507-509
unless statement, 515-516
until statement, 519
variables, 506
while statement, 518
RCS (Revision Control System), 905-906
access, 910
comparing revisions, 910-911
creating files, 907-908
deltas, 906-907
information summaries, 909-910
keywords, 908-909
make utility, 912
merging revisions, 911
retrieving files, 908
Scheme, 541
Scilab, 541-542
shells, 206, 262-264
back quotation marks (‘ ‘), 268
backslash (\), 268
conditional statements, 272-275
creating programs, 262-263
double quotation marks (“ ”), 267
executing programs, 263-264
functions, 281-283
iteration statements, 276-281
positional parameters, 265-266
single quotation marks (’ ’), 267-268
tcsh expressions, 270, 272
test command, 269-270
variables, 264-265
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 524-525, 527
backslash (\), 529
braces ({ }), 529-530
commands, 528
comments, 531, 533
for statement, 531-532
if statement, 530-531
quotes, 529-530
switch statement, 531-533
variables, 527-528
while statement, 531-532
Tk, 525-526, 531, 534
buttons, 534
frames, 534
list boxes, 536
menus, 535
scrollbars, 536
xBase, 986-987
calls, 476-478
chat, 672-673
compared to commands, 123-124
compiling with FlagShip, 991-992
copyright, 1052-1053
cproto, 478-479
debugging with gdb, 924-925
dip, 667, 669, 671
dmesg, 91, 381
exiting, 114, 160
f2c, 481-482
gawk, 453-454
gprof, 481
gunzip, 168
LILO, see LILO (LInux LOader)
mm (memorandum macros), 326
footnotes, 328
lists, 326-327
paragraphs and headers, 326
switching fonts, 328
p2c, 481-482
converting to, 521-522
creating, 505
ping, 662
porting to FlagShip, 992-993
relationship with shells, 206
shells, see shells
slattach, 667-668
ST/X (Smalltalk/X)
browsers, see browsers, ST/X
Debugger, 563-564
File browser, 556-559
games, 561
Goodies, 560-561
Inspector, 563
installing, 544-545
Launcher menu, 546-547
projects, 559
starting, 545
Transcript view, 546
utilities, 559-560
workspace, 556
Textutils, 200
Wabi, 419-420
Wine, see Wine (Windows Emulator)
xdvi, 346
see also commands; processes; utilities
projects (Smalltalk/X), 559
Prompt (tcsh variable), 259
Prompt2 (tcsh variable), 259
Prompt3 (tcsh variable), 259
prompts, 104
bash shell, 218-219
controls, 126-127
getty files, 600
messages at, 119-120
pdksh shell, 235-236
shell prompt, 111
system prompt, 111
tcsh shell, 251-252
pronunciation of Linux, 6
FTP, see FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Gopher, 815
ihave/sendme (newsfeeds), 721
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), 720, 722-723
configuring nntpd, 724-725
installing nntpd, 723-724
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 666, 671
authentication, 675-678
chat program, 672-673
configuring, 671-672
DNS connections, 678-679
dummy interfaces, 666-667
error logs, 675
pppd (daemon), 674-675
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), 666-667
configuring, 667-669
dip program , 667, 669, 671
DNS connections, 678-679
dummy interfaces, 666-667
ifconfig command, 668-669
route command, 668-669
serial ports, 667
slattach program, 667-668
SLIPDISC (SLIP discipline), 667
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), relationship with FTP, 787-789
TCP/IP, 9, 646-648
broadcast addresses, 651-652
configuring, 649, 653-660
dummy interfaces, 652-653
gateway addresses, 652
IP addresses, 650-651
loopbacks, 648
modems, 649
nameserver addresses, 652
network addresses, 651
network cards, 648-649
network masks, 651
troubleshooting, 660-662
Telnet, 295-297
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294-295
protocols file, configuring, 658
ps (process status) command, 140, 143, 611
login shells, 612
options, 613-615
output, 611-612
root logins, 612-613
.ps (point size) command, 321
PS1 variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 235, 241
PS2 variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 235, 241
ptx (GNU), 197
Public Domain Korn Shell, see pdksh shell
pulling (transferring news articles), 722
punch card code (game), 980
pushing (transferring news articles), 721-722
put command, 30, 784, 787, 1026
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290-291
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294
puts command, 524
puzzle (game), 968
PWD variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 241
pwd command, 154-155, 221, 240, 787
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 290-291


q switch (fdisk utility), 56
query mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
question mark (?)
bash wildcard, 211
pdksh wildcard, 228
printers, 594
tcsh wildcard, 246
vi editor, 310
wildcards, 138
queue (printers), managing, 368, 595-596
queues classes (C++), 499-500
quiet, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 94
quit command, 31, 786-787, 1027
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 291
gdb (GNU debugger), 469
printers, 594
Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 948
quitting, see exiting
quotation marks, 444
back quotation marks (‘ ‘), shell programming, 268
double quotation marks (“ ”)
shell programming, 267
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 527, 529-530
LaTeX, 361
single quotation marks (’ ’)
Perl programming, 508
shell programming, 267-268
quote command, 787
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 291
quoted text (geqn preprocessor), 337


.R (restore) command, 328
r characters (Perl programming), 508
r option (ls command), 129
r switch (tar program), 760
radio buttons (Tk programming), 531, 534-535
rain (game), 982
Linux system requirements, 13-14
see also partitions
rand(), gawk, 447
RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol), 647
raw files, 372
RAWRITE utility, creating boot/root floppies, 45
rc (run command) files
configuring, 653-656
GNU, 197
Gopher, 829
rcol command, 336
RCS (Revision Control System), 905-906
accessing, 910
comparing revisions, 910-911
creating files, 907-908
deltas, 906-907
GNU, 197
information summaries, 909-910
keywords, 908-909
make utility, 912
merging revisions, 911
retrieving files, 908
rcsdiff command, 910-911
rcsmerge command, 911
rdev command, 572
read command, 280
read error, 62
read functions (device drivers), 934
read keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 820
read permission (files), 178
reading files, 303
ReadmeName variable (srm.conf), 839
READTIMEOUT variable (Gopher), 824
Rebuild Database mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
Receiver Inspector (ST/X Debugger), 563
receiving faxes with HylaFAX, 962-963
recode (GNU), 198
records (gawk), 441
Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), 92-94
Redirect variable (srm.conf), 839
redirecting input/output, 130-133
commands, 126
gawk, 440
Ghostscript, 430-431
regex (GNU), 198
relative filenames, 155
relative path references, 873
releases (Linux), 35
disk sets, 35, 37
XFree86, 390-391
see also versions
remote terminals
adding, 604-605
changing configurations, 605
configuring, 596
getty file, 599-601
logins, 599
multiport cards, 597
serial ports, 597-598
initializing drivers, 605-606
inittab files, 601-602
termcap file, 603-604
troubleshooting, 606
ttys files, 601-603
removable media (Linuxsystem requirements), 16-17
remove function (ST/X)
class categories, 549
class lists, 550
method categories, 551
method lists, 552
removing LILO, 86
rename function (ST/X)
class categories, 549
class lists, 550
method categories, 551
repeat statement (shell programming), 281
replacefiles, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 94
replacepkgs, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 94
replacing text
emacs editor, 316-317
vi editor, 309-311
report document class (LaTeX), 357
requests (print), 588
Require value (Limit directive), 840
Gopher, 816
Linux, 12
CD-ROMs, 16
hard disks, 14-15
minimum, 12
modems, 17
motherboard, 13-14
mouse, 16
multiport cards, 18
network cards, 18
printers, 17
removable media, 16-17
tape drives, 16
terminals, 17
video cards, 15
Wine (Windows Emulator), 940-941
XFree86, 391
reserved words, see commands; keywords
resetting remote terminals, 606
resolv.conf file, 678
configuring, 658
ResourceConfig variable (httpd.conf), 838
Ghostscript (X resources), 428-430
Ghostview, 435-436
respawn (inittab file), 602
restart command (printers), 594
restart function (ST/X Debugger), 564
restoring backup files, 580
Lone-Tar, 1016-1017
restricting access (passwords), 624
return function (ST/X Debugger), 564
return values (Perl functions), 521
Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), 647
Revision Control System, see RCS
revision keyword, RCS (Revision Control System), 909
right ceiling command, 336
right command, 336
right floor command, 336
right-alignments (LaTeX), 361
RIP (Routing Information Protocol), 647
rlog command, 909-910
rm command, 165-166
TeX formatting, 349
rmdir command, 167-168
roaches (xroach), 971
robots (game), 978-979
rogue (game), 974
roman fonts (TeX formatting), 349
root directory, 152-153, 169
root floppy, 42
creating, 45-46
images, 42, 44-45
compression, 44
installation, 60
root login, 570-571, 620-621, 627
compared to user logins, 120
dangers of, 107-109
first time, 109-111
kill command, 617
changing, 113
forgetting, 581
ps (process status) command, 612-613
root menu, xdm (games), 967
root partitions (floppy disks), 571-572
root.daemon (ownership), 592
round clocks (Smalltalk/X), 560
route command, 668-669
routers (smail utility), customizing, 715-717
close( ), 933
intr, 935
ioctl( ), 935
open( ), 932-933
start, 935
see also functions
routing (TCP/IP), 646-647
Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 647
routing tables (netstat command), 661
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 92-94
RS variable (gawk), 456
RTFTOHTML utility, 864
rules (horizontal), HTML tags, 877-878
run command, gdb (GNU debugger), 469
runlevels (inittab file), 602
running, see executing
runtime parameters, configuring (Wine), 942-943


\s command, 322
sail simulation (game), 978
<SAMP> tag, 875
SampleHistogram C++ class, 496
SampleStatistic C++ class, 496
sasteroids (game), 980-981
Save as function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
savehist (tcsh variable), 259
sbin directory, 170
getty file, 599-600
sbpcd boot floppy, 43
scheduling backups, 755-758
Lone-Tar, 1017
Scheme programming language, 198, 541
Scilab programming language, 541-542
screen (GNU), 198
Screen Area Hardcopy utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
ScreenSaver utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
<SCRIPT> tag, 883
ScriptAlias variable (srm.conf), 839
adduser, 629
CGI, see CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
deluser, 630
dip programs, 669-670
gawk, 453-454
installations (XFree86), 395
login, see login scripts
test.waisindex, 802
useradd, 629
userdel, 630
scrollbars (Tk programming), 531, 536
SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 638
devices, 642
CD-ROM drives, 641-642
device files, 640
hard drives, 640-641
supported, 640
tape drives, 642
standards, 638-639
troubleshooting, 65, 643-644
scsi boot floppy, 43
scsinet1 boot floppy, 43
scsinet2 boot floppy, 43
sd parameter (printcap file), 590
search engines (Linux), 33
search function, ST/X (Smalltalk), 562
search keyword (gopherdlocal.conf file), 820
search paths, 120-121
text, 303
emacs editor, 316-317
vi editor, 309-311
freeWAIS, see freeWAIS
results, 798-799
Web site, 798
SECONDS variable
bash, 222
pdksh, 241
sectors (hard disks), 71
boot sector, 71-74
anonymous FTP, 288, 794-795
auditing, 734-735
break-ins, what to do, 735
for files, 731
LANs, 734
modems, 731
callback modems, 731
dialup passwords, 732-733
line hangup problems, 732
passwords, 111-114
adduser command, 118
case-sensitivity of Linux, 109
changing, 113-114
FTP sites, downloading Linux, 29
login, 106
root login, forgetting, 581
users, 624
UUCP, 685, 693-694
weak, 730
changing for directories, 183-184
changing on files, 180-183
files, 178-179
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 792-793
umask settings, 179-180
root login, 581, 620
UUCP, 693-694, 733
WU FTP, 794
sed (GNU), 198
select statement (shell programming), 280
login names, 106-107, 115
passwords, 112
selector string field (Gopher), 815
send function (ST/X Debugger), 564
senders function (ST/X method lists), 552
senders view (Smalltalk/X), 554
sendfax command, 961-962
email (UUCP), 696
faxes (HylaFAX), 961-962
sendmail utility, 702
configuring, 703-704
building sendmail.cf file, 708-709
configuration tables, 706-708
sendmail.m4 file, 704-706
version 8, 709
sendmail.cf file, 703-704
building from sendmail.m4 file, 708-709
sendmail.m4 file, 704-706
building sendmail.cf file, 708-709
configuration tables, 706-708
Sendmail.mc file, 705
sense errors, troubleshooting SCSI devices, 65, 643
separator entries (Tk menus), 531, 535
Serial Line Internet Protocol, see SLIP
serial ports
printers, configuring/naming, 365
remote terminals, 597-598
adding, 604
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), 667
SERVEDIR (Gopher), 822
ServerAdmin variable (httpd.conf), 838
SERVERDATA variable (Gopher), 823
ServerName variable (httpd.conf), 838
SERVEROPTS variable (Gopher), 823-824
SERVERPORT variable (Gopher), 823
ServerRoot variable (httpd.conf), 838
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 286-288
Internet, Linux usage as, 11-12
configuring, 724-725
installing, 723-724
wabifs, 419
WWW (World Wide Web), 834-835
Apache, 843-848
compiling, 836
configuring, 837-841
installing, 835
starting, 841-843
XFree86, 393-394, 410-411
ServerType variable (httpd.conf), 838
service providers (Internet), 779
Gopher directories, listing on, 831
Internet, 777-778
users, 647
services file, configuring, 659
SERV_SEC file (freeWAIS), 804-805
sessions, gdb (GNU debugger), 470-474
set class (C++), 500
set command, 259, 311
Tcl programming, 527
Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 948
set owners and groups mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
set theory (geqn preprocessor), 335
setenv command, 297
SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 866
shadow password files, 624
share command, NFS (Network File System), 741
sharing gateways, 778-779
shell command, gdb (GNU debugger), 469
shell programming, 204-206, 262-264
back quotation marks (‘ ‘), 268
backslash (\), 268
bash shell, 207-208
aliases, 214-215
command history, 211-214
command-line completion, 208-209
commands, 221-222
customizing, 220-221
help command, 134, 136-137
input redirection, 215-216
job control, 219-220
output redirection, 216-217
pipes, 217
prompts, 218-219
variables, 222
wildcards, 209-211
Bourne shell (sh), 207
C shell (csh), 207
conditional statements, 272
case, 274-275
if-then-else, 272-274
creating programs, 262-263
double quotation marks (“ ”), 267
executing programs, 263-264
functions, 281-283
iteration statements, 276
for, 276-277
repeat, 281
select, 280
shift, 279
until, 278
while, 277-278
Korn shell (ksh), 207, 226
login, ps (process status) command, 612
pdksh shell, 207, 226
command aliases, 231-233
command history, 229-231
command-line completion, 226-228
commands, 240
customizing, 239
input redirection, 233
job control, 236
key bindings, 236-238
output redirection, 234
pipes, 234
prompts, 235-236
variables, 240-241
wildcards, 228-229
single quotation marks (’ ’), 267-268
starting shells, 206
tcsh shell, 207, 244
aliases, 248-249
change directory commands, 255
command history, 246-248
command-line completion, 244-245
commands, 258-259
customizing, 257-258
expressions, 270, 272
input and output redirection, 249
job control, 252
key bindings, 253-254
monitoring logins/logouts, 256-257
pipes, 250
precommands, 255
prompts, 251-252
spell check, 254-255
variables, 259
wildcards, 245-246
test command, 269-270
variables, 264
accessing values of, 265
assigning values to, 264-265
positional parameters, 265-266
wish (Tk programming), 525
shell prompts, 111
shells file, 626
shellutils (GNU), 198
shift command, 279
shogi (GNU), 193
shortcut keys, shutting down Linux, 573
show more function (ST/X Debugger), 564
show RC mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
shutdown command, 105-106, 573
shutting down
Linux, 104-106, 573
processes, 616-617
programs, 160
signature check mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 648
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 648
simulations (games), 978
sin(x), gawk, 446
single link list class (C++), 497
single quotation marks (’ ’), shell programming, 267-268
site names (FTP configurations), 789-790
sites, see FTP, sites; Web sites
size command, 337
paper (Ghostscript), 431
partitions, 53, 56
swap files, 576
Slackware distribution
disk sets, 36-37
XFree86, 392
slash, see backward slash; forward slash
slattach program, 667-668
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), 666-667
configuring, 667-669
dip program, 667, 669, 671
DNS connections, 678-679
dummy interfaces, 666-667
ifconfig command, 668-669
route command, 668-669
serial ports, 667
slattach program, 667-668
SLIPDISC (SLIP discipline), 667
Slip6, 668
SLIPDISC (SLIP discipline), 667
SLList class (C++), 497
smail utility, 702, 710
configuring, 710-711
network use, 714-715
UUCP, 712-714
router customization, 715-717
Small Computer Systems Interface, see SCSI
Smalltalk (GNU), 199
smart hosts (smail configuration), 714
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 648
snake (game), 979
command ouput, 132
ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 547
sndconfig utility, 374
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 648
soffice command, 1001
GNU, 186
acm, 187
Autoconf, 187
bash, 187
bc, 187
Binutils, 187
Bison, 188
C library, 188
C++ library, 188
Calc, 189
Chess, 189, 968, 977
CLISP, 189
cpio, 189
CVS (Concurrent Version System), 189
dc, 190
DejaGnu, 190
Diffutils, 190
ecc, 190
ed, 190
Elib, 190
Emacs, 190-191
es, 191
fileutils, 191
find, 191
finger, 191
flex, 192
Fontutils, 192
gas, 192
gawk, 192
gdb, 192
gdbm library, 192
Ghostscript, 193
Ghostview, 193
gmp, 193
GNats, 193
GnuGo, 194
gnuplot, 194
gperf, 194
graphics, 193
grep, 194
Groff, 194
gzip, 194
hp2xx, 194
indent, 195
Ispell, 195
m4, 195
make, 195
mtools, 195
MULE, 195
NetFax, 195
NetHack, 196
NIH Class Library, 196
nvi, 196
Octave, 196
Oleo, 196
p2c, 196
patch, 197
PCL, 197
perl, 197
ptx, 197
rc, 197
RCS (Revision Control System), 197
recode, 198
regex, 198
scheme, 198
screen, 198
sed, 198
Shellutils, 198
Shogi, 193
Smalltalk, 199
Superopt, 199
tar, 199
Termcap library, 199
Texinfo utilities, 199
Textutils programs, 200
Tile Forth, 200
time, 200
tput, 200
UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX copy), 200
uudecode, 200
uuencode, 200
wdiff, 200
installing, 92
installpkg utility, 95
LISA (Linux Installation and System Administration), 95-96
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 92-94
libraries, upgrading, 921-922
Web servers, 834-835
Apache, 843-848
compiling, 836
configuring, 837-841
installing, 835
starting, 841-843
sound cards, 372-373
configuring, 374-380
MiXViews, 384
Sound Studio utility, 384
splay utility, 382-383
srec utility, 382-383
troubleshooting, 381-382
vplay utility, 382-383
vrec utility, 382-383
WAVplay utility, 383
sound files, 372-373
Sound Studio, 384
source code, compiling kernel from, 918-920
source command, 259, 263
.sp (space) command, 322
sp functions (interrupts), 930
spacing (TeX formatting), 350-351
spawn category function (ST/X method categories), 551
spawn class function (ST/class categories), 549
spawn function (ST/X)
class categories, 549
class lists, 550
method categories, 551
method lists, 552
spawn hierarchy function (ST/X class lists), 550
speakers (drivers), 373
spec files (comments), 952
special characters
bash shell prompt, 218-219
gtbl preprocessor, 340
spell check (tcsh shell), 254-255
spider (game), 967-968
spiders (Web searching), 864-865
splay utility, 382-383
spool directories (printers), 169, 367, 590-591
printer requests, 588
spooling, disabling, 593
spreadsheets (StarCalc), 1004
spy file command, Wine (Windows Emulator), 946
sqrt command, 335
gawk, 446
square brackets ([ ])
commands, 133
geqn preprocessor, 336
TeX formatting, 353
square roots (geqn preprocessor), 335
srand(x), gawk, 447
src directories (Web server), 835
srec utility, 382-383
srm.conf file (Web servers)
Apache, 846
configuring, 838-839
ST/X (Smalltalk/X)
browsers, 547
Changes browser, 554-555
Class Hierarchy browser, 553
Directory browser, 556
editing functions, 561-562
File browser, 556-559
Implementors browser, 553
Senders view, 554
System browser, see System browser
Debugger, 563-564
Inspector, 563
installing, 544-545
Launcher menu, 546-547
games, 561
Goodies, 560-561
Projects, 559
utilities, 559-560
starting, 545
Transcript view, 546
workspace, 556
stacks classes (C++), 499
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 866
standards, SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 638-639
StarCalc, 1004
StarImage, 1005
StarImpress, 1004-1005
StarOffice, 1000
importing/exporting files, 1005-1006
installing, 1000-1001
StarCalc, 1004
StarImage, 1005
StarImpress, 1004-1005
starting, 1001-1002
StarWriter, 1003
start command
device drivers, 935
printers, 594
emacs editor, 313
freeWAIS, 805-806
GCC (GNU C Compiler), 465
Gopher, 829-831
Linux, 90, 104, 571
devices, installing, 61
dmesg program, 91
floppy disks, 571-572
install disks, 90-91
LILO, 572-573
mounting file systems, 574
troubleshooting, 65-66, 90
NFS (Network File System), 739-740
shells, 206
ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 545
StarOffice, 1001-1002
vi editor, 304-305
Web server software, 841-843
XFree86, 412
see also login
StartServers variable (httpd.conf), 838
StarWriter, 1003
STAT column, 141, 612
statement blocks (Perl programming), 513
exit, 460
for, 459-460
if, 457-458
next, 460
while, 459
getchar, 936
Perl programming
for, 516-517
foreach, 517-518
if, 514-515
unless, 515-516
until, 519
while, 518
printf, 936
shell programming
breaksw, 275
case, 274-275
conditional, 272-275
elif, 273
fi, 272
for, 276-277
foreach, 276
if-then-else, 272-274
iteration, 276-281
repeat, 281
select, 280
until, 278
while, 277-278
Tcl programming
for, 531-532
if, 530-531
switch, 531-533
while, 531-532
see also commands
statically linked libraries, 7
status command (printers), 594
status-line commands (vi editor), 305
step command, gdb (GNU debugger), 469
step function (ST/X Debugger), 564
stop command (printers), 594
stopping, see shutting down
storage (backups), 755
strategy functions (device drivers), 933-934
streams (C++ programming), 495
C++ classes, 495-496
gawk, comparing, 445-447
tcsh expressions, 271
test command, 270
Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language), 507-509
puts, 524
strong passwords, 112
<STRONG> tag, 875
stty command, 605
stty sane command, 606
style HTML tags, 875
su command, 145-146, 635
sub command, 333
subdirectories, 152
Web server, 835
subroutines (Perl), 519
arguments, passing, 520
creating, 519
return values, 521
running, 520
subscripts (geqn preprocessor), 333-334
suffix rules (make utility), 904-905
sum character (TeX formatting), 353
sum command, 335
summaries, RCS (Revision Control System), 909-910
summations (geqn preprocessor), 335
Sun Web site, 881
Sunsite FTP site, 28
sup command, 333
superopt (GNU), 199
SuperProbe utility, 398-400
superscripts (geqn preprocessor), 333-334
superuser login, see root login
support directories (Web server), 835
swais, 802
swap partitions
creating, 57-58
Linux installation, 48, 52
swap space, 7
creating files used as, 576-577
swapoff command, 576
swapon command, 58, 576
switch statement, Tcl (Tool Command Language), 531
fdisk utility, 56
tar program, 760, 762
symbolfile command, Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 948
symbolic setting of permissions, 181
LaTeX, 359
mathematical (TeX formatting), 353
Perl programming, 507-508
TeX, 347-348
SymLinksIfOwnerMatch value (Options directive), 841
synchronous command, Wine (Windows Emulator), 946
sys group, 633
sys login, 627
sysinit (inittab file), 602
syslog, PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 675
syslog.conf file, 675
system administrators, 108
System browser
class categories, 548-549
class lists, 549-550
code view, 553
definitions, 552
instances, 548
method category lists, 551
method lists, 552
system consoles (remote terminals), 596
adding, 604-605
changing configurations, 605
getty file, 599-601
initializing drivers, 605-606
inittab file, 601-603
logins, 599
multiport cards, 597
serial ports, 597-598
termcap file, 603-604
troubleshooting, 606
ttys file, 601-603
system files, 150
ownership, 175
system groups, 633
system name
configuring, 580-581
UUCP, 684
system partitions, 91-92
system password file, 206
system prompt, 111
system requirements, see requirements
system response time, loading Web sites, 888-889


}T (end of text) command, 342
.T& (table continue) command, 341
t characters (Perl programming), 508
t option (ls command), 128
t switch
fdisk utility, 56
tar program, 760
T{ (start of text) command, 342
.ta (tab) command, 324
table of contents, creating (LaTeX), 360
gtbl preprocessor, 338
command options, 339
data entry, 342
examples, 342-343
executing, 338-339
format section, 339-341
LaTeX, 361
tabs (groff text-formatting utility), 324
tags (HTML), 866-868
calling CGI programs, 851-852
character formatting, 875-876
comments, 871-872
horizontal rules, 877-878
hyperlinks, 872-873
lists, 873-875
paragraphs, 870-871
preformatted text, 876-877
proper use of, 891-892
<SCRIPT>, 883
starting documents, 869-870
tail output command, 133
tape drives
backups, 755
Linux system requirements, 16
SCSI devices, 642
troubleshooting, 643
tar program, troubleshooting, 761-762
tape root floppy images, 44
tar (tape archiver) utility, 578-579, 759
backups, 759-762
compared to Lone-Tar, 1008
GNU software, 199
read error, 62
targets (Linux installation), 60
Taylor UUCP configuration, 683-687
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 524
backslash, 529
braces ({ }), 529-530
commands, substituting, 528
comments, 531, 533
for statement, 531-532
if statement, 530-531
quotes, 529-530
switch statement, 531-533
variables, 527-528
while statement, 531-532
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 646
relationship with FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 787-789
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 9, 646-648
broadcast addresses, 651-652
configuring, 649, 653
host files, 656-657
host.conf files, 657
hostname files, 659-660
networks files, 657
protocols files, 658
rc (run command) files, 653-656
resolv.conf files, 658
services files, 659
gateway addresses, 652
IP addresses, 650-653
loopbacks, 648
modems, 649
nameserver addresses, 652
network addresses, 651
network cards, 648-649
network masks, 651
troubleshooting, 660-662
tcsh shell, 207, 244
aliases, 248-249
change directory commands, 255
command history, 246-248
command-line completion, 244-245
commands, 258-259
customizing, 257-258
expressions, 270, 272
input and output redirection, 249
job control, 252
key bindings, 253-254
monitoring logins/logouts, 256-257
pipes, 250
precommands, 255
prompts, 251-252
spell check, 254-255
variables, 259
wildcards, 245-246
.TE (table end) command, 338
Telnet, 295-297, 647
telnet command, 296
TEMP environment variable (Ghostscript), 432
termcap file (terminal capabilities), 603-604
termcap library (GNU software), 199
Linux system requirements, 17
remote, 596
adding, 604-605
changing configurations, 605
getty file, 599-601
initializing drivers, 605-606
inittab file, 601-603
logins, 599
multiport cards, 597
serial ports, 597-598
termcap file, 603-604
troubleshooting, 606
ttys file, 601-603
virtual, 122-123
terminate function (ST/X Debugger), 564
terminators, SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 638
test command, 269-270
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 94
test files (freeWAIS), 802
test.waisindex script, 802
FTP systems, 793
makefiles, 901
Tetris (game), 979
xhextris, 972
xtetris, 968-969
TeX, 346-347
fonts, 349
formatting, 347-349
graphics, inserting, 353-354
group formatting, 352
IniTex, 362
LaTex, 356
characters, 359
document classes, 357-358
formatting, 359-361
graphics, inserting, 361
packages, 358-359
layout, 351-352
macros, 354-356
mathematical notation, 352-353
spacing, 350-351
VirTex, 362
Texinfo utilities, 199
buffers, 303-304
copying/moving, 303
emacs editor, 316
vi editor, 308-309
deleting, 303
emacs editor, 314-315
vi editor, 308
geqn preprocessor, 337
groff text-formatting utility, 323
mm (memorandum macros) program, 328
footnotes, mm (memorandum macros) program, 328
formatting (HTML tags), 875-876
indenting (groff text-formatting utility), 323, 325
inserting, 303
vi editor, 305-306
lists, mm (memorandum macros) program, 326-327
paragraphs and headers, mm (memorandum macros) program, 326
point size and line spacing (groff text-formatting utility), 321-322
preformatted (HTML tags), 876-877
quoted (geqn preprocessor), 337
reading/writing files, 303
searching/replacing, 303
emacs editor, 316-317
vi editor, 309-311
see also files
text adventure games, 974-975
text editors, see editors
text mode
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 291-292
vi editor, 305
text-based installations, 47-48
textutils programs, 200
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294-295, 647
threads (news articles), 726
.ti (temporary indent) command, 324
Tile Forth, 200
time (GNU software), 200
TIME column, 141, 612
TimeOut variable (httpd.conf), 838
timeouts, troubleshooting SCSI, 65
at utility, 770
UUCP access, changing, 692-693
tin newsreader, configuring, 727
tind daemon, 727
<TITLE> tag, 868-869
titles, creating (LaTeX), 360
Tk programming, 525-526, 531, 534
buttons, 534
frames, 534
list boxes, 536
menus, 535
scrollbars, 536
tkWWW (HTML authoring tool), 862-863
TN3270 terminal emulation, 297
Gopher requirements, 816
to command, 335
Tool Command Language, see Tcl
topq command (printers), 594
tput, 200
trace TFTP command, 294
tracking intruders, 734-735
transcript utility (Smalltalk/X), 559
transfer modes, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 291-292
TransferLog variable (httpd.conf), 838
transferring files
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), see FTP
Telnet, 295-297
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294-295, 647
UUCP, 696-699
HDB UUCP configuration, 689-690
Taylor UUCP configuration, 686-687
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, see TCP/IP
Trek simulation (game), 978
trigonometry functions (gawk), 446-447
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), 294-295, 647
trn newsreader, configuring, 726-727
troff text-formatting utility, 320
backups, 754-755
logs, 758-759
scheduling, 755-758
storage media, 755
file systems, 575-576
LILO, 87
disk parameter problems, 69-70
Linux installations, 62
devices, 63-64
hard disks, 62-63
SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 65
lpc utility, 593
maintenance disk, 581
printers, 596
remote terminals, 606
root login, forgetting passwords, 581
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 94
SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface), 643-644
sound cards, 381-382
starting Linux, 65-66, 90
tar program, 759-762
floppy disks, 762
tape devices, 761-762
TCP/IP, 660
netstat command, 660-661
ping, 662
Wabi (Metro X 3.1.2 conflicts), 418
XFree86, 412
trusted hosts, 734
.TS (table start) command, 338-339
tset command, 605-606
<TT> tag (monospaced font), 876
TTY column, 141, 611
tty group, 633
tty root floppy images, 44
ttys file, 599, 601-603
type codes (Gopher files), 816
type field (Gopher files), 815, 828-829
TypesConfig variable (httpd.conf), 838
typesetting, writing comparison, 346
Typhoon (database program), 998


-u option, ps (process status) command, 613
u characters (Perl programming), 508
u command (vi editor), 308
u switch (tar program), 760
UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 646
UID, see user ID
<UL> tag, 874
umask command, 179-180
settings, 731
changing, 179-180
umount command, 262, 575
umsdos root floppy images, 44
UMSDOS utility, 54
unalias command, 214, 221, 232, 240, 249, 259
uncompressing Web server software, 835
Apache, 843-844
underscore (_), filenames, 151
undoing text edits (emacs editor), 314
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), 858
uninstall mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
union command, 335
units of measure (TeX formatting), 350
UNIX, learning with Linux, 10-11
unless statement (Perl programming), 515-516
unmounting CD-ROMs, 98-99
unnamed buffers, 308
untaring Web server files, 835
until statement
Perl programming, 519
shell programming, 278
up command (printers), 594
up function (ST/X directories), 556
update function (ST/X)
changes lists, 555
class categories, 549
update sourcefile from change function (ST/X changes lists), 555
kernel, 916-917
libraries, 921-922
LILO, 70
Linux, 37
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 858
Usenet, 720, 1034-1035
Linux help, 20-22
newsreaders, 725
tin, 727
trn, 726-727
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), 720, 722-723
configuring nntpd, 724-725
installing nntpd, 723-724
overview of transfer process, 720-722
usepackage command, 358-359
USER column, 142, 613
User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 646
user ID (UID), 117, 625
FTP sites, downloading Linux, 29
passwd file, 622
user variable (httpd.conf), 838
useradd script, 629
userdel script, 630
UserDir variable (srm.conf), 839
username field (passwd file), 622
adding, 627-629
deleting, 630-631
groups, 176-177
adding to, 634
changing ownership, 177
logins, see logins
managing, 621-622
passwd file, 622
comments, 625-626
fields, 622-623
group ID, 625
home directory, 626
login command, 626-627
passwords, 624
user ID, 625
usernames, 623, 627
services, 647
su command, 145-146
usr directory, 169
addgroup, 633
at, 769-771
BOOTACTV, 75, 77
cfdisk, 48
compress, 577
ConfigFX86, 396, 400-401
cron (chronograph), 580, 764
access control, 764
commands, 769
crontab file, 764-768
scheduling Lone-Tar backups, 1017
dvi2ps, 347
e2fsck, 575
efsfck, 576
fdisk, 48, 51
creating partitions, 52-53
Linux version, 55-56
FIPS, 51
FM2HTML, 863
fsck, 575-576
ftpmail, 33-34, 1027-1028
fx86config, 396, 400-401
getty, 599-601, 732
Ghostview, 424, 432-433
controls, 433-434
fonts, 434-435
resources, 435-436
Gopher requirements, 816
gopherls, 831
groupadd, 633
gs, 426-427
gzip, 168, 577
boot/root floppies, creating, 45-46
GNU, 194
IDA, 703-704
indent, 479-481
installpkg, 95
LILO, see LILO (LInux LOader)
lpc, 367-368, 595
commands, 593-594
printers, 592-594
make, 896-898, 900
dependencies, 898-899
macros, 901-904
multiple program versions, 900-901
RCS, 912
recompiling, 901
suffix rules, 904-905
testing, 901
MiXViews, 384
mke2fs, 59, 575
mkswap, 58, 576
mthreads, 726-727
pkgtool, 61-62
boot/root floppies, 45
sendmail, 702
configuring, 703-709
version 8, 709
smail, 702, 710
configuring, 710-715
router customization, 715-717
sndconfig, 374
Sound Studio, 384
splay, 382-383
srec, 382-383
ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 559-560
SuperProbe, 398-400
tar (tape archiver), 578-579, 759
backups, 759-762
compared to Lone-Tar, 1008
GNU software, 199
read error, 62
Texinfo, 199
uuchck, 686
vplay, 382-383
vrec, 382-383
WAVplay, 383
winestat, Wine (Windows Emulator), 951-952
xfsck, 576
xmkmf, Wine (Windows Emulator), 944
see also commands; programs
uuchck utility, 686
uucico command, 690
UUCP (UNIX to UNIX CoPy), 200, 682
addresses, 694-696
configuring, 682-683
HDB UUCP configuration, 688-690
Taylor UUCP configuration, 683-687
connections, 690
access times, changing, 692-693
direct, 691
email, sending, 696
file transfer, 696-698
checking status of, 698-699
login scripts, 691-692
passwords, 685
security, 693-694, 733
sendmail version 8, 709
smail utility, configuring, 712-714
uucp command, 626, 696-698
uucp login, 626-627
uucprelays file, 708
uucpxtable file, 708
uudecode, 200
uuencode, 200
uustat command, 698-699
.ux (underline) command, 323


v option (ls command), 129
v switch
fdisk utility, 56
tar program, 760-761
AllowOverride variable (Web servers), 841
CFLAGS variable (Web servers), 836
Limit directive (Web servers), 840
Options directive (Web servers), 840-841
Perl functions, 521
printcap files, 590
values operator (Perl programming arrays), 512
<VAR> tag, 875
variable search function (ST/X class lists), 550
access.conf-dist (Web servers), 839-840
AllowOverride (Web servers), 841
bash shell
summary of, 222
environment, 138-140
gawk, 454-457
Ghostscript, 432
Gopher, 823-824
httpd.conf (Web servers), 837-838
Makefile (Web servers), 836
pdksh shell
PS1, 235
PS2, 235
summary of, 240-241
Perl (Practical Extraction and Report Language), 506
shell programming, 264
accessing values of, 265
assigning values to, 264-265
positional parameters, 265-266
srm.conf (Web servers), 838-839
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 527
tcsh shell
correct, 254
cwdcmd, 255
histfile, 246
precmd, 255
summary of, 259
watch, 256
VDDs (Virtual Device Drivers), Wine (Windows Emulator), 953
verbatim (LaTeX), 361
verbose command
SuperProbe utility, 400
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 294
verify mode, RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), 93
files (Lone-Tar), 1015-1016
hyperlinks, 865
verse (LaTeX), 361
version function (ST/X changes lists), 555
Linux, 26
RCS (Revision Control System), 905-906
access, 910
comparing revisions, 910-911
creating files, 907-908
deltas, 906-907
information summaries, 909-910
keywords, 908-909
make utility, 912
merging revisions, 911
retrieving files, 908
XFree86, 390-391
see also releases
vertical bars (geqn preprocessor), 336
vfill command (TeX formatting), 350
vi editor, 304
command mode, 230
command summary, 312
compared to emacs editor, 227
copying/moving text, 308-309
deleting text, 308
exiting, 306-307
inserting text, 305-306
modes of, 305
moving the cursor, 307
preferences, 311-312
searching/replacing text, 309-311
starting, 304-305
video cards
installation, 49
system requirements, 15
XF86Config file, 409-410
XFree86, 393-394
ConfigFX86 utility, 400-401
SuperProbe utility, 398-400
video games, 978
Robots, 978-979
sasteroids, 980-981
snake, 979
Tetris, 979
worm, 979
View Hardcopy utility (Smalltalk/X), 560
vipw command, 629
VirTeX, 362
Virtual Device Drivers (VDDs), Wine (Windows Emulator), 953
virtual functions (C++ programming), 492-493
virtual terminals, 122-123
vmlinux file (boot floppy disks), 571
vmlinuz file (boot floppy disks), 571
voc files, 373
vplay utility, 382-383
vrec utility, 382-383
.vs (vertical space) command, 322
vskip command (TeX formatting), 350
VULCANIZE utility, 864


w switch
fdisk utility, 56
tar program, 760
Wabi (Windows Application Binary Interface), 416-417
installing, 418
Metro X 3.1.2 conflicts, 418
Windows 3.x applications, 419-420
Windows 95 applications, 420
wabifs server, 419
WAIS (Wide Area Information Service), 798
freeWAIS, 798, 800
installing, 800-802
setting up, 802-805
starting, 805-806
Gopher configurations, 825-826
creating, 806, 810-811
files, 807-808
results, 798-799
Web site, 798
wais-test directory, 802
waisindex command, 802-803, 806, 808-810
WAISMAXHITS variable (Gopher), 824
waisq, 802
wait (inittab file), 602
watch command, gdb (GNU debugger), 469
watch variable (tcsh), 256, 259
wav files, 373
WAVplay utility, 383
wc command, 215, 233
wdiff, 200
weak passwords, 112, 730
Web browsers, 866
Web pages, see home pages
Web sites
Apache, 843
CERN, 834
design, see home pages, design
Linux, 33-34
NCSA, 834
Plexus, 834
Sun, 881
system response time, 888-889
WAIS, 798
Wine (Windows Emulator), 941
WebCrawler, 865
while statement
gawk, 459
Perl programming, 518
shell programming, 277-278
Tcl (Tool Command Language), 531-532
who command, 121-122
widgets (Tk programming), 531
buttons, 534
frames, 534
list boxes, 536
menus, 535
scrollbars, 536
wildcards, 138
bash shell, 209-211
copying files, 164-165
FTP commands, 785
pdksh shell, 228-229
tcsh shell, 245-246
Win32 (32-bit Windows API), Wine, 953
Window Tree utility (Smalltalk/X), 559
HTML authoring tools, 859-862
Linux interface with, 8
Windows 3.x applications (Wabi), 419-420
Windows 95 applications (Wabi), 420
Wine (Windows Emulator), 940
building, 944
commands, 945-946
configuring, 942
configuration parameters, 944-945
runtime parameters, 942-943
xmkmf utility, 944
debugger, 947-948
finding, 941
graphics library, 949
installing, 942
killing sessions, 953
printing, 953
compatibility, 951
loading, 948-949
running, 950-951
requirements, 940-941
VDDs (Virtual Device Drivers), 953
Win32 (32-bit Windows API), 953
Windows comparison, 950
winestat utility, 951-952
winestat utility, Wine (Windows Emulator), 951-952
WinMain() function, 949
wiring serial ports (remote terminals), 597-598
wish (Tk programming), 525
word games, 976
word processing (StarWriter), 1003
worksheets (StarCalc), 1004
workspace views, ST/X (Smalltalk/X), 546
World Wide Web Worm (WWWW), 865
worm (game), 979
worms (game), 982
WPTOHTML utility, 863
write back function (ST/X changes lists), 555
write functions (device drivers), 934
write permission
directories, 183
files, 178
WRITETIMEOUT variable (Gopher), 824
files, 303
typesetting comparison, 346
WU FTP (security), 794
wump (game), 975
WWW (World Wide Web), 777, 834
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 850
HTML, relationship with, 851-852
overview, 850-851
programming with Perl, 852-855
hyperlinks, 834
servers, 834-835
Apache, 843-848
compiling, 836
configuring, 837-841
installing, 835
starting, 841-843
sites, see Web sites
WWWW (World Wide Web Worm), 865


games, 966-967
GNU Chess, 968
ico, 970
Maze, 970
Puzzle, 968
Spider, 967-968
xbombs, 972
in xdm Root menu, 967
Xeyes, 971
xfractint, 973
xgas, 971
xhextris, 972
xlander, 969
Xlogo, 971
xmahjongg, 969
xpaint, 973
xroach, 971
xtetris, 968-969
xvier, 970
Linux installation, 47-50
XFree86, see XFree86
X command (vi editor), 308
x command, Wine debugger (Windows Emulator), 948
X resources (Ghostscript), 428-430
x switch (tar program), 760
X Window, see XFree86
xBase database programming language, 986-987
xbombs (game), 972
Xconfig file, 397-398, 401-402
keyboards, 403-404
monitors, 406-408
mouse, 404-406
pathnames, 402-403
servers, 410-411
video cards, 409-410
xdm Root menu (games), 967
xdvi program, 346
xeyes (game), 971
XF86Config file, 397-398, 401-402
keyboards, 403-404
monitors, 406-408
mouse, 404-406
pathnames, 402-403
servers, 410-411
video cards, 409-410
xfractint (game), 973
XFree86, 8, 390
configuring, 396-397
ConfigFX86 utility, 400-401
files, 398
SuperProbe utility, 398-400
Xconfig file, see Xconfig file
XF86Config file, see XF86Config file
directories, 392-393
distribution, 392
automatically, 395
manually, 394-395
PATH environment variable, 395-396
requirements, 391
servers, 393-394
starting, 412
versions, 390-391
xinitrc file, 412-414
xfsck utility, 576
xgas (game), 971
xhextris (game), 972
xhost command, 296
xia filesystem partitions, creating, 59
xinitrc file, 412-414
xlander (game), 969
xlogo (game), 971
xmahjongg (game), 969
xmkmf utility (Wine), configuring, 944
xpaint (game), 973
xroach (game), 971
xt boot floppy, 44
xtetris (game), 968-969
xvier (game), 970
xwais, 802
xxgdb (GNU debugger), 474


Y command (vi editor), 308
yanking text, 308
YP (yellow pages), 746
ypbind, 748
ypinit command, 748-749
ypserv daemon, 748
yw command (vi editor), 309
yy command (vi editor), 308
zmodem (Gopher requirements), 816

Table of Contents